Site Sales

[Open] Black Friday Flash Sale!

Posted 1 year ago :: Last edited 1 year ago by Artha-Demon

Note that any Arcanium purchases will need to wait until claims open back up. USD purchases will be handled by me (Artha) through DMs on Discord (Cryptid-Artha#6123 if you aren't in the server)

This sale ends November 27th! This is a black friday AND Cyber Monday sale!

All prices are adjusted for this sale already, so the prices appearing here are good!

Arcanium Purchases

Arcanium is Drakiri's premium currency. It is equivilent in value of $1 per 1 Arcanium, though purchasing bundles can get you some bonuses added on for free, with bigger purchases giving you bigger bundles. DM me on Discord ( ArthaDemon#6123 ) to make your purchase and once confirmed, I will add your Arcanium to your account.

For this sale, Arcanium is half off! So it's $2 Arcanium for $1 USD! Bundle bonuses are also doubled for this sale!

5-25 Arcanium will be the direct USD equivilent ($5 to $25)
26-100 Arcanium will get you a 10% bonus rounded up by one (So for a $50 purchase, will get  5 free Arcanium added to your purchase)
100-500 Arcanium will get you a 20% bonus! So if you purchase 100 Arcanium, you will get 20 Arcanium for free)
500+ Arcanium will get you a 30% bonus! So if you purchase 600 Arcanium, you will get 180 Arcanium for free)

Arcanium can be used in the Arcanium shops for items, mutagens, and similar!


Items (This Sale Only, they are usually in the Arcanium shop, but they are half off for USD)

Common Gene (Ability, Marking, coat changer)

Uncommon Gene (Ability, Marking, coat changer)

Rare Gene (Ability, Marking, Mutation, Magic Mutation, coat changer)

Legendary Gene (Ability, Marking, Mutation)

Advanced Fertility Potion

Ancient Fertility Statue

Fertility Potion

Go Fuck Yourself

Magic Fish (Starter slot)

Rites Voucher (Gives your Drak a single Rite, makes them breedable)

Full Rites Voucher (Gives your Drakiri all three rites, meaning they get 100 MP and get leveled up to Level 1
$40 (Usually $80, rarely available)

Coat Modifier Bundle (2 Modifiers)

Coat Modifier Bundle (3 Modifiers)

Chroma Modifier Bundle (Rainbow!)
$35 (Usually $70)


Common breed change token

Uncommon breed change token

Rare Breed Change Token

Crossbreed Token

Uncommon Physical Trait

Uncommon Physical Trait Bundle

Rare Physical Trait

Rare Physical Trait Bundle

Common Trait Lootbox (Marking or ability)

Uncommon Trait Lootbox (Marking or Ability)

Rare Trait Lootbox (Marking, Ability, Mutation, or Magic Mutation)

Loot box that can produce any marking

Random Genos (Usually in the Arcanium store, here they are half off)

Random Geno: Common

Random Geno: Uncommon

Random Geno: Rare

Random Geno: Legendary

Random Geno: Wildcard

Random Geno Addon: +

Random Geno Addon: Premium

Random Geno Addon: Platinum

Error 404 Ultra Wildcard (THIS SALE ONLY!!!!! Only 2 are available, first come first served, USD only)

Random Geno Addon: Random Uncommon Breed

Random Geno Addon: Random Rare Breed

Random Geno Addon: Random Crossbreed

Random Geno Addon: Choose an Uncommon Breed

Random Geno Addon: Choose a Rare Breed

Random Geno Addon: Choose a Crossbreed (Usually not available!)



No limit for this sale!

To purchase a Semicustom, DM me on Discord ( ArthaDemon#6123 ) and I will process your purchase and create your Semicustom geno slot. 

If you are purchasing with arcanium, go to the Semicustom Purchase claim, which can be found by going to "Submit" next to your username on the menu bar. Add the Arcanium from your bank and specify in the comment what you are purchasing. Either myself or another staff member will process your claim and create your geno slot. This applies to Character Transfer Tokens as well!

Base Price: $10
Included: Kainu, Mystic or Sprite with 3 Common Markings, 3 common abilities, 1 uncommon ability, and  1 Uncommon marking on a Common Basecoat with Common Traits.  For the October Sale only, you can choose one exclusive Halloween gene for no extra cost

+$5 Rare Build

+$4 Uncommon Build

-Crossbreeds will take the two build rarities, half the price, round up, then combine the prices together

+$4 Gold or Chestnut Basecoat
+$5 Black Basecoat
+$7 Epistatic White Basecoat

+3$ per common marking, limit of 5
+4$ per uncommon marking, limit of 4
+6$ per rare marking, limit of 3
+6$ per rare base coat modifier (Erythrism, Topaz, Jade, Sapphire) limit of 3
+4$ per Uncommon Base Coat Modifier (Darken, Dilute)
+$3 per Common Base Coat Modifier (Silver)
+$15 for a Legendary Marking, Limit of 1

+3 apiece, uncommon physical traits
+$7, Uncommon Trait Bundle (All traits uncommon, buy three get one free)

+$5 apiece, rare physical traits
+$15, Rare Trait Bundle (All traits rare, buy three get one free)

+15$ Normal or Magic mutation
+15 Legendary Mutations (Limit of 1)
Faults are Free

$3 per Common Ability, Limit of 3
$5 per Uncommon ability, Limit of 3
$7 per Rare Ability, Limit of 2
$15 per Legendary Ability, Limit of 1



Full Custom

Even these are on sale! There's two available! They are usually $1200, and are about to go up in price!

(These are cash only, no Arcanium! Payment plans fully allowed. VERY few full customs will ever be made available!)

The only limits to a Full Custom is the number of Legendaries that can be put on one Geno.  The first Legendary does not require a Legendary fault code, but any further legendaries applied will require it.

As a note, you MAY apply this to a Drakiri you already own to have their lineage wiped (Other than Legendaries) (Optionally, this can update any of their offspring as well) and have their own fault codes added. (This won't effect any offspring they already have)

$800 flat price (For now, these will eventually be auction only)
-Payment Plans allowed, can be discussed

-Limit of 1 Legendary Marking. 
-Limit of 1 Legendary Mutation
-Limit of 1 Legendary Ability
-Additional Legendaries can be added with an Applicator, but these will give you a Legendary Starter and the attached Legendary Fault Code.
-Limit of 30 markings
-Limit of 12 Mutations
-Limit of 12 Abilities
-More Abilities, Mutations and Markings can be added using Applicators. Only Legendaries will add fault codes and a starter if the one allowable Legendary is already used.
-Up to 3  common genes, 2 uncommon genes and 1 rare gene can be made Dominant. 
-Can be ANY Breed or Crossbreed
-Can use ANY Physical traits
-Comes with any cosmetic items you would like to add, even a Custom Base Token to be used on your full custom. Meaning you can draw it yourself or have somebody else draws it. (These rules are WIP, however; and this feature is not ready yet. The fact that it is a full custom will be noted in the geno's description for records so this can be upgraded to a custom base done by you or another artist you commissioned once that is done)
-They will get their own set of unique Fault Codes UNLESS extra Legendaries are added.

More Legendaries can be added with Applicators

Payment Plans are absolutely allowed! 25% should be paid up front, and the rest can be discussed. Note that if you change your mind, you won't receive a refund, HOWEVER, you will get Arcanium for the amount paid. If you want to start the payment plan back up, it WILL be allowed, and the Arcanium will simply go back into the purchase if you haven't spent it already! If you have, however, you will have to start a new purchase.

Character Transfer Tokens

Limit of 3 per user per sale

Have a beloved OC you would like to see in Drakiri's playground? Buy an adoptable that you wish could be in an ARPG? Did you sink time and money into an ARPG, only for it to shut down and leave you high and dry? Did you leave an ARPG for some reason or other, but really miss that special Import that meant so much to you over time, and dread starting all over again in a new ARPG?  Do you want to explore other versions of your ARPG character for paralell universe shennanigans? Then this is the place for you! For drastically reduced prices, far cheaper than a Semicustom, you can transfer your character in to the big sandbox that is Drakiri-ARPG! If they have art done of them, this gets counted towards MP, and if they had breeding rites completed for the ARPG they came from, they will have breeding rites active here, too!


  • You must own the character and have proof that you own them. You must have owned this character for at least three months.
  • They should resemble the character being transferred, to remain recognizable, however you are allowed to add on rewards you would have gotten from the other RPG, and you may add applicators, mutagens, and ability potions.
  • If the character is a human/humanoid, you are fully allowed to make this their humanoid form, with just a few things added to make them recognizeable as Drakiri. The rule of having a ref of their humanoid form still apply.
  • If they are an ARPG import, the original can absolutely still remain yours, and still be in use. Art done of the original will not count towards their Drakiri form after the date of their transfer, but everything from before will be transferred over. In fact, there will be an MP bonus  (+2 MP) if both versions of the character are depicted together!
  • This can not be used for genos! Same rules as Imports. This should be for genos from ARPG's that are dead, or ARPG's you have already left. You must own the geno. While it can not be enforced, it is preferred that you do not sell or use the geno in the ARPG it came from if it's one you left.
  • If transferring an existing import, we ask that you keep true to the original so they are recognizable, but encourage changes to make the character closer to your dream of what they could be, and make them fit into the Drakiri genetics better. If these changes fall under the price of the transfer token, then you don't have to upgrade it to add things!
  • You may not sell or trade the transferred Import or Geno for at least 3 months. You may gift it, though, and you may purchase tokens/transfers for your friends!



The base price is for any common or common/common crossbreed
Genes count for Markings, Mutations and Abilities.
Mutations are either rare (Normal and Magic) or Legendary (Legendary Mutations)

Transfer Tokens

$4 - Common Geno Transfer Token: Common Base Coat (Cream, Fawn) and up to 5 Common Markings, Common physical traits.

