I-2977: Astarostrus

Owned by corrosive_limes
  • Name || Nicknames
    Astarostrus || Aster
  • Gender
    Male [ He / Him ]
  • Sex
  • Orientation
    sure??? people are cute but hes nervous

rumored to be some sort of chaperone or ferry between the various planes of reality, including a hypothetical "underworld". they wouldn't be able to confirm anything either way; he's completely clueless about the whole thing. 

a few things do seem to be sure about him though; there's some incredibly unusual - almost celestial - properties about him, and he's capable of some truly odd and unusual powers. though he has yet to work that out for himself, much less get a handle on any hypoethetical abilities and learn to properly use them 


he's quite skittish and nervous, being quite prone to bursts of severe anxiety. however, despite that he still has a remarkably strong and brave heart, and will stand his ground and stand up for what he believes is right rather than buckle to the fear. he does his best to help those around him in need, but often forgets to help himself first in the process. he often needs to be reminded to take care of himself and take breaks rather than try to push on through it, since he has an extremely high tendency to try to tough it out through anxiety attacks often to the point of triggering extremely negative health side effects 

he's quite sweet and kind, pleasant and bright, and overall very friendly towards others. he's not necessarily overly trusting, but he can be quite blind to the flaws in the ones he's become close with or has learned to trust, and it often takes a lot to make him actually see those flaws. 
he does his best to be the voice of reason, but it's a difficult balancing act between proposing reasonable suggestions and not being overly cautious due to anxiety, and he often doubts himself even when he does make a call that he's sure in. he wears his heart on his sleeve to some extent and is often quick to admit when he's doubtful or unsure. he rarely makes any attempt to hide his nerves, and is generally pretty open about what he's thinking and feeling. he's found it's far easier to simply be honest and communicate about it rather than trying to hide it and suffer the consequences of poor planning as a result - especially if it was an outcome that could have been avoided had he spoken up

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