Lvl: 1
Welcome to Shadow Realms
Greetings visitor from the shadows and welcome to my page.
I am Shadzerios, guardian of the realm. Finnish digital artist and game developer from dark winters of Finland.
I am a casual ARPG player and hoarder of creatures, especially dragons. Lead developer of The Wings of Dawn
a dragon- and human-survival multiplayer medieval sandbox video game that will be avaibable on Steam.
Shadow Realms is aDOPTING unwanted Drakiri!
Do you have a Drakiri import that you can no longer connect to and would wantto trade it for anexchange
of some art? Activity rolls, trials, propts, animations or otherwise? We at Shadow Realms are looking for
lost Drakiri. It does not matter what appearance, markings, mutations, whether or not they can breed.
All are warmly welcomed to the realm. DM me on Discord if you are interested; Shadzerios#4381
United Realms Alliance
United Realms Alliance "URA" is a player-made multiplayer RP alliance between three (3) founders: Shadzerios (myself),
Silverion and Matriarch. This alliance is between player character's who are indirectly related to the realms and in times of need
will unite to fight and defend their claim against opponents and dangers to come.
Currently Waiting...
Waiting on approval transfers for 2x Original Zarkantas.
Rename "Nikki" and rewrite her personality and lore.