Find guides for breedings HERE, as well as all the forms you will need! Breeding and Permission Guides All pertinent information is in the link above, as well as the form you will need to fill out in your prompt.
2021-10-14 10:48:09 (Edited 2021-10-14 10:58:42)
Full breeding for Fluffynerd I-801: Akritarius x I-1604: Decaying Memory Breeding Claim: 1.) Dracus Female, Healthy (4XG/4em/3Pl/7bx/9Jg/5Rm) Phenotype: Silver Fawn with Blanket, Dapples, Frosted, Mask, Panda, Pangare and Sable Genotype: Cc/Gg/BB/nSlv/nBln/cCre/nDpl/nFr/nMsk/nPan/nPgr/nSbl/cSke/mAlb/mcUnd/mSrm/aFli Carries: Crescents, Skeleton, Undead Mane Type: Common Ears Type: Fae Tail Type: Cervine Horns Type: Antlers [Mutations] Albinism, Shroom [Abilities] Flight 2.) Kainu Male, Healthy (1Nm/1dj/4XG/3EW/6em/5Rm) Phenotype: Silver Sapphire Fawn with Blanket, Mask, Panda, Pangare, Fox, Gazelle and Shimmer Genotype: Cc/Gg/bB/nSph/nSlv/nBln/nMsk/nPan/nPgr/nFox/nGaz/cSia/cGlim/nShim Carries: Siamese, Glimmer Mane Type: Common Ears Type: Common Tail Type: Fluffed Horns Type: Ram 3.) Bantam Mystic Male, Healthy (1dj/3Pl/4XG/3EW/7bx/3ft) Phenotype: Silver Chestnut with Dapples, Mask, Pangare, Sable, Iridescent Scales, Siamese and Reversal Genotype: cc/Gg/Bb/nSlv/cCre/nDpl/nMsk/nPgr/nSbl/nIri/nSia/cGlim/nRev/mAlb/acRnd1/aTnt/aDaz Carries: Crescents, Glimmer, Randomizer 1 Mane Type: Common Ears Type: Elegant Tail Type: Common Horns Type: Common [Mutations] Albinism [Abilities] Tainted, Dazzle
2022-01-04 16:05:25 (Edited 2022-01-21 01:21:14)
Full breeding for Artha-Demon I-1858: Anthaea x I-249: Kailani Breeding Claim: 1.) Q'lin-Dracus Male, Healthy (5YW/4Ab/9uz/0ou/8fV/3Ra) Phenotype: Silver Dilute Sapphire Cream with Pangare, Socks, Spots, Stone, Dun and Mane Tips Genotype: CC/gg/bB/nDil/cEry/SphSph/nSlv/cCol/cFb/cGra/nPgr/cSbl/nSok/nSpt/nStn/nDun/cFox/nMt/cVm/cGlim/cSha/mChm/mcEys/mHly/mShb/mcFlw/mTch/aFart/aFli/aShk/aHyf Carries: Erythristic, Collar, Fleabitten, Gradient, Sable, Fox, Vibrant Mane, Glimmer, Shatter, Extra Eyes, Flower Mane Type: Silken Ears Type: Elegant Tail Type: Fluffed Horns Type: Common [Mutations] Chomp, Holy Hide, Shimmering Bones, Torch [Abilities] Farts, Flight, Shockwave, Hyper Fertile 2.) Dracus Female, Healthy (7ga/9uz/5YW/0BS/2HX/0Vb) Phenotype: Silver Sapphire Cream with Collar, Fleabitten, Gradient, Mask, Pangare, Socks, Spots, Vibrant Mane, Embossed and Okapi Genotype: CC/gg/BB/cEry/SphSph/nSlv/nCol/nFb/nGra/nMsk/nPgr/nSok/nSpt/cStn/cUn/cFox/cPtn/cSpl/nVm/nEmb/cGlim/nOki/cSat/mSm/mAge/mShm/acTnt/aFli