$5 - Uncommon Geno Transfer Token: Uncommon Base coat (Gold or Chestnut), up to 5 markings, common to uncommon, Common to Uncommon physical Traits. 

$8 - Rare Geno Transfer Token: Rare Base Coat (Black) OR Modified Common-Uncommon Base Coat (1 Modifier, a second one requires a Genobomb Upgrade), up to 5 genes Common to Rare, Common-Rare traits, 2 rare gene limit. (A magic or normal mutation counts as a rare trait)

$10 - Legendary Geno Transfer Token: Common to Rare Basecoat with 2 modifiers allowed, 5 genes, alongside a legendary gene.
(Wings are optional if your original character had wings. Their Drakiri form does not need them unless you want them to have them!)  


Genobomb Upgrades

+$5 Genobomb Upgrade
4 common genes, 3 uncommon genes, 2 rare genes, or 2 normal/magic mutations. The rare rare gene can cover another color mod, though the limit is 3. 

+$10 Legendary Genobomb Upgrade
1 Legendary Gene and 4 common genes, 3 uncommon genes or 2 rare genes or normal/magic mutations

Breed Upgrades

+$4 Uncommon Build Upgrade (Primal, Q'lin, Komakha)
+$6 Rare build upgrade (Dracus, Kelpie, Nightmare)
+$5 For an Uncommon Cross Upgrade (Common/Uncommon or Uncommon/Uncommon Crossbreeds. Common/Common crosses count under the base price)
+$7 for a Rare Cross Upgrade (Any crossbreed involving a rare breed)



This is, and never was, meant to be "Member Poaching" in any way, whatsoever. Any accusations otherwise will, from henceforth, be ignored. Transferring Imports from another ARPG is completely optional, and is aimed mostly at ARPG's that shut down, died, or people who have actually already left the other group. This journal is not being officially advertised, and is aimed, entirely, at people who are already Drakiri members.

[Open] May 2023 Arcanium Sale

Posted 1 year ago :: Last edited 1 year ago by Artha-Demon

Note that any Arcanium purchases will need to wait until claims open back up. USD purchases will be handled by me (Artha) through DMs on Discord (Cryptid-Artha#6123 if you aren't in the server)

This sale ends May 15th!

Arcanium Purchases

Arcanium is Drakiri's premium currency. It is equivilent in value of $1 per 1 Arcanium, though purchasing bundles can get you some bonuses added on for free, with bigger purchases giving you bigger bundles. DM me on Discord ( ArthaDemon#6123 ) to make your purchase and once confirmed, I will add your Arcanium to your account.

5-25 Arcanium will be the direct USD equivilent ($5 to $25)
26-100 Arcanium will get you a 10% bonus rounded up by one (So for a $50 purchase, will get  5 free Arcanium added to your purchase)
100-500 Arcanium will get you a 20% bonus! So if you purchase 100 Arcanium, you will get 20 Arcanium for free)
500+ Arcanium will get you a 30% bonus! So if you purchase 600 Arcanium, you will get 180 Arcanium for free)

Semicustom prices have been adjusted! They are now a little cheaper than they were!

Arcanium can be used in the Arcanium shops for items, mutagens, and similar!


Limit of 3 per player per sale

To purchase a Semicustom, DM me on Discord ( ArthaDemon#6123 ) and I will process your purchase and create your Semicustom geno slot. 

If you are purchasing with arcanium, go to the Semicustom Purchase claim, which can be found by going to "Submit" next to your username on the menu bar. Add the Arcanium from your bank and specify in the comment what you are purchasing. Either myself or another staff member will process your claim and create your geno slot. This applies to Character Transfer Tokens as well!

Base Price: $20
Included: Kainu, Mystic or Sprite with 3 Common Markings, 3 common abilities, 1 uncommon ability, and  1 Uncommon marking on a Common Basecoat with Common Traits.  For the October Sale only, you can choose one exclusive Halloween gene for no extra cost

+$10 Rare Build

+$8 Uncommon Build

-Crossbreeds will take the two build rarities, half the price, round up, then combine the prices together

+$8 Gold or Chestnut Basecoat
+$10 Black Basecoat
+$15 Epistatic White Basecoat

+5$ per common marking, limit of 5
+8$ per uncommon marking, limit of 4
+12$ per rare marking, limit of 3
+12$ per rare base coat modifier (Erythrism, Topaz, Jade, Sapphire) limit of 3
+8$ per Uncommon Base Coat Modifier (Darken, Dilute)
+$5 per Common Base Coat Modifier (Silver)
+$30 for a Legendary Marking, Limit of 1

+5 apiece, uncommon physical traits
+$15, Uncommon Trait Bundle (All traits uncommon, buy three get one free)

+$10 apiece, rare physical traits
+$30, Rare Trait Bundle (All traits rare, buy three get one free)

+10$ Normal or Magic mutation
+30 Legendary Mutations (Limit of 1)
Faults are Free

$5 per Common Ability, Limit of 3
$10 per Uncommon ability, Limit of 3
$15 per Rare Ability, Limit of 2
$30 per Legendary Ability, Limit of 1



Full Custom

(These are cash only, no Arcanium! Payment plans fully allowed. VERY few full customs will ever be made available!)
The only limits to a Full Custom is the number of Legendaries that can be put on one Geno.
If no Legendaries are chosen, they will gain their own fault codes which will be added in to the roller, making them completely unrelated to any other Drakiri with those markings, even rare ones.

As a note, you MAY apply this to a Drakiri you already own to have their lineage wiped (Other than Legendaries) (Optionally, this can update any of their offspring as well) and have their own fault codes added. (This won't effect any offspring they already have)

$1200 flat price (For now, these will eventually be auction only)
-Payment Plans allowed, can be discussed

-Limit of 1 Legendary Marking. 
-Limit of 1 Legendary Mutation
-Limit of 1 Legendary Ability
-Additional Legendaries can be added with an Applicator, but these will give you a Legendary Starter and the attached Legendary Fault Code.
-Limit of 30 markings
-Limit of 12 Mutations
-Limit of 12 Abilities
-More Abilities, Mutations and Markings can be added using Applicators. Only Legendaries will add fault codes and a starter if the one allowable Legendary is already used.
-Up to 3  common genes, 2 uncommon genes and 1 rare gene can be made Dominant. 
-Can be ANY Breed or Crossbreed
-Can use ANY Physical traits
-Comes with any cosmetic items you would like to add, even a Custom Base Token to be used on your full custom. Meaning you can draw it yourself or have somebody else draws it. (These rules are WIP, however; and this feature is not ready yet. The fact that it is a full custom will be noted in the geno's description for records so this can be upgraded to a custom base done by you or another artist you commissioned once that is done)
-They will get their own set of unique Fault Codes UNLESS extra Legendaries are added.

Payment Plans are absolutely allowed! 25% should be paid up front, and the rest can be discussed. Note that if you change your mind, you won't receive a refund, HOWEVER, you will get Arcanium for the amount paid. If you want to start the payment plan back up, it WILL be allowed, and the Arcanium will simply go back into the purchase if you haven't spent it already! If you have, however, you will have to start a new purchase.

Character Transfer Tokens

Limit of 3 per user per sale

Have a beloved OC you would like to see in Drakiri's playground? Buy an adoptable that you wish could be in an ARPG? Did you sink time and money into an ARPG, only for it to shut down and leave you high and dry? Did you leave an ARPG for some reason or other, but really miss that special Import that meant so much to you over time, and dread starting all over again in a new ARPG?  Do you want to explore other versions of your ARPG character for paralell universe shennanigans? Then this is the place for you! For drastically reduced prices, far cheaper than a Semicustom, you can transfer your character in to the big sandbox that is Drakiri-ARPG! If they have art done of them, this gets counted towards MP, and if they had breeding rites completed for the ARPG they came from, they will have breeding rites active here, too!


  • You must own the character and have proof that you own them. You must have owned this character for at least three months.
  • They should resemble the character being transferred, to remain recognizable, however you are allowed to add on rewards you would have gotten from the other RPG, and you may add applicators, mutagens, and ability potions.
  • If the character is a human/humanoid, you are fully allowed to make this their humanoid form, with just a few things added to make them recognizeable as Drakiri. The rule of having a ref of their humanoid form still apply.
  • If they are an ARPG import, the original can absolutely still remain yours, and still be in use. Art done of the original will not count towards their Drakiri form after the date of their transfer, but everything from before will be transferred over. In fact, there will be an MP bonus  (+2 MP) if both versions of the character are depicted together!
  • This can not be used for genos! Same rules as Imports. This should be for genos from ARPG's that are dead, or ARPG's you have already left. You must own the geno. While it can not be enforced, it is preferred that you do not sell or use the geno in the ARPG it came from if it's one you left.
  • If transferring an existing import, we ask that you keep true to the original so they are recognizable, but encourage changes to make the character closer to your dream of what they could be, and make them fit into the Drakiri genetics better. If these changes fall under the price of the transfer token, then you don't have to upgrade it to add things!
  • You may not sell or trade the transferred Import or Geno for at least 3 months. You may gift it, though, and you may purchase tokens/transfers for your friends!



The base price is for any common or common/common crossbreed
Genes count for Markings, Mutations and Abilities.
Mutations are either rare (Normal and Magic) or Legendary (Legendary Mutations)

Transfer Tokens

$8 - Common Geno Transfer Token: Common Base Coat (Cream, Fawn) and up to 5 Common Markings, Common physical traits.

$11 - Uncommon Geno Transfer Token: Uncommon Base coat (Gold or Chestnut), up to 5 markings, common to uncommon, Common to Uncommon physical Traits. 

