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1302 Posts


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1302 Posts

12/26/2022 Edited 12/26/2022

Breeding Claim: https://drakiri.com/submissions/view/5393
Rolled by Hellcatstrut for Ravygmoon

I-2629: Humbug x I-1869: Veho

Base Litter:
1) Dracus-Kelpie Male, Healthy (1md/3Qs/1vl/9uq/2xr/0nD)
Phenotype: Erythrism Chestnut with Diamond, Spots, Iridescent Scales and Festive
Genotype: cc/gG/Bb/nEry/cBlc/nDia/cFde/nSpt/nIri/cEgg/cBar/nFsv/cPny/mcBye/mTch/aOcn/acDks/aSrn/aAgl/acBom/aFli
Carries: Bleached, Fade, Painted Egg, Barring, Pinata, Brilliant Eyes, Darksight, Boom
Mane Type: Yun
Ears Type: Common
Tail Type: Fluffed
Horns Type: Moose
[Mutations] Torch
[Abilities] Oceanborn, Siren Song, Agile, Flight

2) Kelpie Male, Healthy (1md/1vl/0hn/9ty/2xr/9uq)
Phenotype: Gold with Blanket, Bleached, Fleabitten, Frosted, Gradient, Striped, Barring, Dun and Painted Egg
Genotype: cc/gG/bb/nBlc/nBln/nFb/nFr/nGra/nStr/cUn/nDun/cGaz/cSrk/nEgg/cMot/nBar/mNrs/acRnd1/aAgl/aOcn/aLgb/aSrn
Carries: Underbelly, Gazelle, Stroke, Mottled, Randomizer 1
Mane Type: Rebel
Ears Type: Common
Tail Type: Common
Horns Type: Moose
[Mutations] North Star
[Abilities] Agile, Oceanborn, Legendary Blood, Siren Song

The following abilities from I-1869: Veho were applied: Shadeborn, Randomizer 1

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1302 Posts

12/26/2022 Edited 12/26/2022

Breeding Claim: https://drakiri.com/submissions/view/5427
Rolled by Hellcatstrut for Artha-Demon

I-248: Rinji x I-1550: T̸̘͖͇͌͆̇̚̚͜å̴̞̯̪̭̼̎̆ĩ̴̪̊̑s̴̛̞̉̔̕ḧ̸̢͇͇͇̮̌̽͆̌ͅơ̴͇̟̲̰̠̝̊̎

Base Litter:
1) Dracus Female, Healthy (2IR/1RV/6oK/1JM/1cs/7tV)
Phenotype: Cream with Dorsal, Panda, Spots, Barring, Quilted, Shatter and Skyline
Genotype: CC/gg/bb/nPan/nQui/nSha/nBar/nDor/nSky/nSpt/cSrk/mFth/mcOoz/aGrn/acMag/acUfa/acStw/acKil/aFli
Carries: Stroke, Ooze, Magically Inclined, Unfazed, Strong Willed, Killer Instinct
Mane Type: Friesian
Ears Type: Silken
Tail Type: Whip
Horns Type: Ram
[Mutations] Feathering
[Abilities] Green Thumb, Flight

2) Mystic-Dracus Female, Healthy (6oK/9yR/7SN/1JM/3gs/2HX)
Phenotype: Cream with Mottled, Stained, Cutout, Feathered, Abalone, Rings and Skyline
Genotype: Cc/gg/bb/cSha/cTby/nSta/cMt/nSky/nRng/nAba/nFet/nMot/nCut/mcAng/mcOoz/mQwks/LGlc/aHel/aKil/aStw/aDaz/aFli/aWld
Carries: Shatter, Tabby, Mane Tips, Angora, Ooze
Mane Type: Elk
Ears Type: Common
Tail Type: Silken
Horns Type: Royal
[Mutations] Quicksilver, Glitch
[Abilities] Healer's Gift, Killer Instinct, Strong Willed, Dazzle, Flight, Wild Heart

3) Mystic Female, Healthy (1RV/5Pg/2IR/1JM/1cs/2HX)
Phenotype: Cream with Dorsal, Panda, Spots and Piebald
Genotype: CC/gG/bb/nPan/cSpl/nDor/nPie/cSky/nSpt/mcSm/aGye/aGrn/aDpf/aLdr/acMag/aFer/aKil/aDaz
Carries: Splash, Skyline, Smooth, Magically Inclined
Mane Type: Friesian
Ears Type: Round
Tail Type: Common
Horns Type: Royal
[Abilities] Good Eye, Green Thumb, Deep Focus, Leadership, Fertile, Killer Instinct, Dazzle

