Bard (Rare)
A chance to seduce an opponent in battle. This will cause the Drakiri to immediately win the battle, with a chance to generate a geno. If it is a battle with an NPC or a PVP battle, it will be with the Drakiri they are fighting. When fighting a beast, a random Premium tier geno will be rolled and bred with your Drak to produce a geno.
(Currently works for Beast Hunt)
acBard - Carried
aBard - Non-dom
Bard/Bard - Dom
Enfeebling Aura (Uncommon)
Lowers enemy Strength by 5%.
acEna - Carried
aEna - Non-dom
Ena/Ena - Dom
Adventurous (Uncommon)
Drakiri brings back 1-2 extra items when Dungeon Crawling and Rifting
acAdv - Carried
aAdv - Non-dom
Adv/Adv - Dom
Gambler (Uncommon)
15% chance to fail an activity and bring back nothing but junk items... but ALSO a 15% chance to double your item payout, and roll like a Level 5 Drak, regardless of your level. If you are Level 5, it will return results from Level 8
acGam - Carried
aGam - Non-dom
Gam/Gam - Dom
Healer's Gift (Uncommon)
Passive heal-over-time effect in battles, allowing 5-10 points of damage per turn to be regenerated. Passes on to any allies in battle, when Drakiri are depicted together.
acHel - Carried
aHel - Non-dom
Hel/Hel - Dom
Magic Farts (Uncommon)
Your Drakiri farts a lot, with a twist. They have a 5% chance of unleashing a fart that imparts a potion or magic spell effect for a single turn, without needing to cast a spell or use an item.
acMfr - Carried
aMfr - Non-dom
Mfr/Mfr - Dom
Magically Inclined (Uncommon)
Uses ½ the normal amount of Aspect points when casting spells.
acMag - Carried
aMag - Non-dom
Mag/Mag - Dom
Purity of Mind (Uncommon)
Reduced Corruption gain. (Can’t stack with Tainted.)
acPur - Carried
aPur - Non-dom
Pur/Pur - Dom
Unbreakable (Legendary)
20% chance to add 50% to their Defense stat, rolls for each turn,
acUnb - Carried
aUnb - Non-dom
Unb/Unb - Dom
Strong Willed (Uncommon)
Resistance to negative corruption effects.
acStw - Carried
aStw - Non-dom
Stw/Stw - Dom