Breeding Guide

Created: 26 July 2021, 23:51:50 UTC
Last updated: 24 November 2021, 00:38:09 UTC



Submit a PROMPT to submit your breeding! The breeding thread in the forums is Admin only, meant for records, and for members to see breeding results at a glance. It is useful for divying up split litters as well. When you submit a prompt, make sure all of the information is intact, or your breeding will not be rolled. If you comment on the breeding threads, your comment will be removed and your breeding will not be rolled.




  • Please use the correct form when you submit your prompt! Make sure you submit the correct prompt. If you use the wrong prompt, your breeding submission will be rejected and you will have to resubmit.

  • Make sure any items you are going to be using for the breeding are added on to the prompt from your inventory, or the breeding will be rolled without them. You should add what items you are using to the form as well, to make it easier for the staff to know the items are there. If the items are added to the prompt, they will be automatically consumed once the breeding is rolled and your prompt is accepted. To clarify, you will need to own the items and add them from your inventory to the prompt so they will be consumed when the breeding is rolled. 

  • Only one breeding per prompt. The staff member rolling the breeding will reply to the breeding thread in the forums with your geno results, and the genos will be added as geno slots in your account. It will be up to you to distribute them if it is a split litter.  If you refuse to give any to the other person (And they come to us because they got scammed), you will receive a 3 month ban from breeding and half of the genos will be transferred to the other party in the split breeding. Please note that if you had real life problems, you can tell a staff member and we will not penalize you for a mental health crisis, loss of internet, high stress, or another problem out of your control. If you continually refuse to divide up genos from split litters with the other party, you will be banned from breeding for good.  Please note that we prefer you to take care of this yourself before getting us involved.

  • A player may breed a total of 3 times per month. Every player gets to do a single breeding per month without needing Rites or a Breeding Voucher in their inventory. Mention this in your breeding form if you are using your monthly rites-free breeding. The monthly free breeding voucher is refreshed each month, and does not roll over if you don't use it. (So not using it for three months means you still only get one for that fourth month.)

  • A player may unlock an additional 2 breeding slots by drawing or writing about the two Drakiri being bred. One story or drawing per additional slot. No more than two extra breeding slots can be unlocked in this manner. This drawing should be fullbody with a simple background, at least flat colored. Writing should be 1200 words and involve the two Drakiri being bred.  If NSFW, please upload the image or written piece to another website, and provide a warning with the link that it is NSFW so that staff who prefer  not to see NSFW content can have a different staff member check the image or story and confirm it.

  • A Drakiri pair must either both have completed their Rites of Passage, or have a Breeding Voucher applied in order to breed. Only one breeding voucher is needed per breeding, even if neither Drakiri has completed their Rites. While a Drakiri can be made breedable with a single Rite, completing all three gives more benefits to your Drakiri. When using a Breeding Voucher, they will always breed as Level 0 no matter how high level the Drakiri are, and they cannot use a Level Match Ticket.

  • Please add the Permission ID # when submitting your breeding prompt, so that the staff can mark that permission as used when rolling the breeding. Please specify whether it is a full or a spit slot, and if it is a split, please also add the username of the person the litter is being split with, as well as any conditions placed on the use of the slot.

  • Users are not limited to the number of splits they can do in a month, but they are limited on how many breedings (full or split) they can personally host each month.

  • Do not use your Friend/Side accounts to get around the breeding limit. You risk suspension or ban from breeding.

  • Breeding starters or NPC's together will not use your monthly breedings.


Breeding Permissions Guide

  • To write a breeding permission, go to your character's official Import page, and find Permissions on the side menu.

  • From there, you are able to grant a permission to another player. 

  • Make sure you specify if it is a full litter or a split litter.

  • If it is a split litter, make sure you put in the name of the person you are splitting with.

  • If there are any conditions on the use of the slot, such as that no inbreeding is allowed, or the slot may only be used to breed with a specific Drakiri, be sure to add this information to the slot permission.
  • If it is a gift, specify this by clicking on the Gift option so you can get your Gratitude Tokens award.  Note that you can only get Gratitude Tokens for three gifted slots a month, and that you only get gratitude tokens from slots to Drakiri that are breedable without a Breeding Voucher (IE, have completed at least one Rite of Passage.)