4) Mystic Male, Healthy (9yR/1RV/6oK/1JM/7tV/2HX)
Phenotype: Cream with Spots, Stained, Cinder and Embossed
Genotype: cC/gg/bB/cPan/nSta/cDor/cPie/nEmb/nCin/nSpt/mFth/mDem/mLon/LGlc/aDpf/aGrn/aKil/acStw/aMag/aGye/aLdr/aHel/aUfa/aDaz/aDpb/aClf
Carries: Panda, Dorsal, Piebald, Strong Willed
Mane Type: Elk
Ears Type: Silken
Tail Type: Whip
Horns Type: Royal
[Mutations] Feathering, Demon, Longhair, Glitch
[Abilities] Deep Focus, Green Thumb, Killer Instinct, Magically Inclined, Good Eye, Leadership, Healer's Gift, Unfazed, Dazzle, Deep Bond, Colorful

The following abilities from I-248: Rinji were applied: Fluffy
The following abilities from I-1550: T̸̘͖͇͌͆̇̚̚͜å̴̞̯̪̭̼̎̆ĩ̴̪̊̑s̴̛̞̉̔̕ḧ̸̢͇͇͇̮̌̽͆̌ͅơ̴͇̟̲̰̠̝̊̎ were applied: Fertile, Randomizer 1

The following items were used: Level-Match Ticket
The following items were selected but not used:

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1302 Posts

12/26/2022 Edited 12/26/2022

Breeding Claim: https://drakiri.com/submissions/view/5426
Rolled by Hellcatstrut for Artha-Demon

I-2064: Levi x I-249: Kailani

Base Litter:
1) Kainu Male, Healthy (1dD/3tb/1Vr/2HX/8fV/0Vb)
Magic Skills: 14 Purity
Phenotype: Sunglow Chestnut with Crescents, Dapples, Fleabitten, Flecks, Gradient, Panda, Pangare, Striped, Ticked, Zag, Barring, Iridescent Scales, Python, Siamese and Smoke
Genotype: cc/Gg/BB/nSph/TopTop/nEry/nBar/nSia/cHd/nSmk/nPtn/nTik/nFlek/cFde/cUn/nZag/cCol/cSok/nCre/nDpl/nFb/cMt/nPgr/nPan/nStr/cEym/nIri/nGra/mcExt/mRds/mcStr/acRrb/acRec/aDen/aFer
Carries: Hood, Fade, Underbelly, Collar, Socks, Mane Tips, Eyemarks, Extended Scales, Starstruck, Rare Blood, Recoil
Mane Type: Silken
Ears Type: Elegant
Tail Type: Silken
Horns Type: Common
[Mutations] Reduced Scales
[Abilities] Den Mother, Fertile

2) Dracus Male, Healthy (1dD/3tb/7Jh/0ou/2HX/0Vb)
Magic Skills: 16 Purity
Phenotype: Magenta Black with Collar, Dapples, Dorsal, Flecks, Hood, Mask, Sable, Split, Spots, Striped, Ticked, Underbelly, Zag and Siamese
Genotype: cc/gg/Bb/nJde/nEry/cOce/nSia/nHd/cPtn/nTik/nFlek/nSpi/nUn/nZag/ColCol/nDor/nMsk/nDpl/cFb/cMt/cPgr/nSbl/cPan/nStr/cEym/cDun/nSpt/cGra/mExt/mMnx/mAge/mBrn/mcSm/aPrd/acAno/aRec/aFli
Carries: Ocelli, Python, Fleabitten, Mane Tips, Pangare, Panda, Eyemarks, Dun, Gradient, Smooth, Anomalous
Mane Type: Fringe
Ears Type: Sleek
Tail Type: Unicorn
Horns Type: Ram
[Mutations] Extended Scales, Manx, Angellic, Burning Eyes
[Abilities] Pride, Recoil, Flight

