[Open] Holiday Sale Update

Posted 2 years ago :: Last edited 2 years ago by Artha-Demon

Gift One Get One sale!


Any purchase using USD has a special Gift One Get One sale for all of December! Purchase a gift for somebody else using USD (Including Arcanium purchases), you get something of equal value completely free! Arcanium included; you can purchase Arcanium for somebody as a gift and get an equal amount yourself. If you can't decide what you want, you can get the value in Arcanium, essentially making the gift free, allowing you to use the Arcanium shop to get your reward!

Note that for the gift one get one sale, it must be bought from me directly. The pricing is all in the Arcanium Shop!

The only exception is the Full Lineageless Custom; these are not gift one get one. But everything else is included, including Legendaries and limited things!

This special is USD only and does not apply to Arcanium purchases.

Specialty Holiday Genes

Bundle: $35 (All the Holiday Genes in a bundle, a nice discount to get them all! 6 genes altogether!)
Individual: $10 apiece

A Reminder of the Holiday Genes!

Reindeer (Specialty Mutation) (Rnd) - A  Holiday themed fur mutation that creates long hair around the neck, covering neck scales. It is covered up by full neck manes like Elk, Lion and Barbary

Rudolph (Specialty Mutation) (Rud) - Nose turns red and glows, grants Darksight, color can change with Glimmer

Snowflake (Rare Marking) (Snf) - Marking, creates snowflakes or frost all over the Drakiri. White or blue, but can be glimmered to be other colors.

Tinsel (Rare Marking) (Tns) - Acts similar to stroke, allowing streaks of shiny gold or silver to appear in the mane, without needing glimmer or gradient. Tinsel can’t be affected by Glimmer, and must appear in gold, silver and shiny, or red, green or white with a shimmer effect restricted to it. This can be in gold or silver, a lighter color than the part below, or white.

Festive (Rare Marking) (Fsv) -  Makes a marking green or red (Or red and green for two-toned markings), and can have various holiday themed patterns in white on the affected markings as well as make the edges lacey and festive looking, resembling gift wrap. It can also be shiny or shimmery/sparkly. It can also create shiny ribbon inspired markings on the Drakiri in red, green, or red and green, with white festive themed edging or even patterns.

North Star (Specialty Mutation) (Nrs) - Creates a stylized star floating over the Drakiri’s head or around them somewhere. Several of these stars can be present around your Drakiri, and they can have shimmering trails behind them, seeming to swirl around your Drakiri like a stylized christmas star. They can appear to glow.

Arcanium Purchases

Arcanium is Drakiri's premium currency. It is equivilent in value of $1 per 1 Arcanium, though purchasing bundles can get you some bonuses added on for free, with bigger purchases giving you bigger bundles. DM me on Discord ( ArthaDemon#6123 ) to make your purchase and once confirmed, I will add your Arcanium to your account.

5-25 Arcanium will be the direct USD equivilent ($5 to $25)
26-100 Arcanium will get you a 10% bonus rounded up by one (So for a $50 purchase, will get  5 free Arcanium added to your purchase)
100-500 Arcanium will get you a 20% bonus! So if you purchase 100 Arcanium, you will get 20 Arcanium for free)
500+ Arcanium will get you a 30% bonus! So if you purchase 600 Arcanium, you will get 180 Arcanium for free)

Semicustoms and Other Stuff

You can use Arcanium to purchase Semicustoms and Character Transfer Tokens!

Arcanium Shop - Buy various items with Arcanium here! Magic Fish give you a starter slot.

Semicustom Price and Points Guide - Semicustoms are now on a point buy system, purchaseable with Arcanium in the Arcanium shop!

Character Transfer Price and Points Guide - Character Transfers are now on a point buy system, purchaseable with Arcanium in the Arcanium shop!



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