1302 Posts
Find guides for breedings HERE, as well as all the forms you will need! https://drakiri.com/info/breeding-guide
All pertinent information is in the link above, as well as the form you will need to fill out in your prompt.
This is an Admin Only thread
1302 Posts
Full Breeding for Prissy
Rolled by LuxBean
Breeding Claim: https://drakiri.com/admin/submissions/edit/2894
I-099: Sand Dune x I-099: Sand Dune
1.) Kainu Female, Healthy (2mT/1es/1WF/3Km/3uM/6tJ)
Phenotype: Darken Cream with Dorsal, Fleabitten, Striped, Underbelly and Gazelle
Genotype: cC/gg/bb/nDar/cBln/cDpl/DorDor/FbFb/nStr/nUn/nGaz/mFth/mcLon/mMnx/mcPol/aSwf/aLuk/acOcn/aPur/aStw/aAno/acDen
Carries: Blanket, Dapples, Longhair, Polycaudal, Oceanborn, Den Mother
Mane Type: Barbary
Ears Type: Common
Tail Type: Cervine
Horns Type: Ram
[Mutations] Feathering, Manx
[Abilities] Swift, Lucky, Purity of Mind, Strong Willed, Anomalous
2.) Kainu Female, Healthy (2mT/1es/1WF/3Km/3uM/6tJ)
Phenotype: Darken Cream with Blanket, Dorsal, Hood, Stone, Striped, Underbelly, Gazelle, Nebula and Tabby
Genotype: cC/gg/bb/nDar/nBln/nDor/cFb/nHd/nStn/StrStr/nUn/nGaz/nNba/nTby/mAng/mcDbl/mLon/mMnx/acSwf/aLuk/aStwStw
Carries: Fleabitten, Double Ears, Swift
Mane Type: Barbary
Ears Type: Common
Tail Type: Cervine
Horns Type: Spiral
[Mutations] Angora, Longhair, Manx
[Abilities] Lucky, Strong Willed
The following abilities from I-099: Sand Dune were applied: Anomalous, Fertile, Den Mother, Pride, Fluffy
The following abilities from I-099: Sand Dune were applied: Fluffy, Pride, Fertile, Den Mother, Anomalous
These items were applied and used:
Advanced Mutation Serum
Advanced Rainbow Potion
Carried Marking Booster
These items were applied but NOT used: None
1302 Posts
Full Breeding for Nibbitdingen
Rolled by LuxBean
Breeding Claim: https://drakiri.com/admin/submissions/edit/2884
Error-404: Drakiri not Found x I-304: Varen
1.) Dracus Male, Healthy (1oM/7ds/1cs/6yw/0Cv/0nD)
Phenotype: Fawn with Blanket, Dipped, Frosted, Gradient, Hood, Mask, Socks, Striped, Underbelly, Roan, Traced, Abalone, Koi and Ghoulish
Genotype: cC/GG/BB/cSph/nBln/cCre/nDip/cFb/nFr/nGra/nHd/MskMsk/cScs/nSok/nStr/nUn/cFlo/cNba/nRon/cTdr/nTrc/nAba/cEmb/nKoi/nGhl/mFbs/mFrb/LGlc/aElm/acKil/aHel/aOcn/acRnd1/acAno/aFli/aPrb
Carries: Sapphire, Crescents, Fleabitten, Scale Stripes, Flow, Nebula, Teardrop, Embossed, Killer Instinct, Randomizer 1, Anomalous
Mane Type: Friesian
Ears Type: Folded
Tail Type: Serpentine
Horns Type: Ram
[Mutations] Fireburst, Frostbite, Glitch
[Abilities] Elemental, Healer's Gift, Oceanborn, Flight, Pure Blood
2.) Q'lin-Kelpie Male, Healthy (1cs/4OD/5va/5AK/0nD/0Cv)