Carries: Erythristic, Stone, Underbelly, Fox, Python, Splash, Glimmer, Satin, Tainted Mane Type: Common Ears Type: Elegant Tail Type: Silken Horns Type: Ibex [Mutations] Smooth, Angellic, Shimmerstep [Abilities] Flight 3.) Q'lin-Dracus Female, Healthy (7ga/9uz/9mm/0BS/2HX/0ou) Phenotype: Silver Erythristic Cream with Collar, Pangare, Sable, Socks, Spots, Underbelly and Swirl Genotype: CC/Gg/bb/EryEry/cSph/nSlv/nCol/cFb/cMsk/nPgr/nSbl/nSok/nSpt/cStn/nUn/cMt/cTpr/cTdr/cEmb/cGlim/cOki/cSat/cSha/nSwr/mSm/mChm/mcAge/mShb/mcFlw/LGlc/LWra/aFart/acGrn/aHel/acTnt/aFer/aFli/aObs/aShk Carries: Sapphire, Fleabitten, Mask, Stone, Mane Tips, Tapir, Teardrop, Embossed, Glimmer, Okapi, Satin, Shatter, Angellic, Flower, Green Thumb, Tainted Mane Type: Silken Ears Type: Elegant Tail Type: Common Horns Type: Ram [Mutations] Smooth, Chomp, Shimmering Bones, Glitch, Wraith [Abilities] Farts, Healer's Gift, Fertile, Flight, Obscure, Shockwave 4.) Q'lin-Dracus Female, Healthy (9uz/9mm/5YW/0BS/0Vb/0ou) Phenotype: Silver Dilute Cream with Collar, Fleabitten, Gradient, Spots, Stone, Tapir, Embossed and Okapi Genotype: cC/gg/bB/nDil/cSph/nSlv/cTop/nCol/nFb/nGra/cSok/nSpt/nStn/cDun/cMt/cPtn/cSpl/nTpr/nEmb/nOki/mcAge/LGlc/acFart/acHel/aTnt/acDdz/aFer/aFli/aShk Carries: Sapphire, Topaz, Socks, Dun, Mane Tips, Python, Splash, Angellic, Farts, Healer's Gift, Deadzone Mane Type: Silken Ears Type: Elegant Tail Type: Fluffed Horns Type: Ram [Mutations] Glitch [Abilities] Tainted, Fertile, Flight, Shockwave These items were applied and used: Advanced Rainbow Potion Legendary Mutation Serum Level-Match Ticket Rare Marking Booster
2022-01-04 15:44:47 (Edited 2022-01-20 21:18:56) Breeding Claim: I-2064: Levi x I-1480: Afina 1.) Kainu Female, Healthy (1Vr/1dD/3tb/4Jq/4Ab/7LO) Magic Skills: 24 Purity Phenotype: Fawn with Crescents, Dorsal, Flecks, Frosted, Hood, Mask, Socks, Split, Ticked, Dun and Zebra Genotype: Cc/Gg/Bb/cTop/nCre/nDor/cFde/cFb/nFlek/nFr/cGra/nHd/nMsk/nSok/nSpi/nTik/nDun/cSmk/cRng/nZeb/mHlo/aElm/aMag/aRec/aAno Carries: Topaz, Fade, Fleabitten, Gradient, Smoke, Rings Mane Type: Common Ears Type: Common Tail Type: Common Horns Type: Branched [Mutations] Halo [Abilities] Elemental, Magically Inclined, Recoil, Anomalous 2.) Kainu Male, Healthy (1dD/3tb/8Dw/4Ab/8xS/9hh) Magic Skills: 23 Purity Phenotype: Cream with Dapples, Fade, Fleabitten, Gradient, Hood, Sable, Socks, Ticked, Zag, Barring, Dun, Siamese and Smoke Genotype: Cc/gg/bB/cSph/cCol/cCre/nDpl/cDor/nFde/nFb/cFlek/cFr/nGra/nHd/cMsk/nSbl/SokSok/nTik/nZag/nBar/nDun/nSia/nSmk/mRds/mSm/mHly/aElm/acMag/acRec/aHih Carries: Sapphire, Collar, Crescents, Dorsal, Flecks, Frosted, Mask, Magically Inclined, Recoil Mane Type: Common Ears Type: Sleek Tail Type: Common Horns Type: Common [Mutations] Reduced Scales, Smooth, Holy Hide [Abilities] Elemental, High Roller 3.) Kelpie Male, Healthy (3tb/1dD/1Vr/4Ab/4Jq/9hh) Magic Skills: 24 Purity Phenotype: Fawn with Dapples, Dorsal, Fade, Flecks, Gradient, Hood, Mask, Socks, Ticked, Mane Tips and Smoke Genotype: Cc/Gg/BB/cSph/cCol/cCre/nDpl/nDor/nFde/cFb/nFlek/nGra/nHd/nMsk/nSok/cSpi/nTik/cUn/nMt/cPtn/nSmk/mcExt/mcInt/aOcn/aAno/aSrn Carries: Sapphire, Collar, Crescents, Fleabitten, Split, Underbelly, Python, Extended Scales, Intersex Mane Type: Silken Ears Type: Common Tail Type: Common Horns Type: Common [Abilities] Oceanborn, Anomalous, Siren Song
2022-01-04 05:01:33 (Edited 2022-01-04 05:07:07) X Breeding Claim: I-2118: A̵̭̅v̷̲̽à̵͕r̵̖̈́i̷̦̕k̸̭̆ x I-1869: Veho 1.) Dracus-Kelpie Male, Healthy (4QA/3nt/4Ka/2xr/9ty/9uq) Magic Skills: Fire Skill 5 Phenotype: Fawn with Barring, Python, Koi and Satin Genotype: cC/gG/BB/cPgr/cTik/nBar/nPtn/nKoi/nSat/acAgl/aApx/aElm/aNtb/aDpf/aOcn/aFli/acMar/aSrn Carries: Pangare, Ticked, Agile, Magical Reflex Mane Type: Common Ears Type: Common Tail Type: Fluffed Horns Type: Antelope [Abilities] Apex Predator, Elemental, Natureborn, Deep Focus, Oceanborn, Flight, Siren Song 2.) Dracus-Kelpie Female, Healthy (3Km/0KG/3nt/2aW/2xr/9uq) Magic Skills: Fire Skill 5, Entropy Skill 3 Phenotype: Fawn with Mottled and Ticked Genotype: cC/gG/BB/nMot/nTik/cPtn/cRon/cGlim/mcGst/aElm/aNtb/acBom/aOcn/aFli/aMar/aSrn Carries: Python, Roan, Glimmer, Ghost, Boom Mane Type: Common Ears Type: Common Tail Type: Fluffed Horns Type: Antlers [Abilities] Elemental, Natureborn, Oceanborn, Flight, Magical Reflex, Siren Song
2022-01-04 04:52:30 (Edited 2022-01-04 04:56:40) Breeding Claim: I-249: Kailani x I-1528: Icarus 1.) Kainu Intersex, Healthy (0ou/8fV/3Ra/6oK/1dD/8Uj) Phenotype: Topaz Gold with Collar, Frosted, Gradient, Pangare, Siamese and Stroke Genotype: cc/GG/bB/cEry/TopTop/nCol/nFr/nGra/nPgr/cPtn/nSia/nSrk/mInt Carries: Erythristic, Python Mane Type: Rebel Ears Type: Long Tufted Tail Type: Silken Horns Type: Ibex [Mutations] Intersex 2.) Dracus Intersex, Healthy (0BS/0ou/2HX/0Ck/8Uj/1dD) Phenotype: Darken Aquamarine Chestnut with