Comments on Autumn-Winter 2021 Breeding Thread in Breeding

Artha-Demon Avatar
Artha-Demon Staff Member

Find guides for breedings HERE, as well as all the forms you will need! Breeding and Permission Guides

All pertinent information is in the link above, as well as the form you will need to fill out in your prompt.

2021-10-14 10:48:09 (Edited 2021-10-14 10:58:42)

corrosive_limes Avatar
corrosive_limes Staff Member

Error-404: Drakiri Not Found x I-1493: Serab, Child of Light and Dark

1.) Kelpie Female, Healthy (3mD/3wl/4SY/8aW/1gz/1et)
Phenotype: Silver Cream with Banding, Gradient, Mottled, Panda, Splash and Glimmer
Genotype: Cc/gG/Bb/nSlv/cTop/nBan/cBln/cCol/nGra/nMot/nPan/cSbl/cSpt/cFlo/nSpl/nGlim/mcFth/mcTar/mcBnh/LGlc/aApx/aElm/aIrn/aSwm/aUdy/acHel/aOcn/acDtr/aDrn/aSrn
Carries: Topaz, Blanket, Collar, Sable, Spots, Flow, Feathering, Tar, Branch, Healer's Gift, Determined
Mane Type: Regal
Ears Type: Round
Tail Type: Common
Horns Type: Antelope
[Mutations] Glitch
[Abilities] Apex Predator, Elemental, Iron Wall, Swimmer, Undying, Oceanborn, Life Drain, Siren Song

2021-10-16 13:19:33 (Edited 2021-10-16 13:21:28)

corrosive_limes Avatar
corrosive_limes Staff Member

Error-404: Drakiri Not Found x I-591: Shetar

1.) Kainu Male, Healthy (6WW/1RV/4DJ/0bG/6Db/4Qf)
Phenotype: Silver Black with Banding, Dorsal, Hood, Underbelly, Barring, Eyemarks and Deadwood
Genotype: cc/gg/Bb/cSph/nSlv/nBan/cBln/cDpl/nDor/nHd/cStr/nUn/nBar/cBri/nEym/cSpl/cCin/nDdw/mLon/mcCrl/mcDrz/LGlc/acApx/aIrn/acStw/aChr
Carries: Sapphire, Blanket, Dapples, Striped, Brindle, Splash, Cinder, Coral, Drizzle, Apex Predator, Strong Willed
Mane Type: Yun
Ears Type: Common
Tail Type: Yun
Horns Type: Common
[Mutations] Longhair, Glitch
[Abilities] Iron Wall, Charismatic

2.) Dracus Male, Healthy (3aw/4DJ/1RV/5AK/6Db/2wn)
Phenotype: Gold with Blanket, Dorsal, Frosted, Hood, Striped, Brindle, Eyemarks, Gazelle, Cinder and Leopard
Genotype: cc/gG/bb/nBln/cDpl/nDor/cFb/nFr/nHd/cPan/cSok/nStr/cUn/nBri/nEym/nGaz/cPch/cSpl/nCin/nLeo/mQwks/LBio/LGlc/aApx/acIrn/aDks/aOcn/aRec/aStw/aFli
Carries: Dapples, Fleabitten, Panda, Socks, Underbelly, Patches, Splash, Iron Wall
Mane Type: Poof
Ears Type: Common
Tail Type: Curled
Horns Type: Fae
[Mutations] Quicksilver, Biolume, Glitch
[Abilities] Apex Predator, Dark Sight, Oceanborn, Recoil, Strong Willed, Flight

- claim link -
- rerolled by - corrosive_limes
2.) Kainu Male, Healthy (2Ns/5bn/4em/5AK/0bG/4Qf)
Phenotype: Cream with Banding, Blanket, Bleached, Crescents, Dapples, Dorsal, Paint, Panda, Socks, Striped, Brindle, Traced, Embossed, Glimmer and Tabby
Genotype: cC/gg/Bb/cSph/cSlv/nBan/nBln/nBlc/nCre/nDpl/nDor/nPnt/nPan/cSbl/nSok/nStr/nBri/cEym/cTpr/cTdr/nTrc/nEmb/nGlim/cQui/nTby/mCnf/mChm/LFlm/LGlc/aGrn/aDks
Carries: Sapphire, Silver, Sable, Eyemarks, Tapir, Teardrop, Quilted
Mane Type: Mohawk
Ears Type: Folded
Tail Type: Common
Horns Type: Common
[Mutations] Confetti, Chomp, Flames, Glitch
[Abilities] Green Thumb, Darksight

3.) Komakha Female, Healthy (2fb/3aw/4DJ/5AK/0bG/6Db)
Phenotype: Topaz Chestnut with Banding, Blanket, Dapples, Dorsal, Frosted, Hood, Striped, Underbelly, Barring, Eyemarks, Tabby and Zebra
Genotype: cc/gG/Bb/nTop/nBan/nBln/nDpl/nDor/cFb/nFr/nHd/nStr/nUn/nBar/cBri/nEym/cEmb/cOki/cShim/nTby/nZeb/mcFtr/mQwks/LGlc/acApx/aGrn/aIrn/aKil/acStw/aHsn
Carries: Fleabitten, Brindle, Embossed, Okapi, Shimmer, Feathermane, Apex Predator, Strong Willed
Mane Type: Poof
Ears Type: Common
Tail Type: Curled
Horns Type: Ibex
[Mutations] Quicksilver, Glitch
[Abilities] Green Thumb, Iron Wall, Killer Instinct, Heightened Senses

