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This is an Admin Only thread
1302 Posts
Rolled By Artha-Demon for kyrraven
Claim Link: https://drakiri.com/admin/submissions/edit/5624
I-995: Stardust x I-333: Elentári
Base Litter:
1) Dracus Female, Healthy (9Pf/7ug/9po/4Ln/8Uj/5YW)
Phenotype: Black with Crescents, Pangare, Sable and Socks
Genotype: cc/gg/BB/cSph/cFr/nPgr/nSbl/cMt/nCre/cMsk/nSok/aShk/aFli
Carries: Sapphire, Frosted, Mane Tips, Mask
Mane Type: Punk
Ears Type: Common
Tail Type: Whip
Horns Type: Common
[Abilities] Shockwave, Flight
2) Q'lin Female, Healthy (9tS/7ug/9po/5va/8Ug/8Uj)
Phenotype: Silver Chroma Black with Frosted, Mask and Spots
Genotype: cc/gg/Bb/nSph/FrFr/nSpt/cSia/nMsk/cSok/nEry/nJde/nTop/nSlv/aShk/acDaz
Carries: Siamese, Socks, Dazzle
Mane Type: Common
Ears Type: Sleek
Tail Type: Whip
Horns Type: Common
[Abilities] Shockwave
The following abilities from I-333: Elentári were applied: Rainbow Sparkle Magic, Legendary Blood, Rare Blood
1302 Posts
Breeding Claim: https://drakiri.com/admin/submissions/edit/5623
I-162: Donegal x I-178: Sophie
Rolled by PSB
Base Litter:
1) Kainu Male, Healthy (3Km/1es/3uM/7tW/5YM/9Jg)
Magic Skills: Earth Skill 2
Phenotype: Chestnut with Fleabitten and Underbelly
Genotype: cc/Gg/BB/nFb/nUn/cDpl/mSkr
Carries: Dapples
Mane Type: Common
Ears Type: Fancy
Tail Type: Common
Horns Type: Antelope
[Mutations] Sakura
2) Kainu Female, Healthy (3EW/3uM/1WF/0YL/7bx/7tW)
Magic Skills: Earth Skill 11
Phenotype: Gold with Blanket, Dorsal, Fleabitten, Underbelly and Tabby
Genotype: cc/Gg/bB/nFb/nDor/nBln/nUn/nTby/cJde/cPan/cDpl/aMar/acHel/acDks/acMag/aStu
Carries: Jade, Panda, Dapples, Healer's Gift, Darksight, Magically Inclined
Mane Type: Common
Ears Type: Elegant
Tail Type: Common
Horns Type: Common
[Abilities] Magical Reflux, Studious
The following abilities from I-178: Sophie were applied: Unseasonal
1302 Posts
Breeding Claim: https://drakiri.com/admin/submissions/edit/5622
I-1575: Seraph, The Forgotten One x I-414: Loki
Rolled by PSB
Base Litter:
1) Dracus Female, Healthy (5Pg/9uz/4Ab/3TH/4Qf/4Bw)
Phenotype: Cream with Mask, Socks, Zag, Tapir and Teardrop
Genotype: CC/gg/BB/nTpr/cIri/nTdr/nZag/nSok/nMsk/mInt/LGlc/aElm/aFli
Carries: Iridescent Scales
Mane Type: Fringe
Ears Type: Common
Tail Type: Common
Horns Type: Ram
[Mutations] Intersex, Glitch
[Abilities] Elemental, Flight
2) Mystic-Dracus Male, Healthy (4Ab/1md/9uz/9hh/4MW/4Bw)
Phenotype: Cream with Blanket, Dorsal, Fleabitten, Mask, Sable, Socks, Underbelly, Iridescent Scales and Smoke
Genotype: CC/gg/BB/nIri/nSmk/nFb/nSbl/nUn/nSok/nBln/nDor/nMsk/mEys/aHel/acStu/aBom/aDaz/aFli/aUnb/aDbl/aPrd
Carries: Studious
Mane Type: Common
Ears Type: Elegant
Tail Type: Common
Horns Type: Common
[Mutations] Extra Eyes
[Abilities] Healer's Gift, Boom, Dazzle, Flight, Unbreakable, Double Trouble, Pride
The following abilities from I-1575: Seraph, The Forgotten One were applied: Rainbow Sparkle Magic
1302 Posts
Full Breeding for Monstaluv892
Breeding Claim: https://drakiri.com/admin/submissions/edit/5616
Rolled By Tip
S-075: Zullig x S-088: Erin
Base Litter:
1) Mystic Female, Healthy (5OM/7DV/5bw/2aW/3Oi/9uq)
Phenotype: Cream with Diamond, Gradient, Hood and Cutout
Genotype: Cc/gg/BB/nHd/nGra/nDia/cSpt/nCut/aIrn/aDaz
Carries: Spots
Mane Type: Barbary
Ears Type: Curled
Tail Type: Cervine
Horns Type: Antelope
[Abilities] Iron Wall, Dazzle
2) Mystic Male, Healthy (5OM/7DV/5bw/2aW/3Oi/9uq)
Phenotype: Black with Gradient, Cutout and Iridescent Scales
Genotype: cc/gg/BB/nIri/nGra/cStr/cSta/nCut/mInt/aHsn/aDaz/acIrn
Carries: Striped, Stained, Iron Wall
Mane Type: Barbary
Ears Type: Fancy
