Apex Predator (Common)
Increases chances of finding rare items from hunt rolls by 5%.
acApx - Carried
aApx - Non-dom
ApxApx - Dom
Unseasonal (Rare)
Allows specialty mutations and markings the chance to generate when breeding at their normal rates, allows their rates to be effected by other abilities or items that effect mutations
acUsnl - Carried
aUsnl- Non-dom
Usnl/Usnl - Dom
Farts (Common)
Your drakiri farts a lot. 5% chance to stun an enemy for a single turn in battle. Unlocks exclusive spell, Rancid Fart. If successful, it acts like a toxin, reducing an opponent's health by 3-5 HP per turn until the end of the battle.
acFart - Carried
aFart - Non-dom
Fart/Fart- Dom
Green Thumb (Common)
Bring in up to 2 extra items when Gathering or Exploring.
Comes with Earthen
acGrn - Carried
aGrn - Non-dom
Grn/Grn - Dom
Killer Instinct (Common)
Increases critical hit chance.
acKil - Carried
aKil - Non-dom
Kil/Kil - Dom
Wild Heart (Common)
5% chance to get 1-3 extra items when Hunting.
acWld - Carried
aWld - Non-dom
Wld/Wld - Dom
Deep Focus (Uncommon)
10% increased chance to successfully cast spells.
acDpf - Carried
aDpf - Non-dom
Dpf/Dpf - Dom