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Breeding Claim:https://drakiri.com/admin/submissions/edit/5657
rolled for Artha-Demon by Artha-Demon
I-1624: Will-o'-wisp x I-1912: Prophecy
Base Litter:
1) Nightmare Female, Healthy (7LO/4Jq/9hh/1WF/7bx/1es)
Phenotype: Chestnut with Crescents, Frosted, Underbelly and Iridescent Scales
Genotype: cc/Gg/BB/cStn/cVm/nUn/nFr/nCre/nIri/aFli/aObs/aDks
Carries: Stone, Vibrant Mane
Mane Type: Common
Ears Type: Common
Tail Type: Common
Horns Type: Common
[Abilities] Flight, Obscure, Darksight
2) Nightmare Female, Healthy (7LO/4Jq/9hh/1WF/7bx/1es)
Phenotype: Cream with Frosted
Genotype: Cc/gg/BB/nFr/cCre/cIri/aDks/aWld/aObs
Carries: Crescents, Iridescent Scales
Mane Type: Common
Ears Type: Common
Tail Type: Common
Horns Type: Common
[Abilities] Darksight, Wild Heart, Obscure
1302 Posts
Breeding Claim: https://drakiri.com/admin/submissions/edit/5657
Rolled by Artha-Demon for Artha-Demon
I-1911: Corpse x I-1578: Berry
Base Litter:
1) Q'lin-Primal Male, Healthy (0bG/0kB/3Jb/4Ln/8Ug/7on)
Phenotype: Black with Dipped, Frosted, Pangare, Sable, Spots, Teardrop, Leopard and Tricolor
Genotype: cc/gg/Bb/nDip/nFr/nPgr/nSpt/cSta/cJp/nTdr/cZeb/cSke/nSbl/nLeo/nTri/LGlc/acSwf/aShk/aTrr/aIrn
Carries: Stained, Jasper, Zebra, Skeleton, Swift
Mane Type: Common
Ears Type: Common
Tail Type: Vulpine
Horns Type: Common
[Mutations] Glitch
[Abilities] Shockwave, Thunderous Roar, Iron Wall
2) Primal-Nightmare Male, Healthy (4em/3Jb/7ki/5va/8Ug/5ng)
Phenotype: Black with Frosted, Mask, Panda, Pangare, Spots, Stained and Stained Glass
Genotype: cc/gg/BB/cDip/nFr/nMsk/cPnt/nPan/nPgr/nSpt/nSta/cSbl/nStg/mDem/LPhn/acSwf/aShk/aTrr/aObs/aDks/aSwm/aTnt
Carries: Dipped, Paint, Sable, Swift
Mane Type: Common
Ears Type: Bat
Tail Type: Common
Horns Type: Common
[Mutations] Demon, Phoenix
[Abilities] Shockwave, Thunderous Roar, Obscure, Darksight, Swimmer, Tainted
3) Q'lin-Primal Female, Healthy (0kB/3Jb/4em/5ng/5va/8Ug)
Phenotype: Black with Dipped, Fleabitten, Pangare, Sable and Piebald
Genotype: cc/gg/BB/nDip/nFb/cFr/cPnt/nPgr/cSta/nSbl/nPie/mSpk/aTrr/acSwf/aShk/aKil/aBard
Carries: Frosted, Paint, Stained, Swift
Mane Type: Common
Ears Type: Elegant
Tail Type: Vulpine
Horns Type: Common
[Mutations] Spikes
[Abilities] Thunderous Roar, Shockwave, Killer Instinct, Bard
1302 Posts
Breeding Claim: https://drakiri.com/admin/submissions/edit/5657
I-1868: Diego x I-1645: NFS Titania the Fairy King
Base Litter:
1) Komakha Male, Healthy (7Eo/1EO/4Yr/0Vb/4em/1dj)
Phenotype: Aquamarine Chestnut with Mottled, Underbelly, Tapir, King Cheetah, Quagga and Quilted
Genotype: cc/Gg/BB/nSph/nTop/cJde/nQui/cSky/nQua/nTpr/cBar/nMot/nUn/cGup/cSia/cIri/