Collar, Gradient, Mask, Pangare, Socks, Spots, Underbelly, Dun, Satin and Swirl Genotype: cc/gG/BB/nDar/nSph/TopTop/nCol/cFr/nGra/nMsk/nPgr/cSbl/nSok/nSpt/nUn/nDun/nSat/nSwr/mInt/aFli Carries: Frosted, Sable Mane Type: Common Ears Type: Bat Tail Type: Silken Horns Type: Elder [Mutations] Intersex [Abilities] Flight Double Uterus: 3.) Kainu Female, Healthy (3Ra/2HX/0Vb/0Ck/5AH/3AS) Phenotype: Ruby Chestnut with Collar, Frosted, Mask, Socks, Spots, Python, Tricolor and Gilded Genotype: cc/Gg/BB/nEry/TopTop/nCol/nFr/nMsk/cPgr/cSbl/nSok/nSpt/nPtn/nTri/nGld Carries: Pangare, Sable Mane Type: Rebel Ears Type: Fancy Tail Type: Silken Horns Type: Ibex 4.) Dracus Male, Healthy (0BS/2HX/0Vb/0Ck/6oK/3AS) Phenotype: Chroma Gold with Collar, Gradient, Dun, Gazelle, Stroke and Satin Genotype: cc/GG/bB/nEry/nJde/nSph/nTop/nCol/nGra/cSbl/cSpt/nDun/nGaz/cMt/nSrk/cQua/nSat/cTri/aFli Carries: Sable, Spots, Mane Tips, Quagga, Tricolor Mane Type: Silken Ears Type: Fae Tail Type: Silken Horns Type: Elk [Abilities] Flight These items were applied and used: Advanced Rainbow Potion These items were applied but NOT used: Equal Opportunity Potion
2022-01-04 04:32:59 (Edited 2022-01-04 04:47:27)
Artha-Demon Staff Member
Find guides for breedings HERE, as well as all the forms you will need! Breeding and Permission Guides
All pertinent information is in the link above, as well as the form you will need to fill out in your prompt.
2021-10-14 10:48:09 (Edited 2021-10-14 10:58:42)
Feature Comment
Full breeding for Fluffynerd
I-801: Akritarius x I-1604: Decaying Memory
Breeding Claim:
1.) Dracus Female, Healthy (4XG/4em/3Pl/7bx/9Jg/5Rm)
Phenotype: Silver Fawn with Blanket, Dapples, Frosted, Mask, Panda, Pangare and Sable
Genotype: Cc/Gg/BB/nSlv/nBln/cCre/nDpl/nFr/nMsk/nPan/nPgr/nSbl/cSke/mAlb/mcUnd/mSrm/aFli
Carries: Crescents, Skeleton, Undead
Mane Type: Common
Ears Type: Fae
Tail Type: Cervine
Horns Type: Antlers
[Mutations] Albinism, Shroom
[Abilities] Flight
2.) Kainu Male, Healthy (1Nm/1dj/4XG/3EW/6em/5Rm)
Phenotype: Silver Sapphire Fawn with Blanket, Mask, Panda, Pangare, Fox, Gazelle and Shimmer
Genotype: Cc/Gg/bB/nSph/nSlv/nBln/nMsk/nPan/nPgr/nFox/nGaz/cSia/cGlim/nShim
Carries: Siamese, Glimmer
Mane Type: Common
Ears Type: Common
Tail Type: Fluffed
Horns Type: Ram
3.) Bantam Mystic Male, Healthy (1dj/3Pl/4XG/3EW/7bx/3ft)
Phenotype: Silver Chestnut with Dapples, Mask, Pangare, Sable, Iridescent Scales, Siamese and Reversal
Genotype: cc/Gg/Bb/nSlv/cCre/nDpl/nMsk/nPgr/nSbl/nIri/nSia/cGlim/nRev/mAlb/acRnd1/aTnt/aDaz
