
Studious (Uncommon)

Category: Abilities
Species: Drakiri

Small chance to randomly gain Aspect Points when doing non-Studying activities.

acStu - Carried
aStu - Non-dom
Stu/Stu - Dom

Tainted (Uncommon)

Category: Abilities
Species: Drakiri

Increased Corruption gain. (Can’t stack with Purity of Mind.)

acTnt - Carried
aTnt - Non-dom
Tnt/Tnt - Dom

Unfazed (Uncommon)

Category: Abilities
Species: Drakiri

Less likely to be Stunned in battle.

acUfa - Carried
aUfa - Non-dom
Ufa/Ufa - Dom

Floscaelis (Specialty)

Category: Abilities

A Specialty Legendary ability, unable to be inherited.

This will be added to all existing Zarkantas, geno and import, being brought over through the merger. This special ability has two effects!

Effect #1: +1 potential geno when breeding with another Zarkanta (It will only be on Zarkantas since it's a special ability for Zarks directly imported from the old group). This stacks with other fertility abilities, and applies to both litters when using Double Uterus.

Effect #2: Zarkanta Genos from a parent with this ability can choose 25 Skill Points on a magic path of your choice. The code will generate a note for any Zarkantas born from Zarkantas that were brought in with the merger.

acFsc - Carried
aFsc - Non-dom
Fsc/Fsc - Dom

Attuned (Rare)

Category: Abilities
Species: Drakiri

Drakiri born to this Drakiri have a 5% chance at being born level 1 or level 2.

acAtt - Carried
aAtt - Non-dom
Att/Att - Dom

Charismatic (Rare)

Category: Abilities
Species: Drakiri

Companion gets increased level points from art.

acChr - Carried
aChr - Non-dom
Chr/Chr - Dom

Lily's Legacy (Legendary)

Category: Abilities

3% chance to generate a legendary marking, and boosts chances of legendary mutation generating. When stacking with Legendary Randomizer, this increases to 5%

In memory of a wonderful friend and mother who passed away, her legacy will live on through the characters she gave life to

acLgy - Carried
aLgy - Non-dom
Lgy/Lgy - Dom

Dazzle (Rare)

Category: Abilities
Species: Drakiri

Reduces enemy accuracy and evasion.

Comes with Mystics, and with Cosmic.

acDaz - Carried
aDaz - Non-dom
Daz/Daz - Dom

Deadzone (Rare)

Category: Abilities
Species: Drakiri

Increases magical damage by 1-5 points. This counts for receiving damage as well as dealing it. So while your Drakiri can deal more damage using non-physical attacks, they also receive extra damage as well. A Corruption ability.

acDdz - Carried
aDdz - Non-dom
Ddz/Ddz - Dom

Den Mother (Rare)

Category: Abilities
Species: Drakiri

Increased chance of finding random genos by 5% when Exploring or Adventuring, also acts like a built in Beacon when the Drakiri is bred

acDen - Carried
aDen - Non-dom
Den/Den - Dom

Determined (Rare)

Category: Abilities
Species: Drakiri

15% chance to survive and regenerate 20 HP after receiving a fatal blow in a battle.

acDtr - Carried
aDtr- Non-dom
Dtr/Dtr - Dom

Fertile (Rare)

Category: Abilities
Species: Drakiri

A Drakiri’s possible clutch sizes raises by 1.

acFer - Carried
aFer- Non-dom
Fer/Fer - Dom

Flight (Rare)

Category: Abilities
Species: Drakiri

Your Drakiri can fly! Boost to Perception, +3 and a +3 in Accuracy and Evasion. 3% chance boost to landing a critical hit and a 3% chance to dodge an attack

Comes on Dracus, and with Phoenix.

acFli - Carried
aFli - Non-dom
Fli/Fli - Dom

Ghostly (Rare)

Category: Abilities
Species: Drakiri

15% increased chance of Albinism passing.

acGho - Carried
aGho - Non-dom
Gho/Gho - Dom

Heightened Senses (Rare)

Category: Abilities
Species: Drakiri

Gives a single extra item in all activities.

acHsn - Carried
aHsn - Non-dom
Hsn/Hsn - Dom

High Roller (Rare)

Category: Abilities
Species: Drakiri

Doubles Aurics earned in activities.

acHih - Carried
aHih - Non-dom
Hih/Hih - Dom

Leadership (Rare)

Category: Abilities
Species: Drakiri

Gives a +15% bonus to items earned and an extra 2 MP to all Drakiri in any activity this Drakiri is depicted in, so long as there are one or more other Drakiri in the image/literature.

acLdr - Carried
aLdr - Non-dom
Ldr/Ldr - Dom

Life Drain (Rare)

Category: Abilities
Species: Drakiri

A 10% chance each turn of battle to take a 5% of health away from an opponent and add it to yourself.

acDrn - Carried
aDrn - Non-dom
Drn/Drn - Dom

Living Library (Rare)

Category: Abilities
Species: Drakiri

Gain twice the number of spells each time spells are learned.

acLiv - Carried
aLiv - Non-dom
Liv/Liv- Dom

Magical Reflux (Rare)

Category: Abilities
Species: Drakiri

20% chance to reflect a spell directed at the Drakiri each round.

acMar - Carried
aMar - Non-dom
Mar/Mar - Dom

550 results found.