Lots of Updates, and Drakiri Dating Game Event!

Posted 3 years ago :: Last edited 3 years ago by Artha-Demon

With February upon us, we have a new and fun event planned! 

But first, let's get a run down of what happened this month.

  • Activities opened up! (This was announced before so see the previous announcement for more information)

  • As many of you might have noticed, Trait Autofill!!!! When you submit a Drakiri, everything is already there and you just change the traits that need to be changed (The Drakiri's sex to whatever it is, the physical traits, health) and copy paste their information and add their species, subtype, and any other information that isn't automatic. 

  • Character Folders! These are a bit convoluted to get to, and I am planning an improvement to this system. To view your folders, go to your profile, and click "Characters" from your Profile. You can find your folders there, and click on the name to navigate to that folder. You can copy the link to other players as well, very useful for sorting your characters!

  • You can now name your genos! This is useful for people who wanna sort them or find certain ones with ease!

  • The possible amount of Aurics for activities has gotten a significant increase instead of the pathetic numbers it was bringing up before (They were came up with before there were a lot of high cost items added to the shops), Meaning the higher level your Drakiri is, the more aurics you can get. While the minimum amount caps out at 2000, a level 8 Drakiri can bring you up to 8000 for an activity if you are lucky!

  • Error 404 slot litter size has been nerfed! When breeding to the Error itself, the litter size will be 1-2 genos, HOWEVER, Double Uterus, litter size increasing items, and litter size increasing traits will still work! This is only for directly breeding with Error 404, however! Any of its children will not be effected by this change. This is only when breeding to the Error itself. 

  • More on the Glitch mutation, it is now optional to render on the Import, but now also has a 50/50 the chance to randomly generate 2-5 extra genes! These include Specialty genes (Holiday ones) and magic mutations! The closer related to the Error a Drakiri is, the more likely they are to pass on glitch. Once the Error drops out of the lineage, Glitch's passrate becomes the same as a Legendary mutation.

With all this said, you will notice there being stats in the genos that are being submitted. This is because our Combat roller is in progress and being worked on, and stats are now able to be used on activities! 

Each level has assignable stat points! Level 0 has them balanced out by default, but you are absolutely allowed to modify this! They are split between Combat Stats and Non-Combat stats!
Combat stats will effect Combat once that roller is complete. 
None-Combat stats will effect activities!

Here is the breakdown (This will be edited into its own guide, and added under Levels,  since Levels guide is currently outdated)


Combat Stats

Level 0: Each stat has 7 stat points assigned to it with an additional 18 able to be spread across them. No one stat may be over 15 points strong. For an even spread, 10 can be added to each individual stat.

(60 total stat points to spread across 6 stats)

Levels 1:  24 stat points to spread across the combat stats. No more than 6 may be added to any one stat. For an even spread, 4 can be added to each stat.

Level 2:  24 stat points to spread across the combat stats. No more than 6 may be added to any one stat. For an even spread, 4 can be added to each stat.

Level 3:  24 stat points to spread across the combat stats. No more than 6 may be added to any one stat. For an even spread, 4 can be added to each stat.

Level 4:  24 stat points to spread across the combat stats. No more than 6 may be added to any one stat. For an even spread, 4 can be added to each stat.

Level 5:  24 stat points to spread across the combat stats. No more than 50 total stat points can be in any one stat. For an even spread, 4 can be added to each stat.

Non-Combat Stats

At Level 0, all Drakiri start with 9 stat points to spread across the 3 non combat stats. No more than 6 can be placed in one individual stat. For an even spread, 3 can be placed in each. (This is added in the Autofill by default!

Level 1: 12 additional stat points to spread across your non combat stats. No more than 6 can be placed in one individual stat. For an even spread, 4 can be added to each stat.

Level 2: 12 additional stat points to spread across your non combat stats. No more than 6 can be placed in one individual stat. For an even spread, 4 can be added to each stat.

Level 3: 12 additional stat points to spread across your non combat stats. No more than 6 can be placed in one individual stat. For an even spread, 4 can be added to each stat.

Level 4: 12 additional stat points to spread across your non combat stats. No more than 6 can be placed in one individual stat. For an even spread, 4 can be added to each stat.

Level 5: 12 additional stat points to spread across your non combat stats. No single combat stat can be over 36 stat points, giving a cap of a 12% boost to items found, rarity of items, or inventory weight for your companion (WIP, still being worked on). For an even spread, 4 can be added to each stat.

The total cap can be bypassed by a small amount with items, gear, spells, abilities, and other stat boosters


With all this being said, do you want some extra Aurics? Update your Imports with their stats!

There will be a couple steps with this!

Step 1 - Go to your Import Page
Step 2 - Go to the Frames tab 
Step 3 - View Cropped Character Without Frame
Step 4 - Open Image in New Tab
Step 5 - Save
*Note that if your Import is older, from DeviantArt, you will need to use the "Information Updates" claim to have a staff member get your full sized import off of DeviantArt and update the image for you, and then you can do the rest of the steps normally.
Step 6 - Under Settings, find "Update Design" 
Step 7 - Add each of the stats in the order shown below, and add in the number of them you want (You can just give an even spread to all of them if you'd prefer that!)
Step 8 - Submit Request!
Step 9 - Once accepted, submit the claim entitled "Redeem Aurics" and add 1000 Aurics as a reward for each of your Drakiri you have updated the stats on! Make sure you add the URL for each Drakiri you updated!

They should appear in the following order


Non Combat

You can see more information here, this will also give you a breakdown on what the combat system will offer once it is complete! https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Oo_HibdI8Obm0YoJFYoLsBe31Z8taGkPtTqFYEw6z5E/edit

The other events are now finished, but you have 7 days to finish up your entries.

And finally, we have the Drakiri Dating Game Event, for February!

Current Events


Drakiri dating game

This one is a lot of fun! And has some special things attached. 

Depict your Drakiri as if they are in a frame of a dating sim! You can add writing, game tiers, all sorts of fun stuff!
This should have at least a simple background, and at least halfbody, flat colored. This is meant to be lots of fun!

For Writing, you can write something fun and silly as if your Drakiri is part of a dating sim game! Describe the setting, describe their personality, or even write something as if they are making a video introduction for one of those dating shows.
This should total at least 500 words

At the end of the event, each entry will be rolled in a RNG "tournament" of sorts and the owner of the final two that make it to the end will each get a Full Rites Voucher to be applied to any Drakiri they own!

Start Time: February 1st
End Time: February 28th
Grace Period: 7 days after the 28th to finish up your entries, however any after the 28th won't be eligible for the "Tournament"

Art Requirement: Flatcolored halfbody, simple background
If doing Literature: 500 words, should describe something as if the Drakiri is in a dating game, or part of a dating sim, or playing a dating sim.

-A pack with both of the Valentines special genes! 
Hearts (Rare Marking) (Hrt) - Marking, Creates hearts on the Drakiri, red or pink, or natural colors, unless glimmered
Cupid (Specialty Mutation) (Cpd) - Creates  hearts floating all around the Drakiri, almost as if orbiting them
1000 Aurics on top of the amount you get from doing the art



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