3) Kainu-Dracus Female, Healthy (1Vr/7Jh/3tb/0BS/0Vb/8fV)
Magic Skills: 22 Purity
Phenotype: Chestnut with Collar, Crescents, Dorsal, Frosted, Hood, Panda, Pangare, Sable, Spots, Striped, Underbelly, Zag, Dun, Iridescent Scales, Mane Tips, Rings, Satin and Swirl
Genotype: cc/Gg/Bb/cJde/cSia/nHd/nRng/cTik/cSpi/nUn/nZag/nCol/nDor/nCre/nFr/cFb/MtMt/nPgr/SblSbl/nPan/nStr/nIri/DunDun/nSwr/nSpt/cGra/nSat/mcMnx/mcSm/mSts/aPrd/acHih/aDoc/aRec/aFli
Carries: Jade, Siamese, Ticked, Split, Fleabitten, Gradient, Manx, Smooth, High Roller
Mane Type: Silken
Ears Type: Folded
Tail Type: Serpentine
Horns Type: Ibex
[Mutations] Stardust
[Abilities] Pride, Double Cast, Recoil, Flight

4) Kainu-Dracus Male, Healthy (8Dw/1dD/3tb/0BS/8fV/2HX)
Magic Skills: 24 Purity
Phenotype: Magenta Black with Collar, Crescents, Fleabitten, Frosted, Gradient, Hood, Mask, Panda, Socks, Rings and Zebra
Genotype: cc/gg/Bb/nEry/cSia/nZeb/nHd/nRng/cSmk/cSpi/cZag/nCol/cDor/nSok/nMsk/nCre/nFr/nFb/cMt/cPgr/cSbl/nPan/cStr/cEym/cIri/cSwr/nGra/nJde/mcExt/mcFlw/mAge/mThde/aAno/aDen/aFli
Carries: Siamese, Smoke, Split, Zag, Dorsal, Mane Tips, Pangare, Sable, Striped, Eyemarks, Iridescent Scales, Swirl, Extended Scales, Flower
Mane Type: Silken
Ears Type: Folded
Tail Type: Silken
Horns Type: Branched
[Mutations] Angellic, Third Eye
[Abilities] Anomalous, Den Mother, Flight

5) Kainu Female, Healthy (8Dw/1dD/3tb/8fV/0Vb/0ou)
Magic Skills: 12 Purity
Phenotype: Chestnut with Crescents, Dorsal, Fleabitten, Frosted, Gradient, Hood, Mask, Pangare, Sable, Socks, Split, Striped, Ticked, Jasper and Mane Tips
Genotype: cc/Gg/Bb/cSph/cZeb/nHd/cRng/nTik/cFlek/nSpi/cUn/cCol/nDor/nSok/MskMsk/nCre/cDpl/nFr/nFb/nMt/nPgr/nSbl/nStr/nJp/nGra/mRds/mPol/mFlw/mEys/mPls
Carries: Sapphire, Zebra, Rings, Flecks, Underbelly, Collar, Dapples
Mane Type: Common
Ears Type: Elegant
Tail Type: Unicorn
Horns Type: Antlers
[Mutations] Reduced Scales, Polycaudal, Flower, Extra Eyes, Plasma

6) Dracus Female, Healthy (1dD/3tb/7Jh/0BS/8fV/3Ra)
Magic Skills: 24 Purity
Phenotype: Gold with Crescents, Dapples, Fade, Flecks, Gradient, Hood, Mask, Pangare, Sable, Spots, Striped, Underbelly, Zag, Dun, Smoke, Satin and Swirl
Genotype: cc/Gg/bB/cSph/cSia/nHd/nSmk/cTik/nFlek/cSpi/nFde/nUn/nZag/cCol/MskMsk/nCre/nDpl/cFr/cFb/nPgr/SblSbl/cPan/nStr/cEym/nDun/nSwr/nSpt/nGra/nSat/mcPol/mcAge/aDen/aHih/aFli
Carries: Sapphire, Siamese, Ticked, Split, Collar, Frosted, Fleabitten, Panda, Eyemarks, Polycaudal, Angellic
Mane Type: Silken
Ears Type: Sleek
Tail Type: Unicorn
Horns Type: Branched
[Abilities] Den Mother, High Roller, Flight

