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promiscuous geno for Unicorn-Panda
starter rolled - S-093: Ceres - automatically level matched to Oxidize
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rolled by - corrosive_limes

S-093: Ceres x I-2520: Oxidize

1.) Mutt Female, Healthy (4wV/8Em/9IK/7Jh/0BK/4QA)
Phenotype: Sapphire Chestnut with Crescents, Fleabitten, Panda, Sable, Dun, Mane Tips, Embossed and Shimmer
Genotype: cc/gG/bB/cJde/nSph/nCre/nFb/cFr/cMsk/nPan/nSbl/cSok/cTik/cZag/nDun/nMt/nEmb/cKoi/nShim/mMnx/mRts/mWtr/aCur/aGrn/aSwm/aDpf/aGye/aLuk/acAtt/aHsn/acHih/acRnd2/aCsm
Carries: Jade, Frosted, Mask, Socks, Ticked, Zag, Koi, Attuned, High Roller, Randomizer 2
Mane Type: Poof
Ears Type: Vulpine
Tail Type: Vulpine
Horns Type: Antelope
[Mutations] Manx, Roots, Waterfalls
[Abilities] Curious, Green Thumb, Swimmer, Deep Focus, Good Eye, Lucky, Heightened Senses, Cosmopolitan

The following abilities from I-2520: Oxidize were applied: Den Mother, Unseasonal, Legendary Blood, Anomalous, Colorful, Randomizer 2, Attuned

2022-09-12 06:27:38 (Edited 2022-09-12 06:30:19)