Carries: Crescents, Glimmer, Randomizer 1
Mane Type: Common
Ears Type: Elegant
Tail Type: Common
Horns Type: Common
[Mutations] Albinism
[Abilities] Tainted, Dazzle
2022-01-04 16:05:25 (Edited 2022-01-21 01:21:14)
Feature Comment
Full breeding for Artha-Demon
I-1858: Anthaea x I-249: Kailani
Breeding Claim:
1.) Q'lin-Dracus Male, Healthy (5YW/4Ab/9uz/0ou/8fV/3Ra)
Phenotype: Silver Dilute Sapphire Cream with Pangare, Socks, Spots, Stone, Dun and Mane Tips
Genotype: CC/gg/bB/nDil/cEry/SphSph/nSlv/cCol/cFb/cGra/nPgr/cSbl/nSok/nSpt/nStn/nDun/cFox/nMt/cVm/cGlim/cSha/mChm/mcEys/mHly/mShb/mcFlw/mTch/aFart/aFli/aShk/aHyf
Carries: Erythristic, Collar, Fleabitten, Gradient, Sable, Fox, Vibrant Mane, Glimmer, Shatter, Extra Eyes, Flower
Mane Type: Silken
Ears Type: Elegant
Tail Type: Fluffed
Horns Type: Common
[Mutations] Chomp, Holy Hide, Shimmering Bones, Torch
[Abilities] Farts, Flight, Shockwave, Hyper Fertile
2.) Dracus Female, Healthy (7ga/9uz/5YW/0BS/2HX/0Vb)
Phenotype: Silver Sapphire Cream with Collar, Fleabitten, Gradient, Mask, Pangare, Socks, Spots, Vibrant Mane, Embossed and Okapi
Genotype: CC/gg/BB/cEry/SphSph/nSlv/nCol/nFb/nGra/nMsk/nPgr/nSok/nSpt/cStn/cUn/cFox/cPtn/cSpl/nVm/nEmb/cGlim/nOki/cSat/mSm/mAge/mShm/acTnt/aFli
Carries: Erythristic, Stone, Underbelly, Fox, Python, Splash, Glimmer, Satin, Tainted
Mane Type: Common
Ears Type: Elegant
Tail Type: Silken
Horns Type: Ibex
[Mutations] Smooth, Angellic, Shimmerstep
[Abilities] Flight
3.) Q'lin-Dracus Female, Healthy (7ga/9uz/9mm/0BS/2HX/0ou)
Phenotype: Silver Erythristic Cream with Collar, Pangare, Sable, Socks, Spots, Underbelly and Swirl
Genotype: CC/Gg/bb/EryEry/cSph/nSlv/nCol/cFb/cMsk/nPgr/nSbl/nSok/nSpt/cStn/nUn/cMt/cTpr/cTdr/cEmb/cGlim/cOki/cSat/cSha/nSwr/mSm/mChm/mcAge/mShb/mcFlw/LGlc/LWra/aFart/acGrn/aHel/acTnt/aFer/aFli/aObs/aShk
Carries: Sapphire, Fleabitten, Mask, Stone, Mane Tips, Tapir, Teardrop, Embossed, Glimmer, Okapi, Satin, Shatter, Angellic, Flower, Green Thumb, Tainted
Mane Type: Silken
Ears Type: Elegant
Tail Type: Common
Horns Type: Ram
[Mutations] Smooth, Chomp, Shimmering Bones, Glitch, Wraith
[Abilities] Farts, Healer's Gift, Fertile, Flight, Obscure, Shockwave
4.) Q'lin-Dracus Female, Healthy (9uz/9mm/5YW/0BS/0Vb/0ou)
Phenotype: Silver Dilute Cream with Collar, Fleabitten, Gradient, Spots, Stone, Tapir, Embossed and Okapi
Genotype: cC/gg/bB/nDil/cSph/nSlv/cTop/nCol/nFb/nGra/cSok/nSpt/nStn/cDun/cMt/cPtn/cSpl/nTpr/nEmb/nOki/mcAge/LGlc/acFart/acHel/aTnt/acDdz/aFer/aFli/aShk
