Claim Forms

Created: 15 November 2021, 09:53:50 UTC
Last updated: 14 May 2022, 16:13:32 UTC

Some Claim types require a form to be filled out, and all of the forms can be found here. You can control+f to find the particular form for the Claim type you are filling out.


Information Updates

To update your Drakiri's information, find the Claim titled "Information Updates" and put in the following form
Drakiri URL:
Changes being Made:
Title: If Applicable, only for adding a title to your Drakiri (Please note they can only have one title at a time, so if you change their title, they lose their old one. Titles have no effect on the game and are purely cosmetic, but can be a lot of fun.)
Updated Genotype/Phenotype/Other Information: (If Applicable)


Breeding Form

Use the "Post a Breeding" Claim to post a breeding.
See our Breeding Guide for more information and a breakdown if anything is confusing to you

Sire Import URL
Sire Import Name:
Sire Level:
Sire's Slot Number
Sire Approval

Dam Import URL
Dam Import Name:
Dam Level:
Dam's Slot Number
Dam Approval

Breeding Specifications
Breeding Items Used:


Redeem a Random Geno

Use the "Redeem a Random Geno" claim to redeem a random geno

Geno Tier
Proof: (If you purchased it using USD or won it in a raffle; If you got it from the Gratitude Token shop, add it from your inventory)


Rites of Passage

Link to Drakiri: (Please post the name of the Drakiri as well as their URL. Up to three Drakiri can complete their rites all at once, however we prefer only one be redeemed at the same time.)

*Please note that even if the Rite has already gone through and you are completing the set, you should link it here for record keeping purposes, and mention in the extra info that you already used that one to make your Drakiri breedable!

Rite of Endurance: Post URL here. If you completed all three rites in one literature piece or one image submission (Comic style), just post the URL to each one and mention in the extra info that it's the same link and that all three Rites are in that one URL!
Extra Info: Anything you feel should be mentioned

Rite of Strength: Post URL here
Extra Info: Anything you feel should be mentioned

Rite of Maturity: Post URL here
Extra Info: Anything you feel should be mentioned

If you have completed all three rites, add this to the form

Abilities: This is not applicable unless you have completed all three rites. List the 3 abilities you would like added to your Drakiri. Up to 2 of these can be uncommon, and 1 can be rare. Please include their geno code. Faults and Abilities and their Geno Codes
Starter you would like a slot to: The URL of the Starter and thier name so staff can award their slot

Make sure you go to the rewards section and add a Breeding Voucher and it will appear in your inventory automatically when your Rites of Passage are accepted!


Levelling Up

Drakiri URL:
Drakiri Name:
MP Count: (Make sure you redeem Mana Points before attempting to level your Drakiri up)
Level Prompt: (This is optional! The level guide has a list of prompts that can be done for leveling up as well as extra rewards)
Rewards: (This only applies if you did the art or writing prompt for leveling up, list the rewards you want here! Please note that the magic system and crafting system are still WIP, and there will be a new claim type for adding stuff to already levelled Drakiri.)


Adoption Center Donations

See the Slot Donation and Adoption Guides here

Use the claim entitled Adopt Breeding Slots to adopt a slot, using the following form.


Adopt a Geno or Import

Geno or Import? (Specify if you are adopting a geno or an import here!)
Choice 1: (For genos, please post the geno's URL. For Imports, post the import's URL and their name)
Choice 2: (For genos, please post the geno's URL. For Imports, post the import's URL and their name)
Using Adoption Papers? [Yes/No] (Note that adoption papers can only be used on genos, and not on Imports!)


Donate a Geno or Import

You can find the donation guides here! Donation Reward Guide

You may donate up to five genos or imports per Prompt submission! Repeat the form for each donation. For the Reward Total, only have the reward for that donation. 

Geno or Import: (Specify if you are donating a geno or an import here)
URL: (The name and URL of the Drakiri being donated
Reward Total: (Please specify if you are receiving Gratitude Tokens or Aurics for your reward)
Reward Breakdown: (Break down the traits so the staff can easily check the amount to see if it is right)

Total Reward: (Leave this out if you are only donating one Geno or Import, otherwise, add the donations together)


Release a Geno

Find guides and rewards here

Geno Being Released: (Geno URL)
Geno: (Copy the full geno from the description here)


Decease an Import

This will use the same Claim type as Releasing a Geno. This will not give the same rewards as releasing a geno. If you don't want your Drakiri anymore, you are killing it off for lore, or have some other reason to get rid of an Import, this is how you do it. Please note that this is irreversible! Once deceased, your Import will not be usable in anything in the game. It can not be leveled up, can not be entered in events, and can not get any reward. It will remain in your ownership unless you choose to delete it entirely.

