I-2883: Alpheleos

Owned by corrosive_limes
  • Name || Nicknames
  • Gender
    Male [ He / Him ]
  • Sex
  • Orientation
    Polyamorous Bisexual, slight preference for female or feminine partners

Slot Requests:
Full: Open || Splits: Open

Breeding Notes:

      • See Inbreeding Rules Below before you submit a breeding
        • Third Row inbreeding is allowed for all circumstances
        • First Row and Second Row inbreeding is not allowed unless discussed and confirmed prior to breeding submission
      • Partners and children MAY be lore connected if desired, feel free to let me know if you'd be interested in a connection ^^ though be aware that due to the nature of Alpheleos's character, it might be a fairly minor one at best



[ story/lore should explore the dichotomy and weird relationship between the themes of love/romance and death/being undead, and the weird conflicting feelings and detachment it causes him ]

feels like hes supposed to fit into the typical romantic, lady's man role. like he's supposed to have many partners in life, and he's supposed to be sweet and caring and supportive to all of them and any children they have together, but for some reason he just.... cant. not even always for lack of wanting. its just not something that comes completely naturally to him, and his undead nature often causes him intense insecurity and worry in any of his relationships. as if it would somehow be cause for fear or disgust. many relationships hes had have failed, mostly due to him eventually breaking things off in a fit of panic and insecurity. hes never really allowed anyone to stay in his life long enough to get genuinely close to him and help assuage his fears
his undead nature combined with the weight of pressure he feels to fit into the mold and the weight of his responsibilities as boyfriend and sometimes father frequently cause him intense dissociative feelings, both from his relationship(s) with others, but also from the aspects of himself that cause himself to feel that way - i.e., his undead features and his romantic feelings. he can't do much about the exposed bone aside from attempt to hide it and keep it secret. it does often lead to him suppressing and distancing himself from his romantic feelings, which has lead him to struggle with his orientation and often wonder if he might actually be aromantic due to the difficulty he has with love, which in turn has lead him to feel like a fraud and a fake and even further pull away from any relationship he may be in. in his case however, he is indeed alloromantic. his issues stem not from internalized arophobia, but rather his intense dissociation from his romantic feelings due to the discomfort and fear they cause him coupled with his severe impostor syndrome. he has yet to reconcile these two seemingly incompatible aspects of who he is and how they fit into the idea of what he feels like he should be, but once he comes to accept them, he'll come to find he feels a lot more comfortable with himself

he's often painfully aware of the way his heart doesn't beat, and wishes it were any other way

  • Gift art is allowed