Carries: Sapphire, Topaz, Socks, Dun, Mane Tips, Python, Splash, Angellic, Farts, Healer's Gift, Deadzone
Mane Type: Silken
Ears Type: Elegant
Tail Type: Fluffed
Horns Type: Ram
[Mutations] Glitch
[Abilities] Tainted, Fertile, Flight, Shockwave
These items were applied and used:
Advanced Rainbow Potion
Legendary Mutation Serum
Level-Match Ticket
Rare Marking Booster
2022-01-04 15:44:47 (Edited 2022-01-20 21:18:56)
Feature Comment
PSB Staff Member
Breeding Claim:
I-2064: Levi x I-1480: Afina
1.) Kainu Female, Healthy (1Vr/1dD/3tb/4Jq/4Ab/7LO)
Magic Skills: 24 Purity
Phenotype: Fawn with Crescents, Dorsal, Flecks, Frosted, Hood, Mask, Socks, Split, Ticked, Dun and Zebra
Genotype: Cc/Gg/Bb/cTop/nCre/nDor/cFde/cFb/nFlek/nFr/cGra/nHd/nMsk/nSok/nSpi/nTik/nDun/cSmk/cRng/nZeb/mHlo/aElm/aMag/aRec/aAno
Carries: Topaz, Fade, Fleabitten, Gradient, Smoke, Rings
Mane Type: Common
Ears Type: Common
Tail Type: Common
Horns Type: Branched
[Mutations] Halo
[Abilities] Elemental, Magically Inclined, Recoil, Anomalous
2.) Kainu Male, Healthy (1dD/3tb/8Dw/4Ab/8xS/9hh)
Magic Skills: 23 Purity
Phenotype: Cream with Dapples, Fade, Fleabitten, Gradient, Hood, Sable, Socks, Ticked, Zag, Barring, Dun, Siamese and Smoke
Genotype: Cc/gg/bB/cSph/cCol/cCre/nDpl/cDor/nFde/nFb/cFlek/cFr/nGra/nHd/cMsk/nSbl/SokSok/nTik/nZag/nBar/nDun/nSia/nSmk/mRds/mSm/mHly/aElm/acMag/acRec/aHih
Carries: Sapphire, Collar, Crescents, Dorsal, Flecks, Frosted, Mask, Magically Inclined, Recoil
Mane Type: Common
Ears Type: Sleek
Tail Type: Common
Horns Type: Common
[Mutations] Reduced Scales, Smooth, Holy Hide
[Abilities] Elemental, High Roller
3.) Kelpie Male, Healthy (3tb/1dD/1Vr/4Ab/4Jq/9hh)
Magic Skills: 24 Purity
Phenotype: Fawn with Dapples, Dorsal, Fade, Flecks, Gradient, Hood, Mask, Socks, Ticked, Mane Tips and Smoke
Genotype: Cc/Gg/BB/cSph/cCol/cCre/nDpl/nDor/nFde/cFb/nFlek/nGra/nHd/nMsk/nSok/cSpi/nTik/cUn/nMt/cPtn/nSmk/mcExt/mcInt/aOcn/aAno/aSrn
Carries: Sapphire, Collar, Crescents, Fleabitten, Split, Underbelly, Python, Extended Scales, Intersex
Mane Type: Silken
Ears Type: Common
Tail Type: Common
Horns Type: Common
[Abilities] Oceanborn, Anomalous, Siren Song
2022-01-04 05:01:33 (Edited 2022-01-04 05:07:07)
Feature Comment
PSB Staff Member X
Breeding Claim:
I-2118: A̵̭̅v̷̲̽à̵͕r̵̖̈́i̷̦̕k̸̭̆ x I-1869: Veho
1.) Dracus-Kelpie Male, Healthy (4QA/3nt/4Ka/2xr/9ty/9uq)
Magic Skills: Fire Skill 5
Phenotype: Fawn with Barring, Python, Koi and Satin
