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promiscuous geno for Unicorn-Panda
starter rolled - S-084: Feniath - automatically level matched to Oxidize
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rolled by - corrosive_limes

S-084: Feniath x I-2520: Oxidize

1.) Sprite Female, Healthy (1yY/7KG/9lX/7Jh/0BK/8Dw)
Phenotype: Copper Black with Bleached, Dipped, Gradient, Mask, Panda, Sable, Socks, Split, Spots, Zag, Flow, Mane Tips, Vibrant Mane, Koi and Zebra
Genotype: cc/gg/Bb/cDil/EryEry/JdeJde/nTop/nBlc/cCre/nDip/cDor/cFr/nGra/nMsk/nPan/SblSbl/nSok/nSpi/nSpt/nZag/cDun/nFlo/cJp/nMt/nVm/cGlim/nKoi/nZeb/mWhsk/mcRud/mAge/acCur/acGrn/aSwf/aGye/acOcn/acAno/aAtt/acDen/aHsn/acHih
Carries: Dilute, Crescents, Dorsal, Frosted, Dun, Jasper, Glimmer, Rudolph, Curious, Green Thumb, Oceanborn, Anomalous, Den Mother, High Roller
Mane Type: Curly
Ears Type: Common
Tail Type: Common
Horns Type: Elder
[Mutations] Whiskerless, Angellic
[Abilities] Swift, Good Eye, Attuned, Heightened Senses

The following abilities from I-2520: Oxidize were applied: Den Mother, Randomizer 2, Unseasonal, Attuned, Legendary Blood, Anomalous, Colorful

2022-09-12 06:37:24 (Edited 2022-09-12 06:39:07)