GENO ・ Drakiri---

#5 I-2064: Levi X I-234: Jolthein [ hold? design? ]

Owned by corrosive_limes

- python and splash interaction
- hood and python interaction
- panda and mask layer over hood 
- pangare layer under hood?
- zag / dun interaction? zag on its own? zag interacting with hood/panda?
- hide flecks?
- gradient on dorsal?
- bring out socks, layer over panda 
- being out smoke and siamese? smoke/siamese/dun interaction?

- tempest around the shoulders and neck/back
- tempest and sunglow should sort of match thematically. sort of like a thunderstorm at sunset on a spring day 

change breed? zark or zark cross? bring out intersex?