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1302 Posts

01/09/2023 Edited 01/09/2023

Rolled by Artha-Demon for corrosive_limes

Breeding Claim: https://drakiri.com/admin/submissions/edit/5647

I-1799: Sacraum x I-1740: Chirrek

Base Litter:
1) Komakha-Zarkanta Female, Healthy (4Ln/8xk/3wl/1qp/2KR/8Ur)
Phenotype: Erythrism Chestnut with Dipped, Frosted, Mottled and Spots
Genotype: cc/GG/BB/nFr/nEry/nMot/nSpt/nDip/acDks/aIrn/aHsn/aThr/aStb
Carries: Darksight
Mane Type: Elk
Ears Type: Common
Tail Type: Common
Horns Type: Antelope
[Abilities] Iron Wall, Heightened Senses, Threatening Presence, Stubborn

2) Komakha-Zarkanta Male, Healthy (1Nj/4Ln/8xk/0RV/2qo/2KR)
Phenotype: Gold with Pangare
Genotype: cc/GG/bB/cShim/cSbl/nPgr/cPtn/cPie/cSta/cDip/aIrn/acDks/aHsn/aThr/aStb
Carries: Shimmer, Sable, Python, Piebald, Stained, Dipped, Darksight
Mane Type: Curly
Ears Type: Common
Tail Type: Common
Horns Type: Baphomet
[Abilities] Iron Wall, Heightened Senses, Threatening Presence, Stubborn

The following abilities from I-1799: Sacraum were applied: Fertile

The following items were used: Equal Opportunity Potion, Magic Cocktail, Rare Marking Booster, Uncommon Marking Booster, Rarity Potion
The following items were selected but not used:

Drakiri-Archives Avatar

1302 Posts

01/09/2023 Edited 01/09/2023

Rolled by Artha-Demon for corrosive_limes
Breeding Claim: https://drakiri.com/admin/submissions/edit/5646

I-1832: Luoverce x I-2211: Dormamir

Base Litter:
1) Q'lin-Zarkanta Male, Healthy (8mv/7tV/9uz/0kB/4Fw/6Db)
Phenotype: Black with Banding, Dipped, Frosted, Sable, Bicolor, Siamese and Skeleton
Genotype: cc/gg/Bb/nDip/nSke/nBan/cGhl/nFr/nSbl/nBi/nSia/aHsn/aIrn/aShk/aThr/aStb
Carries: Ghoulish
Mane Type: Poof
Ears Type: Deer
Tail Type: Cervine
Horns Type: Common
[Abilities] Heightened Senses, Iron Wall, Shockwave, Threatening Presence, Stubborn

The following items were used: Equal Opportunity Potion, Magic Cocktail, Uncommon Marking Booster, Rare Marking Booster, Rarity Potion
The following items were selected but not used:

Genetic Disguise was used on Dormamir (Zarkanta Disguise)

Drakiri-Archives Avatar

1302 Posts

01/09/2023 Edited 01/09/2023

Breeding Claim: None because Artha-Demon is absolutely completely FUCKING STUPID and fucked up a roll like a bloody fucking moron and now you get extra genos... you're welcome. Thank boB for this windfall of genos, and getting two sets of twins and this breeding as well, AND your items back because akdjfahklsdfjhadsklfjh

Rolled by the bloody fucking stupid piece of shit Artha-Demon for corrosive_limes

I-2064: Levi x I-1736: Merrak

Base Litter:
1) Zarkanta Female, Healthy (8Dw/1dD/3tb/2HX/0Vb/6xz)
Phenotype: Gold with Crescents, Dorsal, Fleabitten, Flecks, Hood, Panda, Pangare, Socks, Split, Striped, Ticked, Dun, Eyemarks, Iridescent Scales, Python and Rings
Genotype: cc/Gg/bB/nHd/nRng/nPtn/nTik/nFlek/nSpi/cFde/nDor/nSok/nCre/nFb/nPgr/cSbl/nPan/nStr/nEym/nIri/nDun/mcRds/mBrn/acFer/aHih/aThr/aStb/fWkg
Carries: Fade, Sable, Reduced Scales, Fertile
Mane Type: Common
Ears Type: Common
Tail Type: Common
Horns Type: Branched
[Mutations] Burning Eyes
[Abilities] High Roller, Threatening Presence, Stubborn
[Faults] Weak Genes