$16 - Rare Geno Transfer Token: Rare Base Coat (Black) OR Modified Common-Uncommon Base Coat (1 Modifier, a second one requires a Genobomb Upgrade), up to 5 genes Common to Rare, Common-Rare traits, 2 rare gene limit. (A magic or normal mutation counts as a rare trait)

$20 - Legendary Geno Transfer Token: Common to Rare Basecoat with 2 modifiers allowed, 5 genes, alongside a legendary gene.
(Wings are optional if your original character had wings. Their Drakiri form does not need them unless you want them to have them!)  


Genobomb Upgrades

+$10 Genobomb Upgrade
4 common genes, 3 uncommon genes, 2 rare genes, or 2 normal/magic mutations. The rare rare gene can cover another color mod, though the limit is 3. 

+$20 Legendary Genobomb Upgrade
1 Legendary Gene and 4 common genes, 3 uncommon genes or 2 rare genes or normal/magic mutations

Breed Upgrades

+$8 Uncommon Build Upgrade (Primal, Q'lin, Komakha)
+$12 Rare build upgrade (Dracus, Kelpie, Nightmare)
+$10 For an Uncommon Cross Upgrade (Common/Uncommon or Uncommon/Uncommon Crossbreeds. Common/Common crosses count under the base price)
+$15 for a Rare Cross Upgrade (Any crossbreed involving a rare breed)



This is, and never was, meant to be "Member Poaching" in any way, whatsoever. Any accusations otherwise will, from henceforth, be ignored. Transferring Imports from another ARPG is completely optional, and is aimed mostly at ARPG's that shut down, died, or people who have actually already left the other group. This journal is not being officially advertised, and is aimed, entirely, at people who are already Drakiri members.

[Open] Error 404 Sale

Posted 1 year ago :: Last edited 1 year ago by Artha-Demon

It's been a hot minute since we had a sale, but now we have a special Error 404 Sale!

The Error is a strange and unique Drakiri, whose genes constantly change. No two breedings to the Error are the same!   A special Wildcard geno is generated for each breeding and paired with a Drak, with lots of markings, mutations, abilities, and can be ANY breed or crossbreed! The Error both exists... and doesn't, at the same time. It can appear numerous times in a lineage without causing any sort of inbreeding due to its unique nature.

Full Error 404 Slot
A full slot to the Error to use like any other slot

$85 Apiece

Single Geno Error 404 Slot
(Allows you to get one single geno from the Error and a Drak of your choice that you own or have a breeding permission to)

$30 Apiece

Single  Error 404 x Error 404 Geno
(Gets you a single geno breeding between the Error and the Error

$50 Apiece

Ultra Wildcard
(USD only, unlike the other 404 sales things. The rest can use Arcanium)
3 Available, 1 per person

$250 Apiece (These are crazy genos with a ton of markings and mutations! They will have starters and fault codes assigned for legendary and some rare markings)
$1200 if you want them to have their own set of Fault Codes once uploaded (A combination of Ultra Wildcard and Full Custom - in this case, you would be allowed to add to them and customize your geno. They would still have the Error in their lineage, but the Error does not effect chances at inbreeding

[Open] Holiday Sale Update

Posted 2 years ago :: Last edited 2 years ago by Artha-Demon

Gift One Get One sale!


Any purchase using USD has a special Gift One Get One sale for all of December! Purchase a gift for somebody else using USD (Including Arcanium purchases), you get something of equal value completely free! Arcanium included; you can purchase Arcanium for somebody as a gift and get an equal amount yourself. If you can't decide what you want, you can get the value in Arcanium, essentially making the gift free, allowing you to use the Arcanium shop to get your reward!

Note that for the gift one get one sale, it must be bought from me directly. The pricing is all in the Arcanium Shop!

The only exception is the Full Lineageless Custom; these are not gift one get one. But everything else is included, including Legendaries and limited things!

This special is USD only and does not apply to Arcanium purchases.

Specialty Holiday Genes

Bundle: $35 (All the Holiday Genes in a bundle, a nice discount to get them all! 6 genes altogether!)
Individual: $10 apiece

A Reminder of the Holiday Genes!

Reindeer (Specialty Mutation) (Rnd) - A  Holiday themed fur mutation that creates long hair around the neck, covering neck scales. It is covered up by full neck manes like Elk, Lion and Barbary

Rudolph (Specialty Mutation) (Rud) - Nose turns red and glows, grants Darksight, color can change with Glimmer

Snowflake (Rare Marking) (Snf) - Marking, creates snowflakes or frost all over the Drakiri. White or blue, but can be glimmered to be other colors.

Tinsel (Rare Marking) (Tns) - Acts similar to stroke, allowing streaks of shiny gold or silver to appear in the mane, without needing glimmer or gradient. Tinsel can’t be affected by Glimmer, and must appear in gold, silver and shiny, or red, green or white with a shimmer effect restricted to it. This can be in gold or silver, a lighter color than the part below, or white.

Festive (Rare Marking) (Fsv) -  Makes a marking green or red (Or red and green for two-toned markings), and can have various holiday themed patterns in white on the affected markings as well as make the edges lacey and festive looking, resembling gift wrap. It can also be shiny or shimmery/sparkly. It can also create shiny ribbon inspired markings on the Drakiri in red, green, or red and green, with white festive themed edging or even patterns.

North Star (Specialty Mutation) (Nrs) - Creates a stylized star floating over the Drakiri’s head or around them somewhere. Several of these stars can be present around your Drakiri, and they can have shimmering trails behind them, seeming to swirl around your Drakiri like a stylized christmas star. They can appear to glow.

Arcanium Purchases

Arcanium is Drakiri's premium currency. It is equivilent in value of $1 per 1 Arcanium, though purchasing bundles can get you some bonuses added on for free, with bigger purchases giving you bigger bundles. DM me on Discord ( ArthaDemon#6123 ) to make your purchase and once confirmed, I will add your Arcanium to your account.

5-25 Arcanium will be the direct USD equivilent ($5 to $25)
26-100 Arcanium will get you a 10% bonus rounded up by one (So for a $50 purchase, will get  5 free Arcanium added to your purchase)
100-500 Arcanium will get you a 20% bonus! So if you purchase 100 Arcanium, you will get 20 Arcanium for free)
500+ Arcanium will get you a 30% bonus! So if you purchase 600 Arcanium, you will get 180 Arcanium for free)

Semicustoms and Other Stuff

You can use Arcanium to purchase Semicustoms and Character Transfer Tokens!

Arcanium Shop - Buy various items with Arcanium here! Magic Fish give you a starter slot.

Semicustom Price and Points Guide - Semicustoms are now on a point buy system, purchaseable with Arcanium in the Arcanium shop!

Character Transfer Price and Points Guide - Character Transfers are now on a point buy system, purchaseable with Arcanium in the Arcanium shop!

[Open] Holiday Sale

Posted 2 years ago :: Last edited 2 years ago by Artha-Demon

Christmas Season Specials

Gift One Get One sale!


Any purchase using USD has a special Gift One Get One sale for all of December! Purchase a gift for somebody else using USD (Including Arcanium purchases), you get something of equal value completely free! Arcanium included; you can purchase Arcanium for somebody as a gift and get an equal amount yourself. If you can't decide what you want, you can get the value in Arcanium, essentially making the gift free, allowing you to use the Arcanium shop to get your reward!

The only exception is the Full Lineageless Custom; these are not gift one get one. But everything else is included, including Legendaries and limited things!

This special is USD only and does not apply to Arcanium purchases.


Specialty Holiday Genes

Bundle: $35 (All the Holiday Genes in a bundle, a nice discount to get them all! 6 genes altogether!)
Individual: $10 apiece

A Reminder of the Holiday Genes!

Reindeer (Specialty Mutation) (Rnd) - A  Holiday themed fur mutation that creates long hair around the neck, covering neck scales. It is covered up by full neck manes like Elk, Lion and Barbary

Rudolph (Specialty Mutation) (Rud) - Nose turns red and glows, grants Darksight, color can change with Glimmer

Snowflake (Rare Marking) (Snf) - Marking, creates snowflakes or frost all over the Drakiri. White or blue, but can be glimmered to be other colors.

Tinsel (Rare Marking) (Tns) - Acts similar to stroke, allowing streaks of shiny gold or silver to appear in the mane, without needing glimmer or gradient. Tinsel can’t be affected by Glimmer, and must appear in gold, silver and shiny, or red, green or white with a shimmer effect restricted to it. This can be in gold or silver, a lighter color than the part below, or white.

Festive (Rare Marking) (Fsv) -  Makes a marking green or red (Or red and green for two-toned markings), and can have various holiday themed patterns in white on the affected markings as well as make the edges lacey and festive looking, resembling gift wrap. It can also be shiny or shimmery/sparkly. It can also create shiny ribbon inspired markings on the Drakiri in red, green, or red and green, with white festive themed edging or even patterns.

North Star (Specialty Mutation) (Nrs) - Creates a stylized star floating over the Drakiri’s head or around them somewhere. Several of these stars can be present around your Drakiri, and they can have shimmering trails behind them, seeming to swirl around your Drakiri like a stylized christmas star. They can appear to glow.

Arcanium Purchases

Arcanium is Drakiri's premium currency. It is equivilent in value of $1 per 1 Arcanium, though purchasing bundles can get you some bonuses added on for free, with bigger purchases giving you bigger bundles. DM me on Discord ( ArthaDemon#6123 ) to make your purchase and once confirmed, I will add your Arcanium to your account.