7) Kainu Male, Healthy (7Jh/8Dw/1dD/0Vb/8fV/2HX)
Magic Skills: 15 Purity
Phenotype: Topaz Gold with Crescents, Dapples, Dorsal, Fade, Fleabitten, Flecks, Frosted, Hood, Pangare, Sable, Socks, Striped, Ticked, Zag, Dun, Eyemarks and Splash
Genotype: cc/Gg/bB/cJde/nTop/cZeb/nHd/cRng/cSmk/nTik/nFlek/nFde/cUn/nZag/cCol/nDor/nSok/nCre/nDpl/nFr/nFb/cMt/nPgr/SblSbl/cPan/nStr/nEym/cJp/nSpl/nDun/cSpt/mExt/mRds/mcFlw/mStr/LcPhn/aFerFer/acDen/aHyf/acRec
Carries: Jade, Zebra, Rings, Smoke, Underbelly, Collar, Mane Tips, Panda, Jasper, Spots, Flower, Phoenix, Den Mother, Recoil
Mane Type: Common
Ears Type: Common
Tail Type: Common
Horns Type: Antlers
[Mutations] Extended Scales, Reduced Scales, Starstruck
[Abilities] Fertile, Hyper Fertile

8) Dracus Male, Healthy (1Vr/1dD/3tb/0ou/8fV/2HX)
Magic Skills: 12 Purity
Phenotype: Sapphire Chestnut with Collar, Crescents, Fade, Fleabitten, Gradient, Hood, Panda, Pangare, Sable, Split, Spots, Barring, Dun, Mane Tips, Siamese, Ocelli and Splash
Genotype: cc/Gg/BB/SphSph/cTop/cEry/nOce/nBar/nSia/nHd/cTik/cFlek/nSpi/nFde/cUn/cZag/nCol/cDor/cMsk/nCre/cDpl/cFr/nFb/nMt/nPgr/nSbl/nPan/nSpl/nDun/nSpt/nGra/mcMnx/mStr/mcEys/aAno/aRrb/aFli
Carries: Topaz, Erythrism, Ticked, Flecks, Underbelly, Zag, Dorsal, Mask, Dapples, Frosted, Manx, Extra Eyes
Mane Type: Silken
Ears Type: Sleek
Tail Type: Serpentine
Horns Type: Common
[Mutations] Starstruck
[Abilities] Anomalous, Rare Blood, Flight

9) Kainu-Dracus Female, Healthy (1dD/3tb/1Vr/3Ra/0Vb/2HX)
Magic Skills: 21 Purity
Phenotype: Turquoise Gold with Fade, Fleabitten, Hood, Panda, Sable, Socks, Spots, Ticked, Underbelly, Zag and Python
Genotype: cc/Gg/bB/nJde/cTop/cEry/nHd/cSmk/nPtn/nTik/cSpi/nFde/nUn/nZag/cCol/nSok/cMsk/cDpl/nFb/cMt/SblSbl/nPan/cStr/cJp/cDun/nSpt/nSph/mcPol/mcAge/mcEys/mAlb/acHih/aFer/acAno/aFli
Carries: Topaz, Erythrism, Smoke, Split, Collar, Mask, Dapples, Mane Tips, Striped, Jasper, Dun, Polycaudal, Angellic, Extra Eyes, High Roller, Anomalous
Mane Type: Silken
Ears Type: Lapine
Tail Type: Unicorn
Horns Type: Branched
[Mutations] Albinism
[Abilities] Fertile, Flight

10) Kainu Female, Healthy (1dD/3tb/7Jh/0ou/3Ra/2HX)
Magic Skills: 24 Purity
Phenotype: Sapphire Chestnut with Crescents, Fleabitten, Frosted, Panda, Socks, Split, Underbelly and Rings
Genotype: cc/Gg/Bb/nSph/cEry/nRng/cPtn/cTik/nSpi/cFde/nUn/cCol/nSok/nCre/nFr/nFb/cPgr/nPan/cStr/cIri/cJp/cSpl/cSpt/cGra/mcMnx/mPol/mStr/mMrbl/mMyt/mSls/acAno/aPrd
Carries: Erythrism, Python, Ticked, Fade, Collar, Pangare, Striped, Iridescent Scales, Jasper, Splash, Spots, Gradient, Manx, Anomalous
Mane Type: Common
Ears Type: Sleek
Tail Type: Fluffed
Horns Type: Ibex
[Mutations] Polycaudal, Starstruck, Marbled, Mystical Eyes, Solar System
[Abilities] Pride