Import URL:
Import Name:
Do you want it Deleted?: [Y/N] -Please note that if your Drakiri has children, they will be redesigned with changes and donated to the adoption center to avoid messing up lineages for their offspring. If they do not have any children, they will have a new Import take their ID number. The ownership will be changed to Drakiri-Archives, with the name, profile, traits, and everything else wiped and the image replaced by a placeholder image until the spot is overwritten with a new Import.


Adopt Breeding Slots

Slot 1
Drakiri: (URL and ID, the URL will be in the sheet as well as the Drakiri's name)
Drakiri Name:
Permission ID: (This will be provided in the sheet linked above, mark this as N/A if you are going for a starter slot instead of a donated slot and specify that you are adopting a starter slot instead of a donated slot)
Row Number: (The number of the row on the spreadsheet so it can easily be found and removed after being adopted. Leave this blank if you chose a starter.)

Slot 2
Drakiri URL: (URL and ID, the URL will be in the sheet as well as the Drakiri's name. Leave blank if you are breeding the donated slot to your own Drakiri instead of using two slots together)
Drakiri Name:
Permission ID: (This will be provided in the sheet linked at the beginning of this guide, mark this as N/A if you are going for a starter slot instead of a donated slot)
Row Number: (The number of the row on the spreadsheet so it can easily be found and removed after being adopted. Leave this blank if you chose a starter)


Donate Breeding Slots

See reward guides here

Drakiri URL:
Drakiri Name
Slot Donation ID: (This is found on the permission itself in the character's Permissions tab. If you don't gift the slot to Drakiri-Archives yourself, the staff member handling this claim will write the permission for you with a note that it was donated)
Reward: (The amount of Aurics or Gratitude Tokens you get from the reward)
Breakdown: (How did you come to this reward?)



Redeem Rewards


Redeem Mana Points

This is required to level your Drakiri up. You count up your Mana Points, and have a staff member look everything over to make sure the count is right, and then it is added as a "Currency" to your Drakiri, building up and looked at when you level up. Only one Drakiri can be listed per redemption, but up to 5 art pieces or a three literature pieces can be submitted at a time.

Drakiri Name:
Drakiri URL:
URL to the art or writing: (Put a list of URL's if there is more than one)
Other Information: (Anything you want to clarify about this. IE, if you are redeeming a character for a section of a written piece, tell what part of the written piece they are in so staff can double check, and you can explain anything you feel is important here as well)
Mana Count: (Please put this per piece, with the total at the end)


Redeem Aurics

Every time you draw or write about a Drakiri, you get Aurics for your effort. Use this form to get your Aurics

URL: (To the art piece or written piece, up to 5 can be redeemed at once)
Reward Breakdown: (How did you come to that reward? This helps staff know what to look for and makes it easier on the team!)
Total Reward: (Total Aurics earned for the work done)


Community Additions

Submit an item to be hosted in the community additions folder for other players to use. See the Community Additions Guide here! (It is currently WIP)

Item URL: (Please have the full layered file hosted in this URL)
Item Type: (Small Customization, Custom Mutation, Accessory, Scar Pack, Brushes, or other)
Reward Type: (What kind of reward do you want? Gratitude Tokens, Arcanium, or Aurics?)
Reward Total:


Redeem Prizes

Did you get items, Aurics, or other currency as a prize for a raffle or contest? Use the Redeem Prizes claim to get it.




Activities, Events, and Special Events

Up to three Drakiri can be redeemed for these at the same time, but you must own all three. You can only redeem rewards for Drakiri you own (Or you have permission to use via Leasing (This is a WIP system and not yet complete), not for Drakiri owned by others.

Activity or Event: Which Activity or Event are you submitting to? Some have their own Claim, such as the November Event and Holiday Events that happen throughout the years
Drakiri URL:
Drakiri Name: (Repeat this field and the one above for each Drakiri being entered)
Rewards: (Also list these as rewards on your Claim, if they are items or currency)