5-25 Arcanium will be the direct USD equivilent ($5 to $25)
26-100 Arcanium will get you a 10% bonus rounded up by one (So for a $50 purchase, will get  5 free Arcanium added to your purchase)
100-500 Arcanium will get you a 20% bonus! So if you purchase 100 Arcanium, you will get 20 Arcanium for free)
500+ Arcanium will get you a 30% bonus! So if you purchase 600 Arcanium, you will get 180 Arcanium for free)

Semicustom prices have been adjusted! They are now a little cheaper than they were!

Arcanium can be used in the Arcanium shops for items, mutagens, and similar!


Limit of 3 per player per sale

To purchase a Semicustom, DM me on Discord ( ArthaDemon#6123 ) and I will process your purchase and create your Semicustom geno slot. 

If you are purchasing with arcanium, go to the Semicustom Purchase claim, which can be found by going to "Submit" next to your username on the menu bar. Add the Arcanium from your bank and specify in the comment what you are purchasing. Either myself or another staff member will process your claim and create your geno slot. This applies to Character Transfer Tokens as well!

Base Price: $20
Included: Kainu, Mystic or Sprite with 3 Common Markings, 3 common abilities, 1 uncommon ability, and  1 Uncommon marking on a Common Basecoat with Common Traits.  For the October Sale only, you can choose one exclusive Halloween gene for no extra cost

+$10 Rare Build

+$8 Uncommon Build

-Crossbreeds will take the two build rarities, half the price, round up, then combine the prices together

+$8 Gold or Chestnut Basecoat
+$10 Black Basecoat
+$15 Epistatic White Basecoat

+5$ per common marking, limit of 5
+8$ per uncommon marking, limit of 4
+12$ per rare marking, limit of 3
+12$ per rare base coat modifier (Erythrism, Topaz, Jade, Sapphire) limit of 3
+8$ per Uncommon Base Coat Modifier (Darken, Dilute)
+$5 per Common Base Coat Modifier (Silver)
+$30 for a Legendary Marking, Limit of 1

+5 apiece, uncommon physical traits
+$15, Uncommon Trait Bundle (All traits uncommon, buy three get one free)

+$10 apiece, rare physical traits
+$30, Rare Trait Bundle (All traits rare, buy three get one free)

+10$ Normal or Magic mutation
+30 Legendary Mutations (Limit of 1)
Faults are Free

$5 per Common Ability, Limit of 3
$10 per Uncommon ability, Limit of 3
$15 per Rare Ability, Limit of 2
$30 per Legendary Ability, Limit of 1



Full Custom

(These are cash only, no Arcanium! Payment plans fully allowed. VERY few full customs will ever be made available!)
The only limits to a Full Custom is the number of Legendaries that can be put on one Geno.
If no Legendaries are chosen, they will gain their own fault codes which will be added in to the roller, making them completely unrelated to any other Drakiri with those markings, even rare ones.

As a note, you MAY apply this to a Drakiri you already own to have their lineage wiped (Other than Legendaries) (Optionally, this can update any of their offspring as well) and have their own fault codes added. (This won't effect any offspring they already have)

$1200 flat price (For now, these will eventually be auction only)
-Payment Plans allowed, can be discussed

-Limit of 1 Legendary Marking. 
-Limit of 1 Legendary Mutation
-Limit of 1 Legendary Ability
-Additional Legendaries can be added with an Applicator, but these will give you a Legendary Starter and the attached Legendary Fault Code.
-Limit of 30 markings
-Limit of 12 Mutations
-Limit of 12 Abilities
-More Abilities, Mutations and Markings can be added using Applicators. Only Legendaries will add fault codes and a starter if the one allowable Legendary is already used.
-Up to 3  common genes, 2 uncommon genes and 1 rare gene can be made Dominant. 
-Can be ANY Breed or Crossbreed
-Can use ANY Physical traits
-Comes with any cosmetic items you would like to add, even a Custom Base Token to be used on your full custom. Meaning you can draw it yourself or have somebody else draws it. (These rules are WIP, however; and this feature is not ready yet. The fact that it is a full custom will be noted in the geno's description for records so this can be upgraded to a custom base done by you or another artist you commissioned once that is done)
-They will get their own set of unique Fault Codes UNLESS extra Legendaries are added.

Payment Plans are absolutely allowed! 25% should be paid up front, and the rest can be discussed. Note that if you change your mind, you won't receive a refund, HOWEVER, you will get Arcanium for the amount paid. If you want to start the payment plan back up, it WILL be allowed, and the Arcanium will simply go back into the purchase if you haven't spent it already! If you have, however, you will have to start a new purchase.

Character Transfer Tokens

Limit of 3 per user per sale

Have a beloved OC you would like to see in Drakiri's playground? Buy an adoptable that you wish could be in an ARPG? Did you sink time and money into an ARPG, only for it to shut down and leave you high and dry? Did you leave an ARPG for some reason or other, but really miss that special Import that meant so much to you over time, and dread starting all over again in a new ARPG?  Do you want to explore other versions of your ARPG character for paralell universe shennanigans? Then this is the place for you! For drastically reduced prices, far cheaper than a Semicustom, you can transfer your character in to the big sandbox that is Drakiri-ARPG! If they have art done of them, this gets counted towards MP, and if they had breeding rites completed for the ARPG they came from, they will have breeding rites active here, too!


  • You must own the character and have proof that you own them. You must have owned this character for at least three months.
  • They should resemble the character being transferred, to remain recognizable, however you are allowed to add on rewards you would have gotten from the other RPG, and you may add applicators, mutagens, and ability potions.
  • If the character is a human/humanoid, you are fully allowed to make this their humanoid form, with just a few things added to make them recognizeable as Drakiri. The rule of having a ref of their humanoid form still apply.
  • If they are an ARPG import, the original can absolutely still remain yours, and still be in use. Art done of the original will not count towards their Drakiri form after the date of their transfer, but everything from before will be transferred over. In fact, there will be an MP bonus  (+2 MP) if both versions of the character are depicted together!
  • This can not be used for genos! Same rules as Imports. This should be for genos from ARPG's that are dead, or ARPG's you have already left. You must own the geno. While it can not be enforced, it is preferred that you do not sell or use the geno in the ARPG it came from if it's one you left.
  • If transferring an existing import, we ask that you keep true to the original so they are recognizable, but encourage changes to make the character closer to your dream of what they could be, and make them fit into the Drakiri genetics better. If these changes fall under the price of the transfer token, then you don't have to upgrade it to add things!
  • You may not sell or trade the transferred Import or Geno for at least 3 months. You may gift it, though, and you may purchase tokens/transfers for your friends!



The base price is for any common or common/common crossbreed
Genes count for Markings, Mutations and Abilities.
Mutations are either rare (Normal and Magic) or Legendary (Legendary Mutations)

Transfer Tokens

$8 - Common Geno Transfer Token: Common Base Coat (Cream, Fawn) and up to 5 Common Markings, Common physical traits.

$11 - Uncommon Geno Transfer Token: Uncommon Base coat (Gold or Chestnut), up to 5 markings, common to uncommon, Common to Uncommon physical Traits. 

$16 - Rare Geno Transfer Token: Rare Base Coat (Black) OR Modified Common-Uncommon Base Coat (1 Modifier, a second one requires a Genobomb Upgrade), up to 5 genes Common to Rare, Common-Rare traits, 2 rare gene limit. (A magic or normal mutation counts as a rare trait)

$20 - Legendary Geno Transfer Token: Common to Rare Basecoat with 2 modifiers allowed, 5 genes, alongside a legendary gene.
(Wings are optional if your original character had wings. Their Drakiri form does not need them unless you want them to have them!)  


Genobomb Upgrades

+$10 Genobomb Upgrade
4 common genes, 3 uncommon genes, 2 rare genes, or 2 normal/magic mutations. The rare rare gene can cover another color mod, though the limit is 3. 

+$20 Legendary Genobomb Upgrade
1 Legendary Gene and 4 common genes, 3 uncommon genes or 2 rare genes or normal/magic mutations

Breed Upgrades

+$8 Uncommon Build Upgrade (Primal, Q'lin, Komakha)
+$12 Rare build upgrade (Dracus, Kelpie, Nightmare)
+$10 For an Uncommon Cross Upgrade (Common/Uncommon or Uncommon/Uncommon Crossbreeds. Common/Common crosses count under the base price)
+$15 for a Rare Cross Upgrade (Any crossbreed involving a rare breed)



This is, and never was, meant to be "Member Poaching" in any way, whatsoever. Any accusations otherwise will, from henceforth, be ignored. Transferring Imports from another ARPG is completely optional, and is aimed mostly at ARPG's that shut down, died, or people who have actually already left the other group. This journal is not being officially advertised, and is aimed, entirely, at people who are already Drakiri members.

[Open] June Sale

Posted 2 years ago :: Last edited 2 years ago by Artha-Demon

Pride Month Special

The Pride Special will have 50% of all proceeds going to a LGBTQ+ charity! I will be researching and choosing a good, trustworthy one. You will also get 1 Pride Points for every dollar you spend in this sale! As such, this sale is USD only.  You can use Arcanium in the Arcanium shop, but that is always open. This goes for the entire sale, so money made from this sale, half of it will be donated!

Pride Flag Marking Applicator: $12
Spectrum Marking Applicator: $40 
Pride Ability Potion: $12
Prism Mutagen: $12
Chroma Color Mod Bundle: $60

Arcanium Purchases

Arcanium is Drakiri's premium currency. It is equivilent in value of $1 per 1 Arcanium, though purchasing bundles can get you some bonuses added on for free, with bigger purchases giving you bigger bundles. DM me on Discord ( ArthaDemon#6123 ) to make your purchase and once confirmed, I will add your Arcanium to your account.