11) Kainu Female, Healthy (1Vr/1dD/3tb/0BS/8fV/0ou)
Magic Skills: 12 Purity
Phenotype: Silver Topaz Black with Collar, Dorsal, Fade, Flecks, Mask, Panda, Pangare, Sable, Socks, Split, Striped, Ticked, Zag, Dun, Iridescent Scales, Mane Tips, Rings and Swirl
Genotype: cc/gg/BB/cJde/nTop/nRng/cSmk/nTik/nFlek/nSpi/nFde/cUn/nZag/nCol/nDor/nSok/nMsk/cDpl/nMt/nPgr/SblSbl/nPan/nStr/nIri/cJp/nDun/nSwr/cSpt/cGra/nSlv/mStr/mcSm/aDen/aRrb/aRec/acLgb
Carries: Jade, Smoke, Underbelly, Dapples, Jasper, Spots, Gradient, Smooth, Legendary Blood
Mane Type: Silken
Ears Type: Lapine
Tail Type: Unicorn
Horns Type: Ibex
[Mutations] Starstruck
[Abilities] Den Mother, Rare Blood, Recoil

12) Dracus Male, Healthy (1Vr/1dD/3tb/0BS/2HX/0Vb)
Magic Skills: 23 Purity
Phenotype: Jade Black with Collar, Crescents, Dorsal, Fade, Flecks, Gradient, Panda, Pangare, Underbelly, Zag, Dun, Siamese, Smoke and Splash
Genotype: cc/gg/BB/cTop/nSia/nSmk/nFlek/nFde/nUn/nZag/nCol/nDor/cSok/nCre/cDpl/cFb/nPgr/cSbl/nPan/cIri/nSpl/nDun/cSpt/nGra/nJde/mcExt/mAge/mcStr/mInt/mRdt/acRrb/acDoc/aRec/aFli
Carries: Topaz, Socks, Dapples, Fleabitten, Sable, Iridescent Scales, Spots, Extended Scales, Starstruck, Rare Blood, Double Cast
Mane Type: Silken
Ears Type: Sleek
Tail Type: Unicorn
Horns Type: Ibex
[Mutations] Angellic, Intersex, Radiant
[Abilities] Recoil, Flight

The following abilities from I-2064: Levi were applied: Legendary Blood, Fertile, Rare Blood, Pride, Anomalous
The following abilities from I-249: Kailani were applied: Rare Blood, Fertile, Den Mother, Hyper Fertile, Rainbow Sparkle Magic

The following items were used: Level-Match Ticket, Magic Cocktail
The following items were selected but not used:

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1302 Posts

12/26/2022 Edited 12/26/2022

Breeding Claim: https://drakiri.com/submissions/view/5425
Rolled by Hellcatstrut for Artha-Demon

I-2629: Humbug x I-2011: Aeshma, the Pure One

Base Litter:
1) Nightmare Male, Healthy (1Di/1Vr/3Qs/3mD/0BK/9ez)
Phenotype: Chestnut with Bleached, Dipped, Frosted, Spots, Underbelly, Zag, Bicolor, Roan, Vibrant Mane, Pigeon, Satin and Swirl
Genotype: cc/gG/Bb/nBlc/nDip/cFb/cFde/nFr/cGra/cSok/nSpt/nUn/nZag/cGaz/cGup/nRon/nPge/nSat/cTrc/nVm/nSwr/nBi/mEns/aIrn/aGye/acAgl/aFli/aObs/aDks
Carries: Fleabitten, Fade, Gradient, Socks, Gazelle, Guppy, Traced, Agile
Mane Type: Yun
Ears Type: Vulpine
Tail Type: Unicorn
Horns Type: Common
[Mutations] Energy Step
[Abilities] Iron Wall, Good Eye, Flight, Obscure, Darksight

