Comments on Autumn-Winter 2021 Breeding Thread in Breeding

Artha-Demon Avatar
Artha-Demon Staff Member

Find guides for breedings HERE, as well as all the forms you will need! Breeding and Permission Guides

All pertinent information is in the link above, as well as the form you will need to fill out in your prompt.

2021-10-14 10:48:09 (Edited 2021-10-14 10:58:42)

Hellcatstrut Avatar

November GFY Event REROLL breeding for Oni | No breeding items used

I-1924: E̴̝̟͆̌̏v̴̙̄͠e̸͙͈͐ḻ̵̗̽y̸̛͈͔͖̎͌ņ̶͋͘ x I-1924: E̴̝̟͆̌̏v̴̙̄͠e̸͙͈͐ḻ̵̗̽y̸̛͈͔͖̎͌ņ̶͋͘

1.) Komakha Male, Healthy (3XW/3Gs/3wK/7vP/1oM/3Kg)
Phenotype: Sapphire Gold with Fleabitten, Flecks, Pangare, Saddle, Socks, Zag, Rings and Toxin
Genotype: cc/Gg/bB/nSph/cBan/nFb/nFlek/PgrPgr/nSdl/SokSok/nZag/cBri/cStt/nRng/nTox/mcBld/mcGst/mUnd/aIrn/aMfrMfr/aHsn/acMar/acTim
Carries: Banding, Brindle, Strata, Bleeding, Ghost, Magical Reflex, Timestop
Mane Type: Common
Ears Type: Folded
Tail Type: Common
Horns Type: Common
[Mutations] Undead
[Abilities] Iron Wall, Magic Farts, Heightened Senses

2021-12-03 18:58:02 (Edited 2021-12-03 18:59:46)

Hellcatstrut Avatar

November GFY Event REROLL breeding for Kid31 | No breeding items used

I-1633: Khrysos x I-1633: Khrysos

1.) Mystic Male, Healthy (0lh/0PZ/7AV/7nI/4Md/9iO)
Phenotype: Fawn with Blanket, Panda and Tabby
Genotype: CC/GG/bB/cBan/nBln/cFlek/nPan/cDun/nTby/mVit/aDaz
Carries: Banding, Flecks, Dun
Mane Type: Common
Ears Type: Common
Tail Type: Dog
Horns Type: Ibex
[Mutations] Vitiligo
[Abilities] Dazzle

2021-12-03 18:39:57 (Edited 2021-12-03 18:46:09)

Hellcatstrut Avatar

November Event Single Geno breeding for Rockium | No breeding items used, sire and dam levels set to 3

NPC-171: Artha x NPC-172: Brynn

1.) Nightmare Female, Healthy (0TJ/2Ns/9Qi/2gs/3kh/5Gb)
Phenotype: Fawn with Dorsal, Striped, Underbelly, Iridescent Scales, Marked Scales and Shimmer
Genotype: cC/Gg/Bb/cBln/nDor/nStr/nUn/cDun/nIri/nMsc/nShim/mcLon/aDks/aFli/aObs
Carries: Blanket, Dun, Longhair
Mane Type: Common
Ears Type: Long Tufted
Tail Type: Feline
Horns Type: Antelope
[Abilities] Darksight, Flight, Obscure

2021-12-03 18:27:58 (Edited 2021-12-03 18:31:59)

Hellcatstrut Avatar

November GFYS REROLL breeding for Artha-Demon | No breeding items used

I-259: R'lythothc'thunm'ell, the Desolate One x I-259: R'lythothc'thunm'ell, the Desolate One

1.) Mystic-Dracus Female, Healthy (9mm/4Rw/4nL/0BS/8xk/5YW)
Magic Skills: 20 Corruption
Phenotype: Black with Flecks and Sable
Genotype: cc/gg/BB/nFlek/cPgr/nSbl/cSpt/mFth/mBrnBrn/mTar/aTnt/aDaz/aFli/aMix
Carries: Pangare, Spots
Mane Type: Silken
Ears Type: Lapine
Tail Type: Fluffed
Horns Type: Ram
[Mutations] Feathering, Burning Eyes, Tar
[Abilities] Tainted, Dazzle, Flight, Mixed Up

I-1858: Anthaea x I-1858: Anthaea

1.) Q'lin Male, Healthy (4Ab/7ga/9uz/0BS/4nL/5YW)
Phenotype: Silver Cream with Flecks, Underbelly, Fox and Vibrant Mane
Genotype: CC/gg/bB/nSlv/nFlek/cStn/nUn/nFox/cTpr/VmVm/mHly/mcFlw/mShm/LGlc/acFart/acGrn/aHel/aTnt/aShk
Carries: Stone, Tapir, Flower, Farts, Green Thumb
Mane Type: Regal
Ears Type: Common
Tail Type: Fluffed
Horns Type: Ram
[Mutations] Holy Hide, Shimmerstep, Glitch
[Abilities] Healer's Gift, Tainted, Shockwave

2021-12-03 17:49:52 (Edited 2021-12-03 18:16:23)

Hellcatstrut Avatar

Full breeding for LadyTsukasa | No breeding items used

S-065 x S-056: Coffee Cream

1.) Q'lin Male, Healthy (3yc/0zh/5AH/8QX/4OD/7ga)
Phenotype: Gold with Panda, Pangare, Sable, Socks, Eyemarks, Vibrant Mane and Glimmer
Genotype: cc/GG/bb/nPan/nPgr/nSbl/nSok/nEym/cMsc/nVm/nGlim/acOcn/aShk
Carries: Marked Scales, Oceanborn
Mane Type: Poof
Ears Type: Long Tufted
Tail Type: Unicorn
Horns Type: Common
[Abilities] Shockwave

2.) Q'lin Female, Healthy (3yc/0zh/5AH/8QX/4OD/7ga)
Phenotype: Gold with Panda, Sable, Socks and Teardrop
Genotype: cc/GG/bb/nPan/nSbl/nSok/nTdr/mExt/aDks/aShk
Mane Type: Fringe
Ears Type: Folded
Tail Type: Unicorn
Horns Type: Elder
[Mutations] Extended Scales
[Abilities] Darksight, Shockwave

2021-12-03 17:37:45 (Edited 2021-12-03 17:43:24)