2) Kainu-Zarkanta Female, Healthy (1dD/3tb/8Dw/2HX/0Vb/4oM)
Phenotype: Black with Collar, Dorsal, Fleabitten, Flecks, Gradient, Hood, Split and Eyemarks
Genotype: cc/gg/bB/cTop/cZeb/nHd/cRng/nFlek/nSpi/cFde/cUn/nCol/nDor/cMsk/cCre/nFb/cSbl/cStr/nEym/cJp/nGra/aRec/aThr/aStb
Carries: Topaz, Zebra, Rings, Fade, Underbelly, Mask, Crescents, Sable, Striped, Jasper
Mane Type: Barbary
Ears Type: Common
Tail Type: Common
Horns Type: Common
[Abilities] Recoil, Threatening Presence, Stubborn

3) Kainu Male, Healthy (1Vr/1dD/3tb/4oM/2HX/0Vb)
Phenotype: Chestnut with Fade, Gradient, Hood, Mask, Split, Ticked, Underbelly, Iridescent Scales, Mane Tips, Python and Siamese
Genotype: cc/gG/BB/nSia/nHd/cRng/nPtn/nTik/nSpi/nFde/nUn/cZag/cSok/nMsk/nMt/cPan/cStr/nIri/cSwr/nGra/LcPhn/aAno/acHih/aRrb
Carries: Rings, Zag, Socks, Panda, Striped, Swirl, Phoenix, High Roller
Mane Type: Rebel
Ears Type: Round
Tail Type: Serpentine
Horns Type: Branched
[Abilities] Anomalous, Rare Blood

4) Kainu-Zarkanta Female, Healthy (1dD/3tb/8dp/2HX/0Vb/4oM)
Phenotype: Chestnut with Frosted, Panda, Pangare, Socks, Striped, Zag and Bug
Genotype: cc/GG/BB/cHd/cPtn/cSpi/cFde/nZag/nSok/nFr/cFb/nPgr/nPan/nStr/cIri/nBug/mRds/mFlw/mBrn/acPrd/acFer/acRec/aHih/aThr/aStb
Carries: Hood, Python, Split, Fade, Fleabitten, Iridescent Scales, Pride, Fertile, Recoil
Mane Type: Rebel
Ears Type: Sleek
Tail Type: Common
Horns Type: Elder
[Mutations] Reduced Scales, Flower, Burning Eyes
[Abilities] High Roller, Threatening Presence, Stubborn

The following abilities from I-2064: Levi were applied: Rare Blood, Pride, Legendary Blood, Fertile, Anomalous

The following items were used: Common Marking Reducer, Magic Cocktail
The following items were selected but not used:

Drakiri-Archives Avatar

1302 Posts

01/09/2023 Edited 01/09/2023

Breeding Claim: No Claim, Artha-Demon is absolutely completely FUCKING STUPID and fucked up a roll like a bloody fucking moron and now you get extra genos... you're welcome. Thank boB for this windfall.

And the third fucking set of genos you are going to get because my stupid ass forgot yet another :D

Rolled by the bloody brainless piece of shit Artha-Demon for corrosive_limes


I-2064: Levi x I-1736: Merrak

Base Litter:
1) Zarkanta Male, Healthy (8Dw/1dD/3tb/6xz/2HX/0Vb)
Phenotype: Lilac Chestnut with Crescents, Fleabitten, Flecks, Frosted, Hood, Panda, Sable, Socks, Split, Striped, Ticked, Iridescent Scales, Mane Tips, Ocelli and Swirl // Jade Gold with Crescents, Fade, Fleabitten, Pangare, Sable, Split, Underbelly, Zag, Eyemarks and Mane Tips
Genotype: cc/gG/BB/SphSph/nEry/nOce/cBar/nHd/nTik/nFlek/nSpi/cFde/nSok/nCre/cDpl/nFr/nFb/nMt/SblSbl/nPan/nStr/nIri/cSpl/nSwr/cGra/mcMnx/mPol/mBrn/aThr/aStb // cc/GG/bB/nJde/cHd/nSpi/nFde/nUn/nZag/cCol/nCre/nFb/nMt/PgrPgr/SblSbl/cPan/cStr/nEym/cIri/mcMnx/mPol/mBrn/aThr/aStb
Carries: Barring, Fade, Dapples, Splash, Gradient, Hood, Collar, Panda, Striped, Iridescent Scales, Manx
Mane Type: Rebel
Ears Type: Sleek
Tail Type: Vulpine
Horns Type: Branched
[Mutations] Polycaudal, Burning Eyes, Chimerism
[Abilities] Threatening Presence, Stubborn

