
Shadeborn (Rare)

Category: Abilities

Adds a 15% chance for Melanism to pass when breeding a Drakiri

acShdb - Carried
aShdb - Non-dom
Shdb/Shdb - Dom

Fluffy (Rare)

Category: Abilities

Boosts chances of fur mutations to generate

acFluf - Carried
aFluf - Non-dom
Fluf/Fluf - Dom

Apex Predator (Common)

Category: Abilities
Species: Drakiri

Increases chances of finding rare items from hunt rolls by 5%.

acApx - Carried
aApx - Non-dom
ApxApx - Dom

Unseasonal (Rare)

Category: Abilities

Allows specialty mutations and markings the chance to generate when breeding at their normal rates, allows their rates to be effected by other abilities or items that effect mutations

acUsnl - Carried
aUsnl- Non-dom
Usnl/Usnl - Dom

Agile (Common)

Category: Abilities
Species: Drakiri

Increases Evasion by 5 points.

acAgl - Carried
aAgl - Non-dom
Agl/Agl- Dom

Anomalous (Rare)

Category: Abilities

Boosts chances for all normal and magic mutations to inherit, boosts chances for normal mutations to generate

acAno - Carried
aAno - Non-dom
Ano/Ano - Dom

Curious (Common)

Category: Abilities
Species: Drakiri

Adds a 5% chance to get 1-3 extra items when Caving or Exploring. (Also may unlock extra, otherwise hidden quest paths later when questing is implemented.)

acCur - Carried
aCur - Non-dom
Cur/Cur- Dom

Elemental (Common)

Category: Abilities
Species: Drakiri

Earn increased Aspect Points by 1-5 points from all sources.

acElm - Carried
aElm- Non-dom
Elm/Elm- Dom

Farts (Common)

Category: Abilities
Species: Drakiri

Your drakiri farts a lot. 5% chance to stun an enemy for a single turn in battle. Unlocks exclusive spell, Rancid Fart. If successful, it acts like a toxin, reducing an opponent's health by 3-5 HP per turn until the end of the battle.

acFart - Carried
aFart - Non-dom
Fart/Fart- Dom

Focus (Common)

Category: Abilities
Species: Drakiri

Additional +5% chance to successfully cast spells.

acFcs - Carried
aFcs - Non-dom
Fcs/Fcs - Dom

Friendly (Common)

Category: Abilities
Species: Drakiri

5% bonus to Charisma effectiveness.

acFrn - Carried
aFrn - Non-dom
Frn/Frn - Dom

Green Thumb (Common)

Category: Abilities
Species: Drakiri

Bring in up to 2 extra items when Gathering or Exploring.

Comes with Earthen

acGrn - Carried
aGrn - Non-dom
Grn/Grn - Dom

Iron Wall (Common)

Category: Abilities
Species: Drakiri

Increases Defense by 5 points.

Comes on Komakha

acIrn - Carried
aIrn - Non-dom
Irn/Irn - Dom

Killer Instinct (Common)

Category: Abilities
Species: Drakiri

Increases critical hit chance.

acKil - Carried
aKil - Non-dom
Kil/Kil - Dom

Swift (Common)

Category: Abilities
Species: Drakiri

Adds a 5% chance to get 1-3 extra items when doing any activity.

Comes on Sprites

acSwf - Carried
aSwf - Non-dom
Swf/Swf - Dom

Swimmer (Common)

Category: Abilities
Species: Drakiri

Adds a 5% chance to get 1-3 extra items when Diving or Fishing.

acSwm - Carried
aSwm - Non-dom
Swm/Swm - Dom

Wild Heart (Common)

Category: Abilities
Species: Drakiri

5% chance to get 1-3 extra items when Hunting.

acWld - Carried
aWld - Non-dom
Wld/Wld - Dom

Boom (Uncommon)

Category: Abilities
Species: Drakiri

The Drakiri does an extra 50 points of damage to a boss, even if they lose. Presumably by exploding.

acBom - Carried
aBom - Non-dom
Bom/Bom - Dom

Darksight (Uncommon)

Category: Abilities
Species: Drakiri

Does not need a spell to see when Caving or Dungeoning.

Comes on Nightmares, and with Biolume, Flames, and Firefly.

acDks- Carried
aDks - Non-dom
Dks/Dks - Dom

Flawless (Legendary)

Category: Abilities

Stops faults from being inherited from the parents when breeding. Halves the chances at producing faults for all levels of inbreeding and matching fault codes.

acFws - Carried
aFws - Non-dom
Fws/Fws - Dom

99 results found.