87 Posts
this will be open indefinitely as i'm always looking for art of my characters, but may take temporary breaks depending on how much arcanium i have spare
what i'm offering
- currently, offering arcanium in exchange for art!
- generally will likely offer 15-45+ arcanium per piece depending on effort and complexity, with a likely average of about 20-25 per piece ^^
- i'll offer more for more refined pieces, pieces with more characters in them, and pieces with higher MP values
- though please ask me before throwing multiple draks in an image, as i often prefer solo art - exception being if theyre one thats listed as okay for group art. i still like having a heads up though ^^
- perfectly open to negotiation as well! PLEASE say so if you think your work is worth more. i don't want to underpay anyone
if you're interested feel free to comment here or dm me with examples of your work and from there i'll give you the go ahead!
this is mostly so i can get an idea of how much arcanium to budget for this, since unlike artha i dont have unlimited arcanium, and so i kinda wanna be more selective with what its going towards
i won't send the arcanium until the piece(s) is done, but theres also no time limit on when or even if any art needs to be done. youre entirely free to do it at your own leisure and whenever you feel like it, and i'll pay you for any work you complete, regardless of when its done or how long it takes ^^
who i'm looking for art of
- I-785: Medusa my og baby! always down for more art of her <3 and since I-1461: Othelios is her partner of sorts, they can absolutely be drawn together, but its not required
- I-234: Jolthein always looking for art of this baby as theyre one of my favorites! his boyfriend I-1432: Iracundia as well, even if theyre not drawn together ^^
- I-582: Slate is a new gal but one i love very much! another ac grab, and i'd love to see her leveled up
- I-2064: Levi the bastard himself lmao, also always seeking art of him. I-1736: Merrak is his partner in crime, and another kiddo im looking for art of
- I-1630: (nameless) is a special case! hes one of my dearest characters, though i dont have much on him yet. he won't ever be being bred but i'd still love to see art of him <3
- I-2199: Mordread and I-2211: Dormamir are brothers and some of my favorite babs for their lore, and id love to see art of them ^^ can be drawn together or separately
- I-1460: Evergalia is a sweetheart, and although i dont do much with them often theyre good friends with Othelios and i wouldnt mind art of them either
- I-1740: Chirrek , I-1923: Lemonade , I-2214: Ivan , I-2215: Sagittarius are some of my favorite draks as well and i'd love to see more art of them!
- I-1631: Rosarra , I-1783: Boreilia , I-1799: Sacraum , I-1832: Luoverce , I-1455: Rhondyrtores , I-1659: Wolfreham , I-1660: Ajax , and I-1798: Idarth are also on the table as well !
what i'm specifically looking for
- funnily enough, im not looking for rites. i prefer my draks rites to have story and lore significance, which often means i have to plan out a lot of things myself
- predominantly, i'm looking for either ARs or general art. i'm not super picky, and not everything has to be redeemable for any special rewards. just the art is enough for me ^^
- i'm mostly interested in solo art, or just one character on their own. i'm not really looking for group art, though there are exceptions which i'll get into - namely, characters who are lore-linked
- if there is a current event going and you'd like to draw one of my draks in it, feel free to ask me!
- if you'd like to draw one of my draks in a group with your draks or someone else's, please ask me about it first! i'll usually be okay with it, but some draks im picky with and i like to be aware of group art beforehand ^^ if you'd like a bit of a better idea of my characters and how they fit into group art, there's some more info here! be warned though, its a bit of a long read ^^;;
lore linked characters - not required but may help give you some ideas!
[ these characters drawn together will net you more arcanium from me! ]
- Medusa and Othelios! theyre partners but their relationships a bit odd lmao, so feel free to check their profiles, their literature, or ask me
- Othelios and Evregalia! evergalia is a sort of combination mentor / older sibling / weird friend figure to othelios
- Medusa, Evergalia, and Othelios! they're a very Odd assortment of friends
- Boreilia and Evergalia! theyre both combat oriented and consider themselves warriors or protectors in some way, and so often spar together or hang out
- Lemonade and Evergalia! though, be warned, their relationship is a lot more on the tragic and awkward side. things sorta fell through between them due to lemonade's insecurities over her sexuality at the time they were together
- Jolthein and Iracundia! theyre boyfriends / partners, though their relationships also a bit odd. couple art of them is always appreciated!
- Jolthein and Levi! though they both resent each other for various reasons and dont get along the greatest lmao
- Levi and Merrak! theyre partners in crime and get up to all sorts of weirdness together
- Merrak and Iracundia can not be drawn together due to bad blood between them
- Slate and Ivan! theyre friends and know each other from when they both lived in one of the more snowy regions
- Mordread and Dormamir! theyre spooky brothers and get up to a lot of shenanigans together, with Dormamir sorta doubling as Mordreads bodyguard
- Sacraum and Idarth! theyre also brothers, though i dont have much on their relationship yet
- group art: Sagittarius, Lemonade, Chirrek, Ivan, Slate, Ajax, Wolfreham, Rosarra, Boreilia, Sacraum, Idarth, Rhondyrtores, and Luoverce may all be depicted freely in group settings with other drakiri! though please see here for a bit more info on them! their details should be listed at the very bottom of the post so you can just scroll down. if one of them doesnt have info there feel free to just ask me if youre unsure