Phenotype: Sapphire Chestnut with Blanket, Crescents, Diamond, Dipped, Frosted, Panda, Scale Stripes, Socks, Split, Stained, Striped, Underbelly, Teardrop and Embossed
Genotype: cc/GG/BB/nSph/nBln/nCre/nDia/nDip/nFr/cGra/cHd/nPan/nScs/nSok/nSpi/nSta/nStr/UnUn/cNba/nTdr/nEmb/mCrl/LGlc/aElmElm/aOcn/acRnd1/acAno/acFli/aShk/aSrn
Carries: Gradient, Hood, Nebula, Randomizer 1, Anomalous, Flight
Mane Type: Common
Ears Type: Common
Tail Type: Common
Horns Type: Common
[Mutations] Coral, Glitch
[Abilities] Elemental, Oceanborn, Shockwave, Siren Song
The following abilities from Error-404: Drakiri not Found were applied: Randomizer 1, Anomalous
The following abilities from I-304: Varen were applied: Colorful, Legendary Blood
These items were applied and used:
Advanced Rainbow Potion
1302 Posts
Full Breeding for SPACEP00DLE
Rolled by LuxBean
Breeding Claim: https://drakiri.com/admin/submissions/edit/2878
Error-404: Drakiri not Found x I-2129: Kindred, Angel of Light
1.) Q'lin Female, Healthy (0nD/3JK/6Db/7ED/0Cv/3tb)
Magic Skills: Earth Skill 10, Order Skill 19, 5 Purity
Phenotype: Emerald Chestnut with Bleached, Crescents, Dapples, Gradient, Mask, Stone, Striped and Ticked
Genotype: cc/GG/BB/nJde/TopTop/nBlc/nCre/nDpl/nGra/nMsk/cPgr/nStn/nStr/nTik/cTrc/mAcl/mStr/mRts/LGlc/aAgl/aGrn/aSwm/aUdy/aRec/aShk/aCsm
Carries: Pangare, Traced
Mane Type: Common
Ears Type: Fae
Tail Type: Feline
Horns Type: Antlers
[Mutations] Aethyric Clarity, Starstruck, Roots, Glitch
[Abilities] Agile, Green Thumb, Swimmer, Undying, Recoil, Shockwave, Cosmopolitan
The following abilities from I-2129: Kindred, Angel of Light were applied: Anomalous
1302 Posts
Full breeding for Petrification | Cupid's Blessing, magic cocktail, advanced rainbow potion, carried marking booster used
Rolled by Hellcatstrut
Breeding Claim: https://drakiri.com/admin/submissions/edit/2877
I-1693: Metaljaw x I-2387: O-30625.1.09
1.) Sprite-Nightmare Male, Healthy (7xu/5yU/0kB/3uB/1dj/4em)
Phenotype: Topaz Chestnut with Banding, Crescents, Dipped, Saddle, Socks, Zag, Bicolor, Glimmer and Quagga
Genotype: cc/gG/Bb/cSph/TopTop/nBan/nCre/nDip/cMot/nSdl/nSok/nZag/nBi/cSmk/nGlim/nQua/mMnx/mcOoz/mEbr/mKey/LGlc/aGrn/aSwf/aDks/aMfr/aOcn/acHsn/aObs
Carries: Sapphire, Mottled, Smoke, Ooze, Heightened Senses
Mane Type: Rebel
Ears Type: Deer
Tail Type: Unicorn
Horns Type: Moose
[Mutations] Manx, Embers, Master Key, Glitch
[Abilities] Green Thumb, Swift, Darksight, Magic Farts, Oceanborn, Obscure
The following abilities from I-2387: O-30625.1.09 were applied: Rare Blood
These items were applied and used:
Advanced Rainbow Potion
Carried Marking Booster
These items were applied but NOT used:
Magic Cocktail
1302 Posts
Full breeding for Remix8
