1302 Posts
Find guides for breedings HERE, as well as all the forms you will need! https://drakiri.com/info/breeding-guide
All pertinent information is in the link above, as well as the form you will need to fill out in your prompt.
This is an Admin Only thread
1302 Posts
type - full
items used - magic fish, advanced rainbow potion, legendary marking booster, equal opportunity potion
- starter chosen: S-060: Jem - automatically level matched to Milarose
breeding claim - https://drakiri.com/admin/submissions/edit/3485
rolled by - corrosive_limes
S-060: Jem x I-1504: Milarose the Mother
1.) Dracus Female, Healthy (9AO/7Hm/4qE/6yw/8no/9ty)
Phenotype: Sapphire Fawn with Banding, Fleabitten, Mask, Spots, Underbelly, Satin and Shimmer
Genotype: Cc/GG/Bb/nSph/nBan/cDor/nFb/cGra/cHd/nMsk/nSpt/nUn/nSat/nShim/acGrn/aWld/aOcn/aDen/aFli
Carries: Dorsal, Gradient, Hood, Green Thumb
Mane Type: Punk
Ears Type: Common
Tail Type: Yun
Horns Type: Royal
[Abilities] Wild Heart, Oceanborn, Den Mother, Flight
2.) Q'lin Female, Healthy (9AO/7Hm/4qE/9ty/0nD/4oM)
Phenotype: Silver Gold with Dorsal, Fleabitten, Hood and Sable
Genotype: cc/Gg/bb/cSph/nSlv/nDor/nFb/cGra/nHd/nSbl/aSwf/acWld/aOcn/aFli/aShk
Carries: Sapphire, Gradient, Wild Heart
Mane Type: Common
Ears Type: Sleek
Tail Type: Serpentine
Horns Type: Royal
[Abilities] Swift, Oceanborn, Flight, Shockwave
3.) Q'lin Female, Healthy (9AO/7Hm/4qE/9ty/0nD/6yw)
Phenotype: Lilac Fawn with Banding, Dorsal, Mask, Pangare, Spots and Siamese
Genotype: Cc/Gg/Bb/nEry/nSph/nBan/nDor/cFb/nMsk/nPgr/nSpt/cUn/nSia/aGrn/aSwf/aWld/acGye/aShk
Carries: Fleabitten, Underbelly, Good Eye
Mane Type: Punk
Ears Type: Common
Tail Type: Serpentine
Horns Type: Common
[Abilities] Green Thumb, Swift, Wild Heart, Shockwave
The following abilities from I-1504: Milarose the Mother were applied: Den Mother
1302 Posts
type - full
items used - magic fish, advanced rainbow potion
- starter chosen: S-019: Jian Ma - automatically level matched to Milarose
breeding claim - https://drakiri.com/admin/submissions/edit/3484
rolled by - corrosive_limes
I-1504: Milarose the Mother x S-019: Jian Ma
1.) Kainu Female, Healthy (0nD/9ty/6yw/2SS/1Om/9MU)
Phenotype: Erythristic Chestnut with Crescents, Gradient, Mask, Sable, Stone and Underbelly
Genotype: cc/gG/bB/nEry/cJde/nCre/cFb/nGra/nMsk/nSbl/nStn/cStr/nUn/cIri/aGrn/aSwf/aOcn/aDen
Carries: Jade, Fleabitten, Striped, Iridescent Scales
Mane Type: Yun
Ears Type: Fancy
Tail Type: Silken
Horns Type: Ram
[Abilities] Green Thumb, Swift, Oceanborn, Den Mother
2.) Kainu Female, Healthy (4oM/0nD/9ty/2SS/1Om/9MU)
Phenotype: Erythristic Chestnut with Fleabitten, Gradient, Hood, Mask, Pangare, Sable, Stained, Stone, Striped, Zag and Embossed
Genotype: cc/gG/Bb/nEry/nFb/nGra/nHd/nMsk/nPgr/nSbl/nSta/nStn/nStr/nZag/nEmb/aGrn/aSwf/aGye/aDen/aFli
Mane Type: Yun
Ears Type: Fancy
Tail Type: Common
Horns Type: Spiral
[Abilities] Green Thumb, Swift, Good Eye, Den Mother, Flight
3.) Dracus Male, Healthy (0nD/9ty/6yw/2SS/1Om/9MU)
Phenotype: Darken Turquoise Cream with Crescents, Hood, Mask, Stone, Striped and Shimmer
Genotype: CC/gG/BB/nDar/nJde/nSph/nCre/cDor/cFb/nHd/nMsk/cSta/nStn/nStr/cZag/nShim/acGrn/aSwf/acWld/acGye/aOcn/aDen/aFli
Carries: Dorsal, Fleabitten, Stained, Zag, Green Thumb, Wild Heart, Good Eye
Mane Type: Silken
Ears Type: Fancy
Tail Type: Yun
Horns Type: Common
[Abilities] Swift, Oceanborn, Den Mother, Flight
4.) Mutt Male, Healthy (9ty/0nD/6yw/2SS/1Om/9MU)
Phenotype: Erythristic Cream with Fleabitten, Hood, Mask, Pangare, Stone, Striped, Iridescent Scales and Siamese
Genotype: CC/gG/BB/nEry/cJde/cCre/cDor/nFb/nHd/nMsk/nPgr/cSta/nStn/nStr/cUn/cZag/nIri/nSia/acGrn/aSwf/aOcn/aFli/aCsm
Carries: Jade, Crescents, Dorsal, Stained, Underbelly, Zag, Green Thumb
