1302 Posts
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1302 Posts
404 Event Geno for Artha-Demon
Rolled by LuxBean
Breeding Claim: https://drakiri.com/admin/submissions/edit/2959
Error-404: Drakiri not Found x I-248: Rinji
1.) Dracus Male, Healthy (8no/1dj/5sN/7SN/5Pg/2IR)
Phenotype: Silver Cream with Dapples, Flecks, Frosted, Gradient, Panda, Bicolor, Python, Stroke, Sunkissed, Vibrant Mane, Quilted, Shatter, Skyline and Serpent
Genotype: CC/gg/Bb/nSlv/nDpl/nFlek/nFr/nGra/nPan/cSdl/nBi/nPtn/nSrk/nSuk/nVm/nQui/nSha/nSky/nSer/mcWhsk/LGlc/aHan/aFli/acFluf/aCsm
Carries: Saddle, Whiskerless, Fluffy
Mane Type: Elk
Ears Type: Silken
Tail Type: Common
Horns Type: Aspis
[Mutations] Glitch
[Abilities] Handy, Flight, Cosmopolitan
The following abilities from Error-404: Drakiri not Found were applied: Pride
The following abilities from I-248: Rinji were applied: Fluffy
1302 Posts
404 Event Geno for Artha-Demon
Rolled by LuxBean
Breeding Claim: https://drakiri.com/admin/submissions/edit/2958
Error-404: Drakiri not Found x I-259: R'lythothc'thunm'ell, the Desolate One
1.) Primal Male, Healthy (4oM/1Nm/0kB/2vZ/4xK/2fm)
Magic Skills: 23 Corruption
Phenotype: Black with Diamond, Fleabitten, Gradient, Pangare, Sable, Spots, Stone, Patches, Stroke, Cinder, Reversal and Tricolor
Genotype: cc/gg/Bb/nDia/nFb/nGra/nPgr/nSbl/nSpt/nStn/nPch/nSrk/nCin/nRev/nTri/mBrn/mEys/mOoz/mUnd/mcDec/LGlc/aApx/aGye/aBard/aDdz/aFer/aShdb/aTrr
Carries: Decay
Mane Type: Curly
Ears Type: Silken
Tail Type: Cervine
Horns Type: Baphomet
[Mutations] Burning Eyes, Extra Eyes, Ooze, Undead, Glitch
[Abilities] Apex Predator, Good Eye, Bard, Deadzone, Fertile, Shadeborn, Thunderous Roar
The following abilities from Error-404: Drakiri not Found were applied: Cosmopolitan
The following abilities from I-259: R'lythothc'thunm'ell, the Desolate One were applied: Hyper Fertile, Double Trouble, Fertile, Cosmopolitan, Mixed Up, Shadeborn
1302 Posts
404 Event Geno for Artha-Demon
Rolled by LuxBean
Breeding Claim: https://drakiri.com/admin/submissions/edit/2957
Error-404: Drakiri not Found x I-259: R'lythothc'thunm'ell, the Desolate One
1.) Q'lin Female, Healthy (0ou/5OM/1vl/2vZ/4xK/2fm)
Magic Skills: 17 Corruption
Phenotype: Gold with Blanket, Bleached, Collar, Flecks, Mask, Sable, Spots, Stone, Ticked, Fox, Mane Tips, Leopard, Pigeon, Quagga, Tabby, Tinsel and Spectrum
Genotype: cc/Gg/bb/nBln/nBlc/nCol/cFde/nFlek/cGra/nMsk/nSbl/nSpt/nStn/nTik/nFox/nMt/cSuk/cEmb/nLeo/nPge/nQua/nTby/nTns/nSpe/mMel/mcBrn/mDka/mEys/mOoz/mUnd/LGlc/aHpf/aShk/aSrn/acDbl
Carries: Fade, Gradient, Sunkissed, Embossed, Burning Eyes, Double Trouble
Mane Type: Yun
Ears Type: Round
Tail Type: Equine
Horns Type: Common
[Mutations] Melanism, Dark Aura, Extra Eyes, Ooze, Undead, Glitch
[Abilities] Hyperfocus, Shockwave, Siren Song
The following abilities from Error-404: Drakiri not Found were applied: Anomalous, Double Trouble, Cosmopolitan
The following abilities from I-259: R'lythothc'thunm'ell, the Desolate One were applied: Fertile, Hyper Fertile, Mixed Up, Shadeborn, Double Trouble, Cosmopolitan
1302 Posts
404 Event Geno for Fluffynerd
Rolled by LuxBean
Breeding Claim: https://drakiri.com/admin/submissions/edit/2944
Error-404: Drakiri not Found x I-731: Alexis