Genotype: cC/gG/BB/cPgr/cTik/nBar/nPtn/nKoi/nSat/acAgl/aApx/aElm/aNtb/aDpf/aOcn/aFli/acMar/aSrn
Carries: Pangare, Ticked, Agile, Magical Reflex
Mane Type: Common
Ears Type: Common
Tail Type: Fluffed
Horns Type: Antelope
[Abilities] Apex Predator, Elemental, Natureborn, Deep Focus, Oceanborn, Flight, Siren Song
2.) Dracus-Kelpie Female, Healthy (3Km/0KG/3nt/2aW/2xr/9uq)
Magic Skills: Fire Skill 5, Entropy Skill 3
Phenotype: Fawn with Mottled and Ticked
Genotype: cC/gG/BB/nMot/nTik/cPtn/cRon/cGlim/mcGst/aElm/aNtb/acBom/aOcn/aFli/aMar/aSrn
Carries: Python, Roan, Glimmer, Ghost, Boom
Mane Type: Common
Ears Type: Common
Tail Type: Fluffed
Horns Type: Antlers
[Abilities] Elemental, Natureborn, Oceanborn, Flight, Magical Reflex, Siren Song
2022-01-04 04:52:30 (Edited 2022-01-04 04:56:40)
Feature Comment
PSB Staff Member
Breeding Claim:
I-249: Kailani x I-1528: Icarus
1.) Kainu Intersex, Healthy (0ou/8fV/3Ra/6oK/1dD/8Uj)
Phenotype: Topaz Gold with Collar, Frosted, Gradient, Pangare, Siamese and Stroke
Genotype: cc/GG/bB/cEry/TopTop/nCol/nFr/nGra/nPgr/cPtn/nSia/nSrk/mInt
Carries: Erythristic, Python
Mane Type: Rebel
Ears Type: Long Tufted
Tail Type: Silken
Horns Type: Ibex
[Mutations] Intersex
2.) Dracus Intersex, Healthy (0BS/0ou/2HX/0Ck/8Uj/1dD)
Phenotype: Darken Aquamarine Chestnut with Collar, Gradient, Mask, Pangare, Socks, Spots, Underbelly, Dun, Satin and Swirl
Genotype: cc/gG/BB/nDar/nSph/TopTop/nCol/cFr/nGra/nMsk/nPgr/cSbl/nSok/nSpt/nUn/nDun/nSat/nSwr/mInt/aFli
Carries: Frosted, Sable
Mane Type: Common
Ears Type: Bat
Tail Type: Silken
Horns Type: Elder
[Mutations] Intersex
[Abilities] Flight
Double Uterus:
3.) Kainu Female, Healthy (3Ra/2HX/0Vb/0Ck/5AH/3AS)
Phenotype: Ruby Chestnut with Collar, Frosted, Mask, Socks, Spots, Python, Tricolor and Gilded
Genotype: cc/Gg/BB/nEry/TopTop/nCol/nFr/nMsk/cPgr/cSbl/nSok/nSpt/nPtn/nTri/nGld
Carries: Pangare, Sable
Mane Type: Rebel
Ears Type: Fancy
Tail Type: Silken
Horns Type: Ibex
4.) Dracus Male, Healthy (0BS/2HX/0Vb/0Ck/6oK/3AS)
Phenotype: Chroma Gold with Collar, Gradient, Dun, Gazelle, Stroke and Satin
Genotype: cc/GG/bB/nEry/nJde/nSph/nTop/nCol/nGra/cSbl/cSpt/nDun/nGaz/cMt/nSrk/cQua/nSat/cTri/aFli
Carries: Sable, Spots, Mane Tips, Quagga, Tricolor
Mane Type: Silken
Ears Type: Fae
Tail Type: Silken
Horns Type: Elk
[Abilities] Flight
These items were applied and used: Advanced Rainbow Potion
These items were applied but NOT used:
Equal Opportunity Potion
2022-01-04 04:32:59 (Edited 2022-01-04 04:47:27)
Feature Comment