Semicustom Points and Price Guide

Created: 22 December 2022, 02:43:06 UTC
Last updated: 22 December 2022, 03:41:07 UTC

Semicustoms are on a point system, allowing you to purchase point packs to spend on various rarities of traits to get what you want/need.

For how this works, you purchase a basic semicustom, which gives you 15 points to spend. You can upgrade this with point packs to increase the number of genes you have on your Drak. Any unspent points can be used to add more genes to your Semi, even if you bump them to carried or hide them! Once approved,  however, you can't use the points to add more. This is only for initial creation. Points also can't be moved from one semicustom to another (So you can't buy two basic Semicustoms, and one Semicustom upgrade, and split the points between the two basic Semicustoms)

Basic Semicustom

15 Points

Semicustom Upgrade Packs

Individual Points
$2  per Point
This is useful for if you only need 1 or 2 points to get what you want

Small Point Pack
5 Points

Points Pack
10 Points

Base Coats
Common (Cream/Fawn): 0 Points
Uncommon (Gold/Chestnut): 3 Points
Rare (Black, Epistatic White: 6 Points
Common Color Mod (Silver): 1 Point
Uncommon Color Mod: (Dilute, Darken): 4 Points each
Rare Color Mods: 8 points each (Limit of 3 for a Semicustom purchase)

Common Breed: 0 Point, 1 Point if part of a crossbreed
Uncommon Breed: 4 Points
Rare Breed: 8 Points
Crossbreed: BreedA + BreedB
Mutt: 20 Points

This covers markings, mutations, and Abilities. Mutations are rare unless they are a Legendary

Common Genes: 1 point each
Uncommon genes: 4 points each :
Rare genes: 8 points each
Legendary Genes: 12 points each

Gene limitations:
There is a limit of 5 common markings and 5 common abilities per semicustom
There is a limit of 4 uncommon markings and 4 uncommon abilities per semicustom
There is a limit of 3 rare markings and 3 rare abilities, and 3 mutations per semicustom, including magic and holiday mutations
There is a limit of 1 legendary marking, 1 legendary mutation and 1 legendary ability per semicustom

Magic Mutations: +2 point each
Holiday Genes: +3 points each if out of season. If in season, no additional added
Exclusives can not be purchased with points and can not appear on Semicustoms

Physical Traits
Common: 0 Points Each
Uncommon Traits: 2 Point Each
Rare Traits: 4 Points Each

Magic Paths
These come with the bare minimum number of skill points for the chosen tier

Tier 1: Requires 25 Skill Points built up in that particular path to start said path
Tier 2: Once you get 50 Skill Points built up, you enter Tier 2 for a path
Tier 3: Once you reach 100 Skill Points, you become Tier 3 for a magic path
Tier 4: This is the max tier. Once you reach 250 Skill Points, you master your magic path. Any skill points beyond this are just for show!

Tier 1: +5 points
Tier 2: +10 points
Tier 3: +20 points
Tier 4: +40 points

Any cosmetic items come with a semicustom purchase! (Things such as fine combs, body mods, scale mods, and the like)