1.) Bantam Mutt Male, Healthy (5bn/7ug/6mk/3TH/7qr/6sZ)
Phenotype: Fawn with Bleached, Crescents, Fleabitten, Sable, Splash and Stained Glass
Genotype: Cc/Gg/bb/nBlc/nCre/nFb/nSbl/cPtn/nSpl/nStg/mcLpt/mEns/mFbw/LGlc/aBnt/aKil/acDex/aTnt/aThr/aCsm
Carries: Python, Leprechaun’s Treasure, Dexterous
Mane Type: Fringe
Ears Type: Folded
Tail Type: Common
Horns Type: Aspis
[Mutations] Energy Step, Fiber Wire, Glitch
[Abilities] Bantam, Killer Instinct, Tainted, Threatening Presence, Cosmopolitan
1302 Posts
Full Breeding for Artha-Demon | Roller Breaker Used
Rolled by LuxBean
Breeding Claim: https://drakiri.com/admin/submissions/edit/2960
Error-404: Drakiri not Found x Error-404: Drakiri not Found
1.) Q'lin Male, Healthy (4Mq/9Jg/4OD/3aw/7vx/5Pg)
Magic Skills: 23 Corruption
Phenotype: Darken Ocean Fawn with Crescents, Mask, Paint, Saddle, Stained, Underbelly, Zag, Eyemarks, Traced, Abalone, Aurora, Deadwood, Piebald, Tabby and Bug
Genotype: Cc/Gg/bb/nDar/cEry/nJde/nSph/nTop/nCre/nMsk/nPnt/nSdl/StaSta/nUn/nZag/nEym/cSpl/nTrc/nAba/AuAu/nDdw/nPie/nTby/nBug/mVit/mEys/mGolGol/mcPbl/mcTch/mShm/LGlc/aFart/aFtl/acDks/aRnd1/acAtt/acDtr/aMar/aShk
Carries: Erythristic, Splash, Pebbles, Torch, Darksight, Attuned, Determined
Mane Type: Fringe
Ears Type: Sleek
Tail Type: Serpentine
Horns Type: Devil
[Mutations] Vitiligo, Extra Eyes, Golem, Shimmerstep, Glitch
[Abilities] Farts, Featherlight, Randomizer 1, Magical Reflex, Shockwave
2.) Komakha-Q'lin Female, Healthy (4Mq/6ag/9hh/3aw/5Pg/8mv)
Magic Skills: 18 Corruption
Phenotype: Silver Jade Fawn with Hood, Ocelli and Swirl
Genotype: Cc/Gg/Bb/JdeJde/nSlv/cDpl/nHd/cSta/cUn/cTpr/cAu/nOce/cRev/cSky/nSwr/mcMnx/mVit/mHol/mcIcb/mEbr/mcTch/mFra/mcOrb/LCry/LGlc/aCur/acFart/aFtl/aIrn/aAdv/aRec/acAtt/aDdz/acFli/aHsn/aShk
Carries: Dapples, Stained, Underbelly, Tapir, Aurora, Reversal, Skyline, Manx, Icebreath, Torch, Orbs, Farts, Attuned, Flight
Mane Type: Fringe
Ears Type: Common
Tail Type: Common
Horns Type: Devil
[Mutations] Vitiligo, Hollow, Embers, Fractal, Crystalline, Glitch
[Abilities] Curious, Featherlight, Iron Wall, Adventurer, Recoil, Deadzone, Heightened Senses, Shockwave
3.) Komakha Male, Healthy (4Mq/6ag/4OD/3aw/8mv/6iw)
Magic Skills: 13 Corruption
Phenotype: Topaz Cream with Crescents, Dapples, Hood, Mask, Saddle, Stained, Iridescent Scales, Smoke, Splash, Deadwood and Swirl
Genotype: Cc/gg/Bb/cEry/nTop/nCre/nDpl/nHd/nMsk/cPnt/nSdl/nSta/nIri/nSmk/nSpl/cTrc/cAu/nDdw/cPie/nSwr/mVit/mGol/mPblPbl/mFlry/mFin/mBlz/mTch/mOrb/mPrs/LGlc/LPhn/aFart/aFtl/aIrn/aGam/aRec/aAtt/acDdz/aFli/aHsn/acPrm/aRrb/aShk/aLgb
Carries: Erythristic, Paint, Traced, Aurora, Piebald, Deadzone, Promiscuous
Mane Type: Fringe
Ears Type: Sleek
Tail Type: Common
Horns Type: Common
[Mutations] Vitiligo, Golem, Pebbles, Flurry, Fins, Blaze, Torch, Orbs, Prism, Glitch, Phoenix
[Abilities] Farts, Featherlight, Iron Wall, Gambler, Recoil, Attuned, Flight, Heightened Senses, Rare Blood, Shockwave, Legendary Blood
The following abilities from Error-404: Drakiri not Found were applied: Legendary Blood
The following abilities from Error-404: Drakiri not Found were applied: Randomizer 1, Attuned
The Roller Breaker was used in this breeding!
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