Tail Type: Cervine
Horns Type: Antelope
[Mutations] Intersex
[Abilities] Heightened Senses, Dazzle
1302 Posts
Rolled by Artha-Demon for Tip
Breeding Claim: https://drakiri.com/admin/submissions/edit/5625
I-2227: Blip x I-2060: Papillon
Base Litter:
1) Kainu Male, Healthy (3Qs/2mI/2qo/3Pl/3uB/8fV)
Phenotype: Dilute Copper Chestnut with Crescents, Frosted, Mask, Sable, Spots, Underbelly, Dun, Roan, Smoke, King Cheetah and Reversal
Genotype: cc/Gg/BB/nRon/cTpr/cGra/nRev/nSmk/nUn/cStt/cCol/nSpt/nCre/nEry/nJde/nTop/nFr/nMsk/nSbl/nDun/cIri/nKc/nDil/mInf/mcSm/acObs/acClf
Carries: Tapir, Gradient, Strata, Collar, Iridescent Scales, Smooth, Obscure, Colorful
Mane Type: Fringe
Ears Type: Fae
Tail Type: Unicorn
Horns Type: Branched
[Mutations] Infection
2) Kainu Male, Healthy (2mI/2qo/0Cv/3Pl/3uB/8fV)
Phenotype: Ocean Gold with Collar, Crescents, Mask, Sable, Socks, Spots, Underbelly, Dun, Iridescent Scales, Mane Tips, Smoke, Tapir and Vibrant Mane
Genotype: cc/Gg/bb/nTpr/cTri/nMt/cGra/nVm/cBar/nSmk/SokSok/nUn/nCol/cFox/SptSpt/cPnt/nCre/SphSph/nTop/cFr/nMsk/nSbl/nDun/nIri/nJde/mcSm/mWrp/acOcn/aRrb/acRnd1/aClf/aTrr/acShc/aSwf/aObs/acSrn
Carries: Tricolor, Gradient, Barring, Fox, Paint, Frosted, Smooth, Oceanborn, Randomizer 1, Shock, Siren Song
Mane Type: Silken
Ears Type: Common
Tail Type: Unicorn
Horns Type: Antelope
[Mutations] Warped
[Abilities] Rare Blood, Colorful, Thunderous Roar, Swift, Obscure
3) Kainu-Kelpie Male, Healthy (6yw/2mI/3Qs/0Vb/3Ra/2HX)
Phenotype: Silver Gold with Collar, Frosted, Gradient, Mask, Paint, Sable, Socks, Spots, Stained, Barring, Mane Tips, Smoke, Strata, Vibrant Mane, King Cheetah, Shimmer, Splash, Tricolor and Pinata
Genotype: cc/GG/bB/nTri/nMt/nGra/nVm/nShim/nBar/cRev/nSmk/SokSok/cUn/nStt/nCol/cFox/nSpt/nPnt/cCre/nFr/nMsk/nSbl/cIri/nSpl/nKc/nSlv/nPny/nSta/mBye/mSm/mcDew/LShft/mBrc/mWhsk/aSwf/aSwm/aOcn/acTrr/aSrn
Carries: Reversal, Underbelly, Fox, Crescents, Iridescent Scales, Dew, Thunderous Roar
Mane Type: Fringe
Ears Type: Fae
Tail Type: Common
Horns Type: Ibex
[Mutations] Brilliant Eyes, Smooth, Shifter, Brachycephallic, Whiskerless
[Abilities] Swift, Swimmer, Oceanborn, Siren Song
Ancient Fertility Statue:
4) Kainu Male, Healthy (2mI/0Cv/3Qs/3Pl/3uB/8fV)
Phenotype: Aquamarine Gold with Collar, Crescents, Gradient, Mask, Socks, Barring, Roan, Strata, Stroke and Reversal
Genotype: cc/GG/Bb/nRon/nGra/nBar/nSrk/nRev/nSok/nStt/nCol/cSpt/cPnt/nCre/cJde/TopTop/cFr/nMsk/cSpl/nSph/mBye/LcGlc/acRnd1/acObs/aDks/acSwf/aSwm
Carries: Spots, Paint, Jade, Frosted, Splash, Glitch, Randomizer 1, Obscure, Swift
Mane Type: Mohawk
Ears Type: Deer
Tail Type: Unicorn
Horns Type: Common
[Mutations] Brilliant Eyes
[Abilities] Darksight, Swimmer
5) Kainu Male, Healthy (3Qs/0Cv/2mI/3uB/2HX/0Vb)
Phenotype: Aquamarine Chestnut with Collar, Mask, Sable, Socks, Spots, Tapir, Vibrant Mane and Piebald
Genotype: cc/Gg/Bb/nTpr/nVm/nPie/nSok/cUn/nCol/nSpt/cEry/cJde/SphSph/nTop/cFr/nMsk/nSbl/mSpx/mcRad/mDew/aSwf/acSwm/aTrr/aShc/acRnd1
Carries: Underbelly, Erythrism, Jade, Frosted, Radioactive, Swimmer, Randomizer 1
Mane Type: Friesian
Ears Type: Common
Tail Type: Unicorn
Horns Type: Branched
[Mutations] Sphinx, Dew
[Abilities] Swift, Thunderous Roar, Shock
The following abilities from I-2227: Blip were applied: Colorful, Randomizer 1
The following abilities from I-2060: Papillon were applied: Rare Blood, Legendary Blood
The following items were used: Ancient Fertility Statue, Magic Cocktail, Advanced Rainbow Potion, Rarity Potion, Advanced Mutation Serum, Beacon
The following items were selected but not used: Equal Opportunity Potion
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