5-25 Arcanium will be the direct USD equivilent ($5 to $25)
26-100 Arcanium will get you a 10% bonus rounded up by one (So for a $50 purchase, will get  5 free Arcanium added to your purchase)
100-500 Arcanium will get you a 20% bonus! So if you purchase 100 Arcanium, you will get 20 Arcanium for free)
500+ Arcanium will get you a 30% bonus! So if you purchase 600 Arcanium, you will get 180 Arcanium for free)

For this sale, Arcanium is Gift Arcanium, Get Arcanium! Buy Arcanium as a gift for another player, and you will get the same amount of Arcanium yourself! All deals/bundles apply!

Semicustom prices have been adjusted! They are now a little cheaper than they were!

Arcanium can be used in the Arcanium shops for items, mutagens, and similar!


Limit of 3 per player per sale

To purchase a Semicustom, DM me on Discord ( ArthaDemon#6123 ) and I will process your purchase and create your Semicustom geno slot. 

If you are purchasing with arcanium, go to the Semicustom Purchase claim, which can be found by going to "Submit" next to your username on the menu bar. Add the Arcanium from your bank and specify in the comment what you are purchasing. Either myself or another staff member will process your claim and create your geno slot. This applies to Character Transfer Tokens as well!

Base Price: $20
Included: Kainu, Mystic or Sprite with 3 Common Markings and 1 Uncommon marking on a Common Basecoat with Common Traits. 

+$10 Rare Build

+$8 Uncommon Build

-Crossbreeds will take the two build rarities, half the price, round up, then combine the prices together

+$8 Gold or Chestnut Basecoat
+$10 Black Basecoat
+$15 Epistatic White Basecoat

+5$ per common marking, limit of 5
+8$ per uncommon marking, limit of 4
+12$ per rare marking, limit of 3
+12$ per rare base coat modifier (Erythrism, Topaz, Jade, Sapphire) limit of 3
+8$ per Uncommon Base Coat Modifier (Darken, Dilute)
+$5 per Common Base Coat Modifier (Silver)
+$30 for a Legendary Marking, Limit of 1

+5 apiece, uncommon traits
+$15, Uncommon Trait Bundle (All traits uncommon, buy three get one free)

+$10 apiece, rare traits
+$30, Rare Trait Bundle (All traits rare, buy three get one free)

+10$ Normal or Magic mutation
+30 Legendary Mutations (Limit of 1)
Faults are Free

$5 per Common Ability, Limit of 3
$10 per Uncommon ability, Limit of 3
$15 per Rare Ability, Limit of 2
$30 per Legendary Ability, Limit of 1



Full Custom

(These are cash only, no Arcanium! Payment plans fully allowed. VERY few full customs will ever be made available!)
The only limits to a Full Custom is the number of Legendaries that can be put on one Geno.
If no Legendaries are chosen, they will gain their own fault codes which will be added in to the roller, making them completely unrelated to any other Drakiri with those markings, even rare ones.

As a note, you MAY apply this to a Drakiri you already own to have their lineage wiped (Other than Legendaries) (Optionally, this can update any of their offspring as well) and have their own fault codes added. (This won't effect any offspring they already have)

$1200 flat price (For now, these will eventually be auction only)
-Payment Plans allowed, can be discussed

-Limit of 1 Legendary Marking. 
-Limit of 1 Legendary Mutation
-Limit of 1 Legendary Ability
-Additional Legendaries can be added with an Applicator, but these will give you a Legendary Starter and the attached Legendary Fault Code.
-Limit of 30 markings
-Limit of 12 Mutations
-Limit of 12 Abilities
-More Abilities, Mutations and Markings can be added using Applicators. Only Legendaries will add fault codes and a starter if the one allowable Legendary is already used.
-Up to 3  common genes, 2 uncommon genes and 1 rare gene can be made Dominant. 
-Can be ANY Breed or Crossbreed
-Can use ANY Physical traits
-Comes with any cosmetic items you would like to add, even a Custom Base Token to be used on your full custom. Meaning you can draw it yourself or have somebody else draws it. (These rules are WIP, however; and this feature is not ready yet. The fact that it is a full custom will be noted in the geno's description for records so this can be upgraded to a custom base done by you or another artist you commissioned once that is done)
-They will get their own set of unique Fault Codes UNLESS extra Legendaries are added.

Payment Plans are absolutely allowed! 25% should be paid up front, and the rest can be discussed. Note that if you change your mind, you won't receive a refund, HOWEVER, you will get Arcanium for the amount paid. If you want to start the payment plan back up, it WILL be allowed, and the Arcanium will simply go back into the purchase if you haven't spent it already! If you have, however, you will have to start a new purchase.

Character Transfer Tokens

Limit of 3 per user per sale

Have a beloved OC you would like to see in Drakiri's playground? Buy an adoptable that you wish could be in an ARPG? Did you sink time and money into an ARPG, only for it to shut down and leave you high and dry? Did you leave an ARPG for some reason or other, but really miss that special Import that meant so much to you over time, and dread starting all over again in a new ARPG?  Do you want to explore other versions of your ARPG character for paralell universe shennanigans? Then this is the place for you! For drastically reduced prices, far cheaper than a Semicustom, you can transfer your character in to the big sandbox that is Drakiri-ARPG! If they have art done of them, this gets counted towards MP, and if they had breeding rites completed for the ARPG they came from, they will have breeding rites active here, too!


  • You must own the character and have proof that you own them. You must have owned this character for at least three months.
  • They should resemble the character being transferred, to remain recognizable, however you are allowed to add on rewards you would have gotten from the other RPG, and you may add applicators, mutagens, and ability potions.
  • If the character is a human/humanoid, you are fully allowed to make this their humanoid form, with just a few things added to make them recognizeable as Drakiri. The rule of having a ref of their humanoid form still apply.
  • If they are an ARPG import, the original can absolutely still remain yours, and still be in use. Art done of the original will not count towards their Drakiri form after the date of their transfer, but everything from before will be transferred over. In fact, there will be an MP bonus  (+2 MP) if both versions of the character are depicted together!
  • This can not be used for genos! Same rules as Imports. This should be for genos from ARPG's that are dead, or ARPG's you have already left. You must own the geno. While it can not be enforced, it is preferred that you do not sell or use the geno in the ARPG it came from if it's one you left.
  • If transferring an existing import, we ask that you keep true to the original so they are recognizable, but encourage changes to make the character closer to your dream of what they could be, and make them fit into the Drakiri genetics better. If these changes fall under the price of the transfer token, then you don't have to upgrade it to add things!
  • You may not sell or trade the transferred Import or Geno for at least 3 months. You may gift it, though, and you may purchase tokens/transfers for your friends!



The base price is for any common or common/common crossbreed
Genes count for Markings, Mutations and Abilities.
Mutations are either rare (Normal and Magic) or Legendary (Legendary Mutations)

Transfer Tokens

$8 - Common Geno Transfer Token: Common Base Coat (Cream, Fawn) and up to 5 Common Markings, Common physical traits.

$11 - Uncommon Geno Transfer Token: Uncommon Base coat (Gold or Chestnut), up to 5 markings, common to uncommon, Common to Uncommon physical Traits. 

$16 - Rare Geno Transfer Token: Rare Base Coat (Black) OR Modified Common-Uncommon Base Coat (1 Modifier, a second one requires a Genobomb Upgrade), up to 5 genes Common to Rare, Common-Rare traits, 2 rare gene limit. (A magic or normal mutation counts as a rare trait)

$20 - Legendary Geno Transfer Token: Common to Rare Basecoat with 2 modifiers allowed, 5 genes, alongside a legendary gene.
(Wings are optional if your original character had wings. Their Drakiri form does not need them unless you want them to have them!)  


Genobomb Upgrades

+$10 Genobomb Upgrade
4 common genes, 3 uncommon genes, 2 rare genes, or 2 normal/magic mutations. The rare rare gene can cover another color mod, though the limit is 3. 

+$20 Legendary Genobomb Upgrade
1 Legendary Gene and 4 common genes, 3 uncommon genes or 2 rare genes or normal/magic mutations

Breed Upgrades

+$8 Uncommon Build Upgrade (Primal, Q'lin, Komakha)
+$12 Rare build upgrade (Dracus, Kelpie, Nightmare)
+$10 For an Uncommon Cross Upgrade (Common/Uncommon or Uncommon/Uncommon Crossbreeds. Common/Common crosses count under the base price)
+$15 for a Rare Cross Upgrade (Any crossbreed involving a rare breed)



This is, and never was, meant to be "Member Poaching" in any way, whatsoever. Any accusations otherwise will, from henceforth, be ignored. Transferring Imports from another ARPG is completely optional, and is aimed mostly at ARPG's that shut down, died, or people who have actually already left the other group. This journal is not being officially advertised, and is aimed, entirely, at people who are already Drakiri members.

[Open] May Sale

Posted 2 years ago :: Last edited 2 years ago by Artha-Demon

Arcanium Purchases

Arcanium is Drakiri's premium currency. It is equivilent in value of $1 per 1 Arcanium, though purchasing bundles can get you some bonuses added on for free, with bigger purchases giving you bigger bundles. DM me on Discord ( ArthaDemon#6123 ) to make your purchase and once confirmed, I will add your Arcanium to your account.

5-25 Arcanium will be the direct USD equivilent ($5 to $25)
26-100 Arcanium will get you a 10% bonus rounded up by one (So for a $50 purchase, will get  5 free Arcanium added to your purchase)
100-500 Arcanium will get you a 20% bonus! So if you purchase 100 Arcanium, you will get 20 Arcanium for free)
500+ Arcanium will get you a 30% bonus! So if you purchase 600 Arcanium, you will get 180 Arcanium for free)

For this sale, Arcanium is Gift Arcanium, Get Arcanium! Buy Arcanium as a gift for another player, and you will get the same amount of Arcanium yourself! All deals/bundles apply!

Semicustom prices have been adjusted! They are now a little cheaper than they were!

