A day in the life as grandmother
she could not believe her eyes more grand kids. She a grandmother even more and it made her feel proud of her children having there own children even if it made her feel a bit old. Her children came to her asking if she could babysit them for day or few as that where not sure how long that would be away. Neamhnaid was glad to and took both Mocha Puff and Zania into her home.
"grandmother do you have story's to tell?" Zania look to her grandmother. "mom said you did and many with traveling to other worlds. you got to have so many tales to tell." she giggles as she flick her tail.
Mocha Puff her grandson spoke up puffing his chest. "I am not scared of any story's you have grandmother. You have cross paths with monsters and evil right right?" he said wanting to hear the story but with monster or his grandmother saving the day and kicking evil butts.
It was Zania who look at him. "You think are grandmother is like a superhero?" she grinned as she look at Mocha Puff. Maybe she could be like her grandmother and save others from other world she would travel to when she older. Just thinking about made her feel like she was grown up and not a young child as her mother would call her.
Mocha nodded his head. "Why would she not? She brave and does not let anything scare and she would save others." he had a wide grin too.
"My grandchildren where are you getting there ideas from?" Neamhnid asked as she laughs. "did you want to hear a tale or talk about how i am hero?" she asked waiting to see if that where listening to her or still talking about how great she was. There young ones minds seem to run wild with ideas today.
"A story grandmother a story. What about that albino cross we saw grandmother. What is her story?" Zania asked as she had not seen that drak before so her grandmother should have one about her. She did notice how the albino look sad or maybe lost?
Mocha Puff got up and walk over to a window looking out he saw the drak that Zania was talking about. "She look so sad and she got all there scars on her." He look to his grandmother. "She will be ok here right?"
Neamhnid but nodded. "She will be fine it a lot for her to take in and as for her story. will me and my mentor found her on a world where humans seem to rule with brute force and as you can see that use that on her. In a way that that use her and her magic to grow a forest then cut it down."
Zania growls at that her tail going back and forth. "Why? There humans should know batter then to do that to one of are kind. I would never let that happen to me and i would never let that happen to my family. I maybe just young drak but i will not let anyone take me."
Mocha Puff blinked and look at her. "Your right same with me. I will head butt anyone who try to take me or run them over or no use my magic and that should scare them off from trying to take me and my family too." He got up puffing his chest.
"now now kids i am not done. We did save her from the humans and what look like dying world. It was shock to her when she found out she was not the last and that some one likely stolon her egg and came here with it. She not in that much shock now but just trying to take in her new home and find her path here."
"You are helping her right grandmother?" Zania asked. She saw her grandmother nodded. "You will help her on her path to new life. I hope we get to see her more even if she leaves i just hope she come back to see you and the family." Zania want o get to know the cross more but maybe later. "Where there monsters on the world?"
Mocha look at Zania. "There had to be. It sound like dark world she was born in but grandmother did you see any monsters?" he asked.
Neamhaid shake her head. "No but if there where me and my mentor would've seen them. The world it self was almost dead and seem to have no life for any monsters to hunt down." She look at the the two of them who seem to be listening ot ever word she said. "In my travels to other worlds i seen monsters as big as i or even the mountains." she smiled. "Some day i will let you two join me but for now your both too young."
"But grandmother we are older and we want to come along with you." Zania give her grandmother puppy eyes. "We both will be good and follow what you say and do. Right Mocha?" She smiled at him hopping just hopping there grandmother would let them go with her on her travels to other worlds.
Mocha nodded his head. "We will be good. We both want to see other worlds out there and the creatures and plant life that all most have. Just to think we could be the first one to find one and we can name the creatures or plants or even the world it self." this made Mocha really wanting to go now. "Come on grandmother we got to go with you."
She look at the two of them but let out a sigh. "My grandchildren i can't have you with me as some worlds can be danger or even now safe for young ones like you." Neamhnaid said as she smiled. "But when your older you can." She look at Zania and sighed. "Your mother may not want you going out there but you would have to ask her." She look at Mocha now. "And same with you young boy. Nobutoshi and Cream puff may not want you going out traveling to worlds that can put you in danger." the thought of her grandchildren wanting to be like her made her proud but worried for them. That where far too young but she hope the two would understand.
"But grandmother we want to do what you do but how long do we have to wait?" Mocha pout as his tail flick.
"Yeah grandmother when?" Zania got up. "It get boring playing at home and not having fun of some kind." She look at her grandmother with eyes that seem to beg her to take them with her.
Mocha spoke up before Neamhnid said anything. "I know we are young but we need more things to do other then play games and do studying." he got up and walk over to the window and look out. "I bet dad or mom would let us go traveling seeing as we will be with you." He look at Zania. "you think your mother would let you?" he asked.
"Hell yeah. She let me help her with study too but of plant life and there so much i learn from what she has come back with. Like she came back one day with a flower or will it look like that but really it was a one of there bug eating plants that look like a flower. She told me that it help the food chain on the plant she had got it from but sadly it die few days later. She think the bugs it ate from here killed it and that she would need to get a seed to grow one from the start." she grinned. "It just cool to see what my mother come home with each travel she goes too."
"She sure did love her plants. She was a bit of green thumb when she was your age Zania." Neamhnid smiled. "I had to give her many baths to clean her up from her planting flowers and trees but i think you may just be like your mother."
"What about my father?" Mocha asked as he look over to his grandmother. "He got to have done stuff when he was young too." he grinned.
"Getting in trouble was one of them. He study hard and i could find him with tons of books and scrolls." Neamhnid said laughing.
"Ohh he tell me i am like that a lot." Mocha had idea. "you know what i will take after him and study hard too. That way i will be busy doing studying until i can go with him. I hope that make him proud that i will take after him and Zania we both should study so we can grown up to travel to other worlds together." he dace on his hooves at the thought of all this.
Zania ears flick upwards. "Ohh i like this idea. Why did i not think of it before studying would be great idea. Learning about magic and each kind too." she think. "I wounder which i would use out of all the magic." She look at her grandmother. "Do you still have stuff we can study from?" she asked.
Neamhnaid nodded. "I do i do." She got up. "Come on you two let get you both on the road to studying magic. Just remember it may seem hard here and there but if you keep at it you will get and be great at magic. If you ever feel the need to give up come to me and i will help you as best as i can. For you two it may take some time but you have all of the time in the world to study magic and to keep you both busy." she smiled as she walk to the room that had all of what that needed.
Mocha listen as he follow his grandmother. He wonder if his parents know magic and if he can learn from them both or not.
Zania nodded her head. "I take it you felt that before?" she asked her grandmother seeing all the books and scrolls around them.
Neamhnaid stop and look at her. "I did but i did not let it stop me from going back and working harder. you just got to work hard and you will get there in no time but it will take time no over night learning when it come to magic studying." she looked at them both.
"i know grandmother." mocha said as he look over the books. "but where to start. There being six so Earth, Air, Water, Fire, Order, and Entropy. Hmm i feel like fire would be one a lot go too. Earth so fun and same with water."
Zania look at him. "I am going for air. It sound like it could be fun to start off." she grinned.
Neamhaid enjoy a day with two of her grandchilren and telling story's and let them play.
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Submitted By PSB
Submitted: 3 years ago ・
Last Updated: 3 years ago