- claim link -
- rerolled by - corrosive_limes
3.) Kainu Female, Healthy (2fb/5pZ/8Pg/0bG/4Qf/6oK)
Phenotype: Silver Erythristic Black with Blanket, Mottled, Pangare, Saddle, Socks, Stained, Jasper, Roan, Strata, Vibrant Mane, Aurora and Koi
Genotype: cc/gg/BB/cDar/nEry/SlvSlv/cTop/cBan/nBln/cCre/nMot/nPgr/nSdl/nSok/nSta/cEym/nJp/nRon/cSia/nStt/nVm/nAu/nKoi/mFsh/mcGna/LGlc/aAgl/aIrn/aUdy/acWtl/acGam/aAno/aDen/aHsn/aPrs
Carries: Darken, Topaz, Banding, Crescents, Eyemarks, Siamese, Gnarled, Water Lover, Gambler
Mane Type: Common
Ears Type: Common
Tail Type: Equine
Horns Type: Fae
[Mutations] Fish Bowl, Glitch
[Abilities] Agile, Iron Wall, Undying, Anomalous, Den Mother, Heightened Senses, Piercing Strikes

4.) Q'lin Female, Healthy (3aw/2fb/4DJ/6oK/6Db/4Qf)
Phenotype: Black with Blanket, Dorsal, Hood, Roan, Cinder and Tabby
Genotype: cc/gg/Bb/cSph/cSlv/nBln/nDor/nHd/cPan/nRon/nCin/cDdw/cSwr/nTby/mcEns/LGlc/aApx/aGrn/aIrn/aKil/acRec/acChr/aShk
Carries: Sapphire, Silver, Panda, Deadwood, Swirl, Energy Step, Recoil, Charismatic
Mane Type: Poof
Ears Type: Lapine
Tail Type: Curled
Horns Type: Fae
[Mutations] Glitch
[Abilities] Apex Predator, Green Thumb, Iron Wall, Killer Instinct, Shockwave

5.) Komakha Male, Healthy (4DJ/1RV/6WW/6Db/6oK/4Qf)
Phenotype: Chestnut with Blanket, Dorsal, Fleabitten, Frosted, Panda, Socks, Underbelly, Eyemarks, Siamese, Deadwood and Shimmer
Genotype: cc/gG/Bb/cSph/cSlv/nBln/nDor/nFb/nFr/nPan/nSok/nUn/nEym/SiaSia/cSpl/nDdw/nShim/mEns/mcFtr/LGlc/aIrn/aKil/aHsn
Carries: Sapphire, Silver, Splash, Feathermane
Mane Type: Poof
Ears Type: Common
Tail Type: Curled
Horns Type: Common
[Mutations] Energy Step, Glitch
[Abilities] Iron Wall, Killer Instinct, Heightened Senses

- claim link -
- rerolled by - corrosive_limes
5.) Q'lin Male, Healthy (1yY/7ug/1WF/0bG/5AK/6oK)
Phenotype: Silver Ocean Chestnut with Blanket, Crescents, Fleabitten, Stone, Striped, Zag, Siamese, Tapir, Skyline and Swirl
Genotype: cc/gG/Bb/nJde/nSph/nSlv/nTop/nBln/nCre/nFb/cSok/nStn/nStr/cUn/nZag/SiaSia/cSrk/cSuk/nTpr/cTdr/cDdw/nSky/nSwr/cTox/mFth/mFtr/mSkf/LGlc/LcShft/LTmp/aElm/aFrb/aSwf/acGam/aPur/acRnd1/aAtt/aShc/aShk
Carries: Socks, Underbelly, Stroke, Sunkissed, Teardrop, Deadwood, Toxin, Shifter, Gambler, Randomizer 1
Mane Type: Poof
Ears Type: Round
Tail Type: Common
Horns Type: Fae
[Mutations] Feathering, Feathermane, Smokefade, Glitch, Tempest
[Abilities] Elemental, Fireborn, Swift, Purity of Mind, Attuned, Shock, Shockwave

6.) Mystic Female, Healthy (3XW/3aw/2fb/5AK/0bG/4Qf)
Phenotype: Silver Black with Diamond, Dorsal, Hood, Socks, Striped, Gazelle, Siamese, Splash, Cinder, Leopard, Shimmer and Runic
Genotype: cc/gg/Bb/nSlv/cBln/nDia/nDor/cFb/nHd/nSok/nStr/cUn/nGaz/cPch/cRon/nSia/nSpl/cSuk/nCin/nLeo/cOki/nShim/nRun/mcEns/mcFtr/LcErth/LGlc/aApx/aGrn/acIrn/aKil/aRec/aStw/aDaz/acFli
Carries: Blanket, Fleabitten, Underbelly, Patches, Roan, Sunkissed, Okapi, Energy Step, Feathermane, Earthen, Iron Wall, Flight
Mane Type: Yun
Ears Type: Common
Tail Type: Yun
Horns Type: Common
[Mutations] Glitch
[Abilities] Apex Predator, Green Thumb, Killer Instinct, Recoil, Strong Willed, Dazzle

2021-10-16 13:02:27 (Edited 2022-09-27 00:03:25)