Arcanium can be used in the Arcanium shops for items, mutagens, and similar!


Limit of 3 per player per sale

To purchase a Semicustom, DM me on Discord ( ArthaDemon#6123 ) and I will process your purchase and create your Semicustom geno slot. 

If you are purchasing with arcanium, go to the Semicustom Purchase claim, which can be found by going to "Submit" next to your username on the menu bar. Add the Arcanium from your bank and specify in the comment what you are purchasing. Either myself or another staff member will process your claim and create your geno slot. This applies to Character Transfer Tokens as well!

Base Price: $20
Included: Kainu, Mystic or Sprite with 3 Common Markings and 1 Uncommon marking on a Common Basecoat with Common Traits. 

+$10 Rare Build

+$8 Uncommon Build

-Crossbreeds will take the two build rarities, half the price, round up, then combine the prices together

+$8 Gold or Chestnut Basecoat
+$10 Black Basecoat
+$15 Epistatic White Basecoat

+5$ per common marking, limit of 5
+8$ per uncommon marking, limit of 4
+12$ per rare marking, limit of 3
+12$ per rare base coat modifier (Erythrism, Topaz, Jade, Sapphire) limit of 3
+8$ per Uncommon Base Coat Modifier (Darken, Dilute)
+$5 per Common Base Coat Modifier (Silver)
+$30 for a Legendary Marking, Limit of 1

+5 apiece, uncommon traits
+$15, Uncommon Trait Bundle (All traits uncommon, buy three get one free)

+$10 apiece, rare traits
+$30, Rare Trait Bundle (All traits rare, buy three get one free)

+10$ Normal or Magic mutation
+30 Legendary Mutations (Limit of 1)
Faults are Free

$5 per Common Ability, Limit of 3
$10 per Uncommon ability, Limit of 3
$15 per Rare Ability, Limit of 2
$30 per Legendary Ability, Limit of 1



Full Custom

(These are cash only, no Arcanium! Payment plans fully allowed. VERY few full customs will ever be made available!)
The only limits to a Full Custom is the number of Legendaries that can be put on one Geno.
If no Legendaries are chosen, they will gain their own fault codes which will be added in to the roller, making them completely unrelated to any other Drakiri with those markings, even rare ones.

As a note, you MAY apply this to a Drakiri you already own to have their lineage wiped (Other than Legendaries) (Optionally, this can update any of their offspring as well) and have their own fault codes added. (This won't effect any offspring they already have)

$1200 flat price (For now, these will eventually be auction only)
-Payment Plans allowed, can be discussed

-Limit of 1 Legendary Marking. 
-Limit of 1 Legendary Mutation
-Limit of 1 Legendary Ability
-Additional Legendaries can be added with an Applicator, but these will give you a Legendary Starter and the attached Legendary Fault Code.
-Limit of 30 markings
-Limit of 12 Mutations
-Limit of 12 Abilities
-More Abilities, Mutations and Markings can be added using Applicators. Only Legendaries will add fault codes and a starter if the one allowable Legendary is already used.
-Up to 3  common genes, 2 uncommon genes and 1 rare gene can be made Dominant. 
-Can be ANY Breed or Crossbreed
-Can use ANY Physical traits
-Comes with any cosmetic items you would like to add, even a Custom Base Token to be used on your full custom. Meaning you can draw it yourself or have somebody else draws it. (These rules are WIP, however; and this feature is not ready yet. The fact that it is a full custom will be noted in the geno's description for records so this can be upgraded to a custom base done by you or another artist you commissioned once that is done)
-They will get their own set of unique Fault Codes UNLESS extra Legendaries are added.

Payment Plans are absolutely allowed! 25% should be paid up front, and the rest can be discussed. Note that if you change your mind, you won't receive a refund, HOWEVER, you will get Arcanium for the amount paid. If you want to start the payment plan back up, it WILL be allowed, and the Arcanium will simply go back into the purchase if you haven't spent it already! If you have, however, you will have to start a new purchase.

Character Transfer Tokens

Limit of 3 per user per sale

Have a beloved OC you would like to see in Drakiri's playground? Buy an adoptable that you wish could be in an ARPG? Did you sink time and money into an ARPG, only for it to shut down and leave you high and dry? Did you leave an ARPG for some reason or other, but really miss that special Import that meant so much to you over time, and dread starting all over again in a new ARPG?  Do you want to explore other versions of your ARPG character for paralell universe shennanigans? Then this is the place for you! For drastically reduced prices, far cheaper than a Semicustom, you can transfer your character in to the big sandbox that is Drakiri-ARPG! If they have art done of them, this gets counted towards MP, and if they had breeding rites completed for the ARPG they came from, they will have breeding rites active here, too!


  • You must own the character and have proof that you own them. You must have owned this character for at least three months.
  • They should resemble the character being transferred, to remain recognizable, however you are allowed to add on rewards you would have gotten from the other RPG, and you may add applicators, mutagens, and ability potions.
  • If the character is a human/humanoid, you are fully allowed to make this their humanoid form, with just a few things added to make them recognizeable as Drakiri. The rule of having a ref of their humanoid form still apply.
  • If they are an ARPG import, the original can absolutely still remain yours, and still be in use. Art done of the original will not count towards their Drakiri form after the date of their transfer, but everything from before will be transferred over. In fact, there will be an MP bonus  (+2 MP) if both versions of the character are depicted together!
  • This can not be used for genos! Same rules as Imports. This should be for genos from ARPG's that are dead, or ARPG's you have already left. You must own the geno. While it can not be enforced, it is preferred that you do not sell or use the geno in the ARPG it came from if it's one you left.
  • If transferring an existing import, we ask that you keep true to the original so they are recognizable, but encourage changes to make the character closer to your dream of what they could be, and make them fit into the Drakiri genetics better. If these changes fall under the price of the transfer token, then you don't have to upgrade it to add things!
  • You may not sell or trade the transferred Import or Geno for at least 3 months. You may gift it, though, and you may purchase tokens/transfers for your friends!



The base price is for any common or common/common crossbreed
Genes count for Markings, Mutations and Abilities.
Mutations are either rare (Normal and Magic) or Legendary (Legendary Mutations)

Transfer Tokens

$8 - Common Geno Transfer Token: Common Base Coat (Cream, Fawn) and up to 5 Common Markings, Common physical traits.

$11 - Uncommon Geno Transfer Token: Uncommon Base coat (Gold or Chestnut), up to 5 markings, common to uncommon, Common to Uncommon physical Traits. 

$16 - Rare Geno Transfer Token: Rare Base Coat (Black) OR Modified Common-Uncommon Base Coat (1 Modifier, a second one requires a Genobomb Upgrade), up to 5 genes Common to Rare, Common-Rare traits, 2 rare gene limit. (A magic or normal mutation counts as a rare trait)

$20 - Legendary Geno Transfer Token: Common to Rare Basecoat with 2 modifiers allowed, 5 genes, alongside a legendary gene.
(Wings are optional if your original character had wings. Their Drakiri form does not need them unless you want them to have them!)  


Genobomb Upgrades

+$10 Genobomb Upgrade
4 common genes, 3 uncommon genes, 2 rare genes, or 2 normal/magic mutations. The rare rare gene can cover another color mod, though the limit is 3. 

+$20 Legendary Genobomb Upgrade
1 Legendary Gene and 4 common genes, 3 uncommon genes or 2 rare genes or normal/magic mutations

Breed Upgrades

+$8 Uncommon Build Upgrade (Primal, Q'lin, Komakha)
+$12 Rare build upgrade (Dracus, Kelpie, Nightmare)
+$10 For an Uncommon Cross Upgrade (Common/Uncommon or Uncommon/Uncommon Crossbreeds. Common/Common crosses count under the base price)
+$15 for a Rare Cross Upgrade (Any crossbreed involving a rare breed)



This is, and never was, meant to be "Member Poaching" in any way, whatsoever. Any accusations otherwise will, from henceforth, be ignored. Transferring Imports from another ARPG is completely optional, and is aimed mostly at ARPG's that shut down, died, or people who have actually already left the other group. This journal is not being officially advertised, and is aimed, entirely, at people who are already Drakiri members.

[Open] April Semicustom Sale

Posted 2 years ago :: Last edited 2 years ago by Artha-Demon

Arcanium Purchases

Arcanium is Drakiri's premium currency. It is equivilent in value of $1 per 1 Arcanium, though purchasing bundles can get you some bonuses added on for free, with bigger purchases giving you bigger bundles. DM me on Discord ( ArthaDemon#6123 ) to make your purchase and once confirmed, I will add your Arcanium to your account.

5-25 Arcanium will be the direct USD equivilent ($5 to $25)
26-100 Arcanium will get you a 10% bonus rounded up by one (So for a $50 purchase, will get  5 free Arcanium added to your purchase)
100-500 Arcanium will get you a 20% bonus! So if you purchase 100 Arcanium, you will get 20 Arcanium for free)
500+ Arcanium will get you a 30% bonus! So if you purchase 600 Arcanium, you will get 180 Arcanium for free)


Limit of 3 per player per sale

To purchase a Semicustom, DM me on Discord ( ArthaDemon#6123 ) and I will process your purchase and create your Semicustom geno slot. 

If you are purchasing with arcanium, go to the Semicustom Purchase claim, which can be found by going to "Submit" next to your username on the menu bar. Add the Arcanium from your bank and specify in the comment what you are purchasing. Either myself or another staff member will process your claim and create your geno slot. This applies to Character Transfer Tokens as well!

Base Price: $25
Included: Kainu, Mystic or Sprite with 3 Common Markings and 1 Uncommon marking on a Common Basecoat with Common Traits. 