  • Make sure you specify the Permission ID number when submitting your breeding prompt. You can find the ID numbers for all of your slot permissions by going to your user profile and clicking on Permissions in the User side menu. This will show all slots written to you. The ID number is listed under Permission Type, along with whether it is for a full or a split slot, and who you're splitting the slot with, if anyone.


Breeding Submission Form


Sire Import URL: Post your Drakiri's URL here. Please make sure you include the Drakiri's name along with their link so staff can more easily add your Drakiri into the dropdown in the breeding roller so the names of the genos can be generated properly, and lineage can be easily assigned.
Sire Name: (The name of the Sire)
Sire Level: The level of your Drakiri. If there is no level specified, it is level 0. You can go through design updates to add this, otherwise the level will be updated once they level up.
Sire's Slot Number: A Drakiri has a limited number of breedings they can be involved in per month per player. If you are breeding the Drakiri for the first time that month, put 1. If anybody else has used a slot to the same Drakiri, this will not impact you! If you are using a breeding ticket to get an extra breeding for that Drakiri, specify here.
Sire Approval: Put the ID number of your permission here, unless you own your Drakiri. If you own it, just specify that they are yours. The permission, with the ID will be under "Permissions" on the Drakiri's page, and the rules and specifications will be there for the permission type.


Dam Import URL: Post your Drakiri's URL here.
Dam Import Name: Your Drakiri's name
Dam Level: The level of your Drakiri. If there is no level specified, it is level 0. You can go through design updates to add this, otherwise the level will be updated once they level up.
Dam's Slot Number: A Drakiri has a limited number of breedings they can be involved in per month per player. If you are breeding the Drakiri for the first time that month, put 1. If anybody else has used a slot to the same Drakiri, this will not impact you! If you are using a breeding ticket to get an extra breeding for that Drakiri, specify here.
Dam Approval: Put the ID number of your permission here, unless you own your Drakiri. If you own it, just specify that they are yours. The permission, with the ID will be under "Permissions" on the Drakiri's page, and the rules and specifications will be there for the permission type.

Breeding specifications: Any rules that are in your permission so they are there at a glance. Genos will default to the player posting the breeding for splits unless specified otherwise, and it is up to players to distribute split litters between them.
Breeding Items Used: Make sure you add the items you are using under the add-ons on the prompt submission, and specify which ones you are using here. This will help staff know to look for them, and will make sure your item isn't forgotten and lost.
Inbreeding: Yes, or no? Please specify if they share an ancestor that will be bumped off of the lineage in the genos, as they will roll as if inbred faultwise, but will have a healthy litter and will not miscarry, or produce a stillborn geno. (In this case, staff will mark it as inbreeding, reroll if necessary, and change the health from "Inbred" to "Healthy". Healthy Drakiri can have their faults removed using a Golden Apple item, while inbred Drakiri can not.) See the Claim Forms here! This will be on there without all the extra writing to make it easier to fill out.


How Breeding Slots Work


A Drakiri has an infinite number of slots that can be used. They will never run out of slots, and unlimited slots can be given or sold to other members.  There are, however, limits for how often a Drakiri can be bred in a month, though this is per player, and not a hard limit on the Drakiri themselves. NPC's and Starters are exempt from this rule. This means that if somebody else has a slot to the Drakiri and uses it, it will not affect your ability to breed them. This monthly limit is increased by leveling your Drakiri up, and an extra breeding slot for that Drakiri can be unlocked using a Breeding Ticket item. 

At levels 0-2, the Drakiri can be bred once a month per player
At level 3, they are able to be bred twice a month per player
At level 5, they can be bred three times a month per player

If you have not bred the Drakiri yet that month,  you don't have to worry about this limit! You don't have to keep track of the slots other than ones you have used yourself. You don't have to check and see if anybody else has bred them that month.