Mane Type: Common
Ears Type: Fancy
Tail Type: Yun
Horns Type: Ibex
[Abilities] Swift, Oceanborn, Flight, Cosmopolitan
5.) Kainu Male, Healthy (9ty/0nD/6yw/2SS/1Om/9MU)
Phenotype: Sapphire Cream with Crescents, Fleabitten, Hood, Pangare, Sable, Stained and Underbelly
Genotype: Cc/gG/bB/nSph/nCre/nFb/nHd/nPgr/nSbl/nSta/cStr/nUn/cZag/acGrn/acSwf/acOcn/aDen
Carries: Striped, Zag, Green Thumb, Swift, Oceanborn
Mane Type: Yun
Ears Type: Fancy
Tail Type: Yun
Horns Type: Royal
[Abilities] Den Mother
The following abilities from I-1504: Milarose the Mother were applied: Den Mother
1302 Posts
type - full
items used - monthly breeding voucher, advanced rainbow potion, equal opportunity potion, rarity potion, rare marking booster, legendary mutation serum
breeding claim - https://drakiri.com/admin/submissions/edit/3473
rolled by - corrosive_limes
I-2545: Marcus x I-2254: Sol
1.) Primal-Dracus Male, Healthy (1Lx/0nD/9ty/0Vb/8Uj/3AS)
Phenotype: Gold with Collar, Dorsal, Fade, Mask, Dun, Mane Tips, Okapi and Quagga
Genotype: cc/GG/bb/cTop/nCol/nDor/nFde/nMsk/cSpt/nDun/nMt/nOki/nQua/cSat/LcPhn/aFli/aTrr
Carries: Topaz, Spots, Satin, Phoenix
Mane Type: Barbary
Ears Type: Fae
Tail Type: Unicorn
Horns Type: Ibex
[Abilities] Flight, Thunderous Roar
2.) Dracus Female, Healthy (9ty/2xr/0nD/3AS/0ou/2HX)
Phenotype: Gold with Dorsal, Fade and Sable
Genotype: cc/GG/Bb/nDor/nFde/nSbl/cSpt/cDun/cMt/cOki/mMrbl/aFli
Carries: Spots, Dun, Mane Tips, Okapi
Mane Type: Silken
Ears Type: Elegant
Tail Type: Silken
Horns Type: Ibex
[Mutations] Marbled
[Abilities] Flight
The following abilities from I-2254: Sol were applied: Fertile
1302 Posts
type - full
items used - monthly breeding voucher, legendary mutation serum, legendary marking booster, beacon, experimental potion, magic cocktail
breeding claim - https://drakiri.com/admin/submissions/edit/3452
rolled by - corrosive_limes
I-1639: Encke x I-2501: Silverlight
1.) Nightmare Male, Healthy (4em/7XK/7ki/9uz/7ga/0nD)
Phenotype: Silver Cream with Frosted and Pangare
Genotype: CC/gg/Bb/nSlv/nFr/nPgr/mAlb/mThn/aApx/aFart/aWld/aDks/aDen/aFer/aObs
Mane Type: Regal
Ears Type: Common
Tail Type: Common
Horns Type: Common
[Mutations] Albinism, Thorns
[Abilities] Apex Predator, Farts, Wild Heart, Darksight, Den Mother, Fertile, Obscure
2.) Q'lin-Nightmare Female, Healthy (7ki/7JM/4em/7ga/9ty/0nD)
Phenotype: Dilute Cream with Dorsal, Pangare and Siamese
Genotype: Cc/gg/bB/nDil/nDor/cMsk/nPgr/nSia/cTpr/cVm/cShim/mCdl/mLvf/mCrm/acSwf/aDks/aOcn/acDen/aObs/aShk
Carries: Mask, Tapir, Vibrant Mane, Shimmer, Swift, Den Mother
Mane Type: Regal
Ears Type: Deer
Tail Type: Common
Horns Type: Fae
[Mutations] Candles, Lava Flow, Crumbling
[Abilities] Darksight, Oceanborn, Obscure, Shockwave
The following abilities from I-1639: Encke were applied: Rare Blood, Den Mother
The following abilities from I-2501: Silverlight were applied: Fertile
1302 Posts
type - full
items used - advanced rainbow potion, beacon, carried marking booster, legendary mutation serum, advanced mutation serum
breeding claim - https://drakiri.com/admin/submissions/edit/3503
rolled by - corrosive_limes
I-2446: Abyss x I-2436: Wisteria
1.) Kelpie Male, Healthy (1qp/7af/6sZ/0BS/6oK/5Pg)
Phenotype: Fawn with Crescents, Mask, Pangare, Socks, Ticked, Brindle, Skyline and Tinsel
Genotype: Cc/Gg/bB/cEry/cTop/nCre/nMsk/nPgr/nSok/nTik/nBri/SkySky/nTns/acIrn/aLuk/aOcn/aPrd/aSrn
Carries: Erythristic, Topaz, Iron Wall
Mane Type: Silken
Ears Type: Sleek
Tail Type: Silken
Horns Type: Antelope
[Abilities] Lucky, Oceanborn, Pride, Siren Song
The following abilities from I-2446: Abyss were applied: Rare Blood, Pride, Randomizer 1
The following abilities from I-2436: Wisteria were applied: Fertile
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