Rolled by LuxBean
Breeding Claim: https://drakiri.com/admin/submissions/edit/2897
Error-404: Drakiri not Found x Error-404: Drakiri not Found
1.) Kainu Male, Healthy (6mk/8mv/0qv/4bs/2ux/4ZF)
Magic Skills: Fire Skill 10, Order Skill 10
Phenotype: Magenta Cream with Crescents, Diamond, Frosted, Gradient, Hood, Spots, Stained, Bicolor, Dun, Eyemarks, Siamese, Teardrop, Pigeon, Shatter and Toxin
Genotype: Cc/gG/BB/nEry/nJde/nCre/cDpl/nDia/nFr/nGra/nHd/cPnt/nSpt/nSta/nBi/nDun/nEym/cFlo/cJp/cMt/cRon/nSia/cSuk/nTdr/cTrc/cAba/cDdw/nPge/nSha/cSky/cTby/nTox/mBor/mcQwks/LGlc/acFtl/acDpf/aHel/aTnt/aDdz/aFli/acMch/acShc
Carries: Dapples, Paint, Flow, Jasper, Mane Tips, Roan, Sunkissed, Traced, Abalone, Deadwood, Skyline, Tabby, Quicksilver, Featherlight, Deep Focus, Mischief, Shock
Mane Type: Fjord
Ears Type: Elegant
Tail Type: Yun
Horns Type: Common
[Mutations] Borealis, Glitch
[Abilities] Healer's Gift, Tainted, Deadzone, Flight
2.) Bantam Sprite Female, Healthy (3Ra/7nI/9lX/5mD/1EO/4Fw)
Phenotype: Black with Crescents, Dipped, Fade, Flecks, Hood, Sable, Fox, Marked Scales, Patches, Koi, Piebald, Rings, Toxin and Falsewing
Genotype: cc/gg/bB/nCre/nDip/nFde/nFlek/nHd/nSbl/cSok/cUn/cZag/nFox/nMsc/cNba/nPch/cSrk/nKoi/nPie/nRng/cShim/nTox/nFls/mAlb/mFrb/LGlc/aBnt/aNtb/aSwfSwf/aAdv/aBom/acDex/aMag/aUfa/aFer/acDrn
Carries: Socks, Underbelly, Zag, Nebula, Stroke, Shimmer, Dexterous, Life Drain
Mane Type: Elk
Ears Type: Common
Tail Type: Common
Horns Type: Royal
[Mutations] Albinism, Frostbite, Glitch
[Abilities] Bantam, Natureborn, Swift, Adventurer, Boom, Magically Inclined, Unfazed, Fertile
Ancient Fertility Statue:
3.) Sprite Male, Healthy (7nI/9lX/9uz/4iK/1EO/9Jg)
Phenotype: Silver Black with Fleabitten, Flecks, Hood, Mask, Socks, Underbelly, Zag, Mane Tips, Marked Scales, King Cheetah and Piebald
Genotype: cc/gg/bB/nSlv/cDip/nFb/nFlek/cFr/nHd/MskMsk/cSbl/nSok/nUn/nZag/nMt/nMsc/cSrk/cTdr/nKc/nPie/cRng/mcAlb/mcCob/mLpt/mFrb/mcBor/LGlc/aNtb/aSwf/acAdv/acBom/acDex/aTrr
Carries: Dipped, Frosted, Sable, Stroke, Teardrop, Rings, Albinism, Cobra, Borealis, Adventurer, Boom, Dexterous
Mane Type: Elk
Ears Type: Common
Tail Type: Curled
Horns Type: Ibex
[Mutations] Leprechaun’s Treasure, Frostbite, Glitch
[Abilities] Natureborn, Swift, Thunderous Roar
The following abilities from Error-404: Drakiri not Found were applied: Colorful, Fertile
The following abilities from Error-404: Drakiri not Found were applied: Cosmopolitan
These items were applied and used:
Advanced Mutation Serum
Advanced Rainbow Potion
Ancient Fertility Statue
Essence of the Depths
These items were applied but NOT used: None
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