+$15 Rare Build

+$10 Uncommon Build

-Crossbreeds will take the two build rarities, half the price, round up, then combine the prices together

+$10 Gold or Chestnut Basecoat
+$15 Black Basecoat
+$20 Epistatic White Basecoat

+5$ per common marking, limit of 5
+10$ per uncommon marking, limit of 4
+15$ per rare marking, limit of 3
+15$ per rare base coat modifier (Erythrism, Topaz, Jade, Sapphire) limit of 3
+10$ per Uncommon Base Coat Modifier (Darken, Dilute)
+$5 per Common Base Coat Modifier (Silver)
+$30 for a Legendary Marking, Limit of 1

+10 apiece, uncommon traits
+$30, Uncommon Trait Bundle (All traits uncommon, buy three get one free)

+$15 apiece, rare traits
+$50, Rare Trait Bundle (All traits rare)

+10$ Normal or Magic mutation
+30 Legendary Mutations (Limit of 1)
Faults are Free

$5 per Common Ability, Limit of 3
$10 per Uncommon ability, Limit of 3
$15 per Rare Ability, Limit of 2
$30 per Legendary Ability, Limit of 1



Full Custom

(These are cash only, no Arcanium! Payment plans fully allowed. VERY few full customs will ever be made available!)
The only limits to a Full Custom is the number of Legendaries that can be put on one Geno.
If no Legendaries are chosen, they will gain their own fault codes which will be added in to the roller, making them completely unrelated to any other Drakiri with those markings, even rare ones.

As a note, you MAY apply this to a Drakiri you already own to have their lineage wiped (Other than Legendaries) (Optionally, this can update any of their offspring as well) and have their own fault codes added. (This won't effect any offspring they already have)

$1200 flat price (For now, these will eventually be auction only)
-Payment Plans allowed, can be discussed

-Limit of 1 Legendary Marking. 
-Limit of 1 Legendary Mutation
-Limit of 1 Legendary Ability
-Additional Legendaries can be added with an Applicator, but these will give you a Legendary Starter and the attached Legendary Fault Code.
-Limit of 30 markings
-Limit of 12 Mutations
-Limit of 12 Abilities
-More Abilities, Mutations and Markings can be added using Applicators. Only Legendaries will add fault codes and a starter if the one allowable Legendary is already used.
-Up to 3  common genes, 2 uncommon genes and 1 rare gene can be made Dominant. 
-Can be ANY Breed or Crossbreed
-Can use ANY Physical traits
-Comes with any cosmetic items you would like to add, even a Custom Base Token to be used on your full custom. Meaning you can draw it yourself or have somebody else draws it. (These rules are WIP, however; and this feature is not ready yet. The fact that it is a full custom will be noted in the geno's description for records so this can be upgraded to a custom base done by you or another artist you commissioned once that is done)
-They will get their own set of unique Fault Codes UNLESS extra Legendaries are added.

Payment Plans are absolutely allowed! 25% should be paid up front, and the rest can be discussed. Note that if you change your mind, you won't receive a refund, HOWEVER, you will get Arcanium for the amount paid. If you want to start the payment plan back up, it WILL be allowed, and the Arcanium will simply go back into the purchase if you haven't spent it already! If you have, however, you will have to start a new purchase.

Character Transfer Tokens

Limit of 3 per user per sale

Have a beloved OC you would like to see in Drakiri's playground? Buy an adoptable that you wish could be in an ARPG? Did you sink time and money into an ARPG, only for it to shut down and leave you high and dry? Did you leave an ARPG for some reason or other, but really miss that special Import that meant so much to you over time, and dread starting all over again in a new ARPG?  Do you want to explore other versions of your ARPG character for paralell universe shennanigans? Then this is the place for you! For drastically reduced prices, far cheaper than a Semicustom, you can transfer your character in to the big sandbox that is Drakiri-ARPG! If they have art done of them, this gets counted towards MP, and if they had breeding rites completed for the ARPG they came from, they will have breeding rites active here, too!


  • You must own the character and have proof that you own them. You must have owned this character for at least three months.
  • They should resemble the character being transferred, to remain recognizable, however you are allowed to add on rewards you would have gotten from the other RPG, and you may add applicators, mutagens, and ability potions.
  • If the character is a human/humanoid, you are fully allowed to make this their humanoid form, with just a few things added to make them recognizeable as Drakiri. The rule of having a ref of their humanoid form still apply.
  • If they are an ARPG import, the original can absolutely still remain yours, and still be in use. Art done of the original will not count towards their Drakiri form after the date of their transfer, but everything from before will be transferred over. In fact, there will be an MP bonus  (+2 MP) if both versions of the character are depicted together!
  • This can not be used for genos! Same rules as Imports. This should be for genos from ARPG's that are dead, or ARPG's you have already left. You must own the geno. While it can not be enforced, it is preferred that you do not sell or use the geno in the ARPG it came from if it's one you left.
  • If transferring an existing import, we ask that you keep true to the original so they are recognizable, but encourage changes to make the character closer to your dream of what they could be, and make them fit into the Drakiri genetics better. If these changes fall under the price of the transfer token, then you don't have to upgrade it to add things!
  • You may not sell or trade the transferred Import or Geno for at least 3 months. You may gift it, though, and you may purchase tokens/transfers for your friends!



The base price is for any common or common/common crossbreed
Genes count for Markings, Mutations and Abilities.
Mutations are either rare (Normal and Magic) or Legendary (Legendary Mutations)

Transfer Tokens

$8 - Common Geno Transfer Token: Common Base Coat (Cream, Fawn) and up to 5 Common Markings, Common physical traits.

$11 - Uncommon Geno Transfer Token: Uncommon Base coat (Gold or Chestnut), up to 5 markings, common to uncommon, Common to Uncommon physical Traits. 

$16 - Rare Geno Transfer Token: Rare Base Coat (Black) OR Modified Common-Uncommon Base Coat (1 Modifier, a second one requires a Genobomb Upgrade), up to 5 genes Common to Rare, Common-Rare traits, 2 rare gene limit. (A magic or normal mutation counts as a rare trait)

$20 - Legendary Geno Transfer Token: Common to Rare Basecoat with 2 modifiers allowed, 5 genes, alongside a legendary gene.
(Wings are optional if your original character had wings. Their Drakiri form does not need them unless you want them to have them!)  


Genobomb Upgrades

+$10 Genobomb Upgrade
4 common genes, 3 uncommon genes, 2 rare genes, or 2 normal/magic mutations. The rare rare gene can cover another color mod, though the limit is 3. 

+$20 Legendary Genobomb Upgrade
1 Legendary Gene and 4 common genes, 3 uncommon genes or 2 rare genes or normal/magic mutations

Breed Upgrades

+$8 Uncommon Build Upgrade (Primal, Q'lin, Komakha)
+12 Rare build upgrade (Dracus, Kelpie, Nightmare)
+$10 For an Uncommon Cross Upgrade (Common/Uncommon or Uncommon/Uncommon Crossbreeds. Common/Common crosses count under the base price)
$15 for a Rare Cross Upgrade (Any crossbreed involving a rare breed)



This is, and never was, meant to be "Member Poaching" in any way, whatsoever. Any accusations otherwise will, from henceforth, be ignored. Transferring Imports from another ARPG is completely optional, and is aimed mostly at ARPG's that shut down, died, or people who have actually already left the other group. This journal is not being officially advertised, and is aimed, entirely, at people who are already Drakiri members.

[Open] Special April Sale

Posted 2 years ago :: Last edited 2 years ago by Artha-Demon

These items will be available all month, though there will be a semicustom sale coming near the middle of the month, which will be the usual sale. 

April is the fourth month of the year, and the time that the Error comes out to play!


Error 404 is a special Drakiri that is never the same in any given moment. Every time it is bred, a new Ultra Wildcard (Or 404 Wildcard) is rolled and bred with your Drakiri. It means this is entirely unpredictable! These Ultra Wildcards have tons of markings, and are a guaranteed genobomb, tons of mutations including Magic Mutations, lots of abilities, and have a fairly high chance of generating with a Legendary!

Full slots to Error-404 are available for $50 USD apiece, or $55 Arcanium! There aren't limited amounts of these, but no player may buy more than 2. Yes, they can be used with eachother! Unlike an Ultra Wildcard, however, they will get starters and fault codes for any rares they have, or any rares there is space for. Direct offspring of Error 404 are smaller litters, however, since the Error is such a powerful breeder, and you will get one or two genos from the breeding. Litter increasing items, however, are effective!

There are also Ultra Wildcards available for $150 apiece. These are USD only, however, and Arcanium can not be used. Only five of these in total are available.

Note that this special geno comes with any cosmetic item you need (ASIDE from a custom base token) as well as the effects of up to two Disappearing Inks. You may also bump things to carried without needing a gene eraser. This is allowable due to how insane these genos come out and sometimes that is needed!

You may also reroll this geno twice without a reroll geno item, if you are not pleased with the outcome. You, however, can not go back to the previous roll as it is overwritten with the reroll.

What is an Ultra Wildcard? It is an insane Drakiri that is guaranteed to have the legendary specialty Glitch mutation, be a genobomb, or even a genonuke with tons of mutations, abilities and markings! This sale only, you can choose the breed, even crossbreed, without paying any extra, and only Legendary markings and 2 rare markings will get a fault code and starter added!

Available as well are 5 Custom Base Tokens! These are $30 apiece! Two of these can be bought with Arcanium.
1 Sold
4 Left

The rules are that the custom base must quality match with the rest of the bases for Drakiri
It must look like the Drakiri breed it is. If it is a Crossbreed, you may redraw it with your own combination of the parent breeds, and with mutts... the options are endless. 
The base MUST be able to fit in a 2800 x 2200 canvas or parts will be cut off.
It must be digital, with a transparent background. 