2) Zarkanta Female, Healthy (1dD/3tb/8Dw/2HX/0Vb/4oM)
Phenotype: Sapphire Chestnut with Crescents, Dapples, Dorsal, Fade, Fleabitten, Flecks, Frosted, Gradient, Pangare, Socks, Split, Underbelly, Zag and Dun
Genotype: cc/GG/BB/nSph/cTop/cPtn/nFlek/nSpi/nFde/nUn/nZag/cCol/nDor/nSok/nCre/nDpl/nFr/nFb/nPgr/cStr/nDun/nGra/LcCry/mcPol/mMel/aThr/aStb/fWkg
Carries: Topaz, Python, Collar, Striped, Crystalline, Polycaudal
Mane Type: Silken
Ears Type: Common
Tail Type: Common
Horns Type: Branched
[Mutations] Melanism
[Abilities] Threatening Presence, Stubborn
[Faults] Weak Genes

The following abilities from I-2064: Levi were applied: Rare Blood, Legendary Blood, Pride, Anomalous, Fertile

Drakiri-Archives Avatar

1302 Posts

01/09/2023 Edited 01/09/2023

Rolled by Artha-Demon for corrosive_limes

Weak Genes added to this breeding on request

Breeding Claim: https://drakiri.com/comment/1266

I-2064: Levi x I-1736: Merrak

Base Litter:
1) Zarkanta Male, Healthy (8Dw/1dD/3tb/6xz/2HX/0Vb)
Phenotype: Lilac Chestnut with Crescents, Fleabitten, Flecks, Frosted, Hood, Panda, Sable, Socks, Split, Striped, Ticked, Iridescent Scales, Mane Tips, Ocelli and Swirl // Jade Gold with Crescents, Fade, Fleabitten, Pangare, Sable, Split, Underbelly, Zag, Eyemarks and Mane Tips
Genotype: cc/gG/BB/SphSph/nEry/nOce/cBar/nHd/nTik/nFlek/nSpi/cFde/nSok/nCre/cDpl/nFr/nFb/nMt/SblSbl/nPan/nStr/nIri/cSpl/nSwr/cGra/mcMnx/mPol/mBrn/aThr/aStb // cc/GG/bB/nJde/cHd/nSpi/nFde/nUn/nZag/cCol/nCre/nFb/nMt/PgrPgr/SblSbl/cPan/cStr/nEym/cIri/mcMnx/mPol/mBrn/aThr/aStb
Carries: Barring, Fade, Dapples, Splash, Gradient, Hood, Collar, Panda, Striped, Iridescent Scales, Manx
Mane Type: Rebel
Ears Type: Sleek
Tail Type: Vulpine
Horns Type: Branched
[Mutations] Polycaudal, Burning Eyes, Chimerism
[Abilities] Threatening Presence, Stubborn

2) Zarkanta Female, Healthy (1dD/3tb/8Dw/2HX/0Vb/4oM)
Phenotype: Sapphire Chestnut with Crescents, Dapples, Dorsal, Fade, Fleabitten, Flecks, Frosted, Gradient, Pangare, Socks, Split, Underbelly, Zag and Dun
Genotype: cc/GG/BB/nSph/cTop/cPtn/nFlek/nSpi/nFde/nUn/nZag/cCol/nDor/nSok/nCre/nDpl/nFr/nFb/nPgr/cStr/nDun/nGra/LcCry/mcPol/mMel/aThr/aStb/fWkg
Carries: Topaz, Python, Collar, Striped, Crystalline, Polycaudal
Mane Type: Silken
Ears Type: Common
Tail Type: Common
Horns Type: Branched
[Mutations] Melanism
[Abilities] Threatening Presence, Stubborn
[Faults] Weak Genes

The following abilities from I-2064: Levi were applied: Rare Blood, Legendary Blood, Pride, Anomalous, Fertile