2) Mystic-Komakha Male, Healthy (1vl/0hn/3Qs/2kg/6Db/9ez)
Phenotype: Erythrism Gold with Bleached, Diamond, Spots, Zag, Eyemarks, Roan and Shimmer
Genotype: cc/gG/bb/nEry/nBlc/nDia/cDip/cFde/cGra/nSpt/nZag/cGaz/nRon/cMsk/nShim/nEym/mcDbl/mcNrs/LcCry/acGye/aDks/aDaz/aIrn/aHsn
Carries: Dipped, Fade, Gradient, Gazelle, Mask, Double Ears, North Star, Crystalline, Good Eye
Mane Type: Silken
Ears Type: Elegant
Tail Type: Unicorn
Horns Type: Antelope
[Abilities] Darksight, Dazzle, Iron Wall, Heightened Senses

3) Mystic-Komakha Male, Healthy (1vl/0hn/3Qs/3mD/6Db/2kg)
Phenotype: Black with Bleached, Diamond, Dipped, Fleabitten, Frosted, Mask, Socks, Spots, Underbelly, Zag, Traced and Swirl
Genotype: cc/gg/Bb/cJde/nBlc/cBln/nDia/nDip/nFb/nFr/nSok/nSpt/cStr/nUn/nZag/cGup/cPge/nMsk/nTrc/cVm/nSwr/mcDbl/mcSts/mPol/acDks/aHsn/acObs/aAgl/aDaz/aIrn
Carries: Jade, Blanket, Striped, Guppy, Pigeon, Vibrant Mane, Double Ears, Stardust, Darksight, Obscure
Mane Type: Fjord
Ears Type: Elegant
Tail Type: Equine
Horns Type: Aspis
[Mutations] Polycaudal
[Abilities] Heightened Senses, Agile, Dazzle, Iron Wall

4) Mystic-Komakha Male, Healthy (1vl/0hn/3Qs/2kg/6Db/9ez)
Phenotype: Erythrism Gold with Bleached, Diamond, Spots, Zag, Eyemarks, Roan and Shimmer
Genotype: cc/gG/bb/nEry/nBlc/nDia/cDip/cFde/cGra/nSpt/nZag/cGaz/nRon/cMsk/nShim/nEym/mcDbl/mcNrs/LcCry/acGye/aDks/aDaz/aIrn/aHsn
Carries: Dipped, Fade, Gradient, Gazelle, Mask, Double Ears, North Star, Crystalline, Good Eye
Mane Type: Silken
Ears Type: Elegant
Tail Type: Unicorn
Horns Type: Antelope
[Abilities] Darksight, Dazzle, Iron Wall, Heightened Senses

The following items were used: Level-Match Ticket
The following items were selected but not used:

Drakiri-Archives Avatar

1302 Posts

12/26/2022 Edited 12/26/2022

Breeding Claim: https://drakiri.com/submissions/view/5424
Rolled by Hellcatstrut for Werewoofwoof

I-599: Wheatley x I-612: Scarecrow

Base Litter:
1) Kainu-Nightmare Female, Inbred (2SS/3Km/7Ao/6oK/1Om/6Db)
Phenotype: Cream with Dipped, Dorsal, Fleabitten, Sable and Socks
Genotype: CC/Gg/bB/nDor/nFb/cUn/nDip/cMsk/nSbl/nSok/aDks/aObs
Carries: Underbelly, Mask
Mane Type: Mohawk
Ears Type: Common
Tail Type: Unicorn
Horns Type: Royal
[Abilities] Darksight, Obscure

2) Kainu Male, Inbred (2SS/3Km/3uM/2SS/6Db/6oK)
Phenotype: Fawn with Dipped, Dorsal, Panda, Sable, Socks and Underbelly
Genotype: cC/Gg/bB/nDor/nUn/cLeo/nDip/cMsk/nPan/nSbl/nSok/acDks/aObs
Carries: Leopard, Mask, Darksight
Mane Type: Common
Ears Type: Deer
Tail Type: Unicorn
Horns Type: Royal
[Abilities] Obscure

3) Nightmare Female, Inbred (2SS/1WF/7Ao/2SS/6oK/7qD)
Phenotype: Cream with Panda and Sable
Genotype: CC/Gg/Bb/cDun/cUn/cDip/cMsk/nPan/nSbl/cSok/aObs/aDks/fUnf
Carries: Dun, Underbelly, Dipped, Mask, Socks
Mane Type: Mohawk
Ears Type: Common
Tail Type: Unicorn
Horns Type: Common
[Abilities] Obscure, Darksight
[Faults] Unfocused