And finally, there is a new item called Go Fuck Yourself! Each person can get ONE of these for free as an April Fools special, but more are available for sale.

This item is available for $10 USD or Arcanium.

This item does not use one of your breedings for the month.

Have fun!!!!

[Open] Drakiri Birthday Sale

Posted 3 years ago :: Last edited 3 years ago by Artha-Demon

As you all know, Drakiri's site turned a year old yesterday!  We've had ups, and downs... and we've risen above every challenge that has come our way and now we are thriving!

Special for this sale, for every $10 you buy in Arcanium, you get $5 in Arcanium free! When you contact me on Discord, make sure I know your Lorekeeper name so I can grant your currency once it's purchased.

Of course this can be used to purchase things in our arcanium shop!

For Semicustoms, you can have one upgrade for free! (So, for example, pay for the uncommon physical trait bundle, get the Rare instead)

If you purchase a random geno for USD, you can get a second one of equal value half off. (You will need to contact me on Discord, ArthaDemon#6123 to get the deal as there is not a way to add the buy one get one half off in the shops.

Alternatively, you can buy one and get an upgrade of equal value half off.


Arcanium Purchases

Arcanium is Drakiri's premium currency. It is equivilent in value of $1 per 1 Arcanium, though purchasing bundles can get you some bonuses added on for free, with bigger purchases giving you bigger bundles. DM me on Discord ( ArthaDemon#6123 ) to make your purchase and once confirmed, I will add your Arcanium to your account.

5-25 Arcanium will be the direct USD equivilent ($5 to $25)
26-100 Arcanium will get you a 10% bonus rounded up by one (So for a $50 purchase, will get  5 free Arcanium added to your purchase)
100-500 Arcanium will get you a 20% bonus! So if you purchase 100 Arcanium, you will get 20 Arcanium for free)
500+ Arcanium will get you a 30% bonus! So if you purchase 600 Arcanium, you will get 180 Arcanium for free)


Limit of 3 per player per sale

To purchase a Semicustom, DM me on Discord ( ArthaDemon#6123 ) and I will process your purchase and create your Semicustom geno slot. 

If you are purchasing with arcanium, go to the Semicustom Purchase claim, which can be found by going to "Submit" next to your username on the menu bar. Add the Arcanium from your bank and specify in the comment what you are purchasing. Either myself or another staff member will process your claim and create your geno slot. This applies to Character Transfer Tokens as well!

Base Price: $25
Included: Kainu, Mystic or Sprite with 3 Common Markings and 1 Uncommon marking on a Common Basecoat with Common Traits. 

+$5 Bantam
+$15 Rare Build

+$10 Uncommon Build

-Crossbreeds will take the two build rarities, half the price, round up, then combine the prices together

+$10 Gold or Chestnut Basecoat
+$15 Black Basecoat
+$20 Epistatic White Basecoat

+5$ per common marking, limit of 5
+10$ per uncommon marking, limit of 4
+15$ per rare marking, limit of 3
+15$ per rare base coat modifier (Erythrism, Topaz, Jade, Sapphire) limit of 3
+10$ per Uncommon Base Coat Modifier (Darken, Dilute)
+$5 per Common Base Coat Modifier (Silver)
+$30 for a Legendary Marking, Limit of 1

+10 apiece, uncommon traits
+$30, Uncommon Trait Bundle (All traits uncommon, buy three get one free)

+$15 apiece, rare traits
+$50, Rare Trait Bundle (All traits rare)

+10$ Normal or Magic mutation
+30 Legendary Mutations (Limit of 1)
Faults are Free

$5 per Common Ability, Limit of 3
$10 per Uncommon ability, Limit of 3
$15 per Rare Ability, Limit of 2
$30 per Legendary Ability, Limit of 1



Full Custom

(These are cash only, no Arcanium! Payment plans fully allowed. VERY few full customs will ever be made available!)
The only limits to a Full Custom is the number of Legendaries that can be put on one Geno.
If no Legendaries are chosen, they will gain their own fault codes which will be added in to the roller, making them completely unrelated to any other Drakiri with those markings, even rare ones.

$1200 flat price (For now, these will eventually be auction only)
-Payment Plans allowed, can be discussed

-Limit of 1 Legendary Marking. 
-Limit of 1 Legendary Mutation
-Limit of 1 Legendary Ability
-Additional Legendaries can be added with an Applicator, but these will give you a Legendary Starter and the attached Legendary Fault Code.
-Limit of 30 markings
-Limit of 12 Mutations
-Limit of 12 Abilities
-More Abilities, Mutations and Markings can be added using Applicators. Only Legendaries will add fault codes and a starter if the one allowable Legendary is already used.
-Up to 3  common genes, 2 uncommon genes and 1 rare gene can be made Dominant. 
-Can be ANY Breed or Crossbreed
-Can use ANY Physical traits
-Comes with any cosmetic items you would like to add, even a Custom Base Token to be used on your full custom. Meaning you can draw it yourself or have somebody else draws it. (These rules are WIP, however; and this feature is not ready yet. The fact that it is a full custom will be noted in the geno's description for records so this can be upgraded to a custom base done by you or another artist you commissioned once that is done)
-They will get their own set of unique Fault Codes UNLESS extra Legendaries are added.

Payment Plans are absolutely allowed! 25% should be paid up front, and the rest can be discussed. Note that if you change your mind, you won't receive a refund, HOWEVER, you will get Arcanium for the amount paid. If you want to start the payment plan back up, it WILL be allowed, and the Arcanium will simply go back into the purchase if you haven't spent it already! If you have, however, you will have to start a new purchase.

Character Transfer Tokens

Limit of 3 per user per sale

Have a beloved OC you would like to see in Drakiri's playground? Buy an adoptable that you wish could be in an ARPG? Did you sink time and money into an ARPG, only for it to shut down and leave you high and dry? Did you leave an ARPG for some reason or other, but really miss that special Import that meant so much to you over time, and dread starting all over again in a new ARPG?  Do you want to explore other versions of your ARPG character for paralell universe shennanigans? Then this is the place for you! For drastically reduced prices, far cheaper than a Semicustom, you can transfer your character in to the big sandbox that is Drakiri-ARPG! If they have art done of them, this gets counted towards MP, and if they had breeding rites completed for the ARPG they came from, they will have breeding rites active here, too!


  • You must own the character and have proof that you own them. You must have owned this character for at least three months.
  • They should resemble the character being transferred, to remain recognizable, however you are allowed to add on rewards you would have gotten from the other RPG, and you may add applicators, mutagens, and ability potions.
  • If the character is a human/humanoid, you are fully allowed to make this their humanoid form, with just a few things added to make them recognizeable as Drakiri. The rule of having a ref of their humanoid form still apply.
  • If they are an ARPG import, the original can absolutely still remain yours, and still be in use. Art done of the original will not count towards their Drakiri form after the date of their transfer, but everything from before will be transferred over. In fact, there will be an MP bonus  (+2 MP) if both versions of the character are depicted together!
  • This can not be used for genos! Same rules as Imports. This should be for genos from ARPG's that are dead, or ARPG's you have already left. You must own the geno. While it can not be enforced, it is preferred that you do not sell or use the geno in the ARPG it came from if it's one you left.
  • If transferring an existing import, we ask that you keep true to the original so they are recognizable, but encourage changes to make the character closer to your dream of what they could be, and make them fit into the Drakiri genetics better. If these changes fall under the price of the transfer token, then you don't have to upgrade it to add things!
  • You may not sell or trade the transferred Import or Geno for at least 3 months. You may gift it, though, and you may purchase tokens/transfers for your friends!



The base price is for any common or common/common crossbreed
Genes count for Markings, Mutations and Abilities.
Mutations are either rare (Normal and Magic) or Legendary (Legendary Mutations)

Transfer Tokens

$8 - Common Geno Transfer Token: Common Base Coat (Cream, Fawn) and up to 5 Common Markings, Common physical traits.

$11 - Uncommon Geno Transfer Token: Uncommon Base coat (Gold or Chestnut), up to 5 markings, common to uncommon, Common to Uncommon physical Traits. 

$16 - Rare Geno Transfer Token: Rare Base Coat (Black) OR Modified Common-Uncommon Base Coat (1 Modifier, a second one requires a Genobomb Upgrade), up to 5 genes Common to Rare, Common-Rare traits, 2 rare gene limit. (A magic or normal mutation counts as a rare trait)

$20 - Legendary Geno Transfer Token: Common to Rare Basecoat with 2 modifiers allowed, 5 genes, alongside a legendary gene.
(Wings are optional if your original character had wings. Their Drakiri form does not need them unless you want them to have them!)  


Genobomb Upgrades

+$10 Genobomb Upgrade
4 common genes, 3 uncommon genes, 2 rare genes, or 2 normal/magic mutations. The rare rare gene can cover another color mod, though the limit is 3. 

+$20 Legendary Genobomb Upgrade
1 Legendary Gene and 4 common genes, 3 uncommon genes or 2 rare genes or normal/magic mutations

Breed Upgrades

+$8 Uncommon Build Upgrade (Primal, Q'lin, Komakha)
+12 Rare build upgrade (Dracus, Kelpie, Nightmare)
+$10 For an Uncommon Cross Upgrade (Common/Uncommon or Uncommon/Uncommon Crossbreeds. Common/Common crosses count under the base price)
$15 for a Rare Cross Upgrade (Any crossbreed involving a rare breed)



This is, and never was, meant to be "Member Poaching" in any way, whatsoever. Any accusations otherwise will, from henceforth, be ignored. Transferring Imports from another ARPG is completely optional, and is aimed mostly at ARPG's that shut down, died, or people who have actually already left the other group. This journal is not being officially advertised, and is aimed, entirely, at people who are already Drakiri members.