character Levels
Click on the level for more information
Level 1
The beginner level!
All Drakiri start as a novice
- The ability to breed once a month per player. (If you sell a slot, it will not effect your slots for that month.)
- Chance to roll up to two additional common items from activities, including Infused Crystals. While these can not be used yet, they will be once your Drakiri becomes a student.
- Magic Unlocked, Drakiri learn some basic spells and can apply them to activities. Spells have a 15% +Magic Stat Points chance of success.
Combat Stats
Each stat has a default of 34 stat points assigned to it. Note that they do not have to stay balanced, this is just the default to make it easier! . For an even spread, 14 can be added to each individual stat. No one stat may be over 15 points strong
(60 total stat points to spread across 6 stats)
(Level 1 has a total of 84 stat points spread across 6 stats. No individual can be over 15 Stat Points. An even spread would be 14 to each stat, which is the default. You can remove points from the base balanced stat if you want to add them to another combat stat instead, as long as there are 84 total points assigned across the 6 stats, with no individual stat over 15 Stat Points)
Non Combat StatsAll Drakiri start with 21 stat points to spread across the 3 non combat stats. For an even spread, 7 can be placed in each. No individual stat can have over 10 Stat Points. (This is added in the Autofill by default!)
(Level 1 has a total of 21 stat points spread across 3 stats. An even spread would be 7 of each, which is autofilled by default.)
Mana Points: 200
Having passed your entry exam, your Drakiri is now considered a Student amongst the Elders and have unlocked the ability of using basic magic. Practice makes perfect!
Depict your Drakiri studying magic for the first time. Do they decide to read up on methods before giving it a shot? Or do they harness the energy inside of them and go for it?!
This prompt is optional. If completed, you will automatically unlock 3 random level 2 spells and 3 crafting recipes. You can choose an uncommon ability to add to your Drakiri if you complete this prompt.Rewards
- Ability to study for more spells unlocked, basic spells increase in effectiveness.
- Improved Rewards from Activities
- 20% + Magic stat chance of success
- +10 Stat Points (WIP)
- Slight improvement to pass rates when breeding
- +24 stat points to spread across the combat stats. For an even spread, 4 can be added to each stat. No individual can be over 25 Stat Points.
(Level 2 has a total of 108 stat points spread across 6 stats. An even spread would be 18 to each stat) - 12 additional stat points to spread across your non combat stats. For an even spread, 4 can be added to each stat. No individual stat can have over 15 Stat Points.
(Level 2 has a total of 33 stat points spread across 3 stats. An even spread would be 11 of each)
No requirements.
Mana Points: 350
Your Drakiri has learned the very basics of magic and has become eligible to learn more under a Master of their choosing. With the guidance of this Master, your Drakiri will learn to grow more and more powerful! New useful applications will be discovered and they will learn to how to weave the Primal Aspects into more complex spells as well as learning simple Infusions and crafting simple Foci.
Depict your Drakiri with a Starter or Master of their choosing learning the more complex aspects of magic. Do they have a firm grasp on what they're learning? Or do they stumble under the judging eye of the Master?
This prompt is optional. If completed, you will automatically unlock 3 random level 2 spells and 3 crafting recipes. You get to choose 1 uncommon ability.
- Improved rewards from activities
- Ability to learn simple infusions from Studying activity. (WIP) Spells have a 45% chance of success + Magic Stat Points. Magical Duel [WIP] activity opened, allowing your Drakiri to test their magical prowess against other Drakiri.
- +2 random spells unlocked, +2 custom spells if the prompt is completed
- Slight improvement to pass rates when breeding
- Combat Stats: 24 stat points to spread across the combat stats. For an even spread, 4 can be added to each stat. No individual can be over 30 Stat Points
(Level 3 has a total of 132 stat points spread across 6 stats. . An even spread would be 22 to each stat) - Non Combat Stats: 12 additional stat points to spread across your non combat stats. For an even spread, 4 can be added to each stat. No individual stat can have over 20 Stat Points
(Level 3 has a total of 45 stat points spread across 3 stats. . An even spread would be 15 of each)
No requirements.
Mana Points: 600
Your Drakiri is beginning to learn of what ties this world together and of the many worlds that lay beyond their realm. They cannot contain their enthusiasm as their curiousity continues to grow. They are eager to learn more! But beware... As an Adept, you will discover that magic becomes more volatile. Dark things may even begin to grow among the cracks.
Depict your Drakiti discovering something powerful. Have they discovered a new world? Or have they slipped into the void and discovered something much darker?
This prompt is optional. If completed, you will automatically unlock 3 random level 2 spells. You may choose 1 rare ability to add to your Drakiri
- 55% chance for spells to succeed + Magic Stat Points, ability to craft more powerful items and more powerful spells.
- Better rewards from activities
- +15 Stat Points (WIP)
- Slight improvement in pass rates when breeding
No requirements.
Your Drakiri has aged and through their time in this realm, have mastered magic. They have become wise and well-rounded, shaped by their experiences. It is time for your Drakiri to accept an Apprentice of their own.
Depict your Drakiri teaching another about the basics of magic. Do they enjoy working with their Apprentice? Or could they do without the "babysitting"?
This prompt is optional. It comes with 5 spell scrolls and 5 crafting recipes. You may add 2 rare abilities to your Drakiri
- Drakiri can breed 3 times a month per player.
- +3 EXP for any Drakiri featured in art or writing with a Master
- High level magic unlocked. Your Drakiri can craft Golem pets to help them in their journeys. 65‰ chance for spells to succeed + Magic Stat Points. (WIP)
- Increased Chance to roll marking applicators and other exclusive rare goodies when completing weekly prompts or activities
- +25 Stat Points (WIP)
- The ability to take on a single Drakiri as their Apprentice. When drawn with this Drakiri, the Drakiri willg ain +2 Mana points on top of the Master bonus. Once an Apprentice reaches Master, the Master will gain 3-5 special rare items.
No requirements.
- The ability to take up to 2 Drakiri at once as their Apprentice. When drawn with an Apprentice, the apprentice will gain an extra +3 Mana on top of the Grandmaster bonus. Once an Apprentice reaches Master, the Master will gain 3-5 rare items.
- +4 MP to any Drakiri depicted with them. This replaces the Master bonus. his stacks with the +3 if a Drakiri is their apprentice. More info in the MP guide.
- Rare item pack (Rare marking applicators, rare items, and mutations can come from this! 2-5 items.)
No requirements.

No requirements.

No requirements.