Show your Pride event!

Posted 2 years ago :: Last edited 2 years ago by Artha-Demon

With June here, it is time for Drakiri of all shapes, sizes and colors to show their pride in who they are, or show their support for their friends and family!

As we all know, Drakiri is an incredibly LGBTQ+ positive ARPG, with sexuality and gender identity encouraged and supported, and every June we have an event!

The Show your Pride event won't end in June, however, it will go through July as well!

For this event, any artwork or writing you do about your character showing their pride or support will be eligible to get a special loot box with a special currency called Pride Points. There is a claim to get this loot box, called the Show your Pride Event. It will give you between 10 and 30 Pride Points, which will be used in a special shop called the Pride Shop.

The Pride Shop currently has a new marking called Pride Flag!

You can find more on Pride Flag here: Pride Flag Marking Information

You can also get the Pride ability, and even work towards the Legendary Marking Spectrum or a Chroma coat mod bundle!

Coming soon, will be Pride Flag frames as well!

Have fun!


Event Name: Show your Pride
Event Description: Drakiri showing their pride, or supporting their friends in the LGBTQ+ Community. Any art or writing with LGBTQ+ themes count for this event, from a character simply holding a flag to in depth looks at the character as they go on their personal journey. Of course, straight/cis Drakiri can show their support as well!
Event Requirements: A fullbody flat colored drawing with a simple background or 800 words written
Claim to Use when Submitting: Show your Pride Event

Drakiri URL:
Drakiri Name:
(Repeat for each Drakiri shown)
Drawing/Artwork URL:
Other Info: Anything extra information you feel is needed

Limit of 5 Draks per work. Staff will add the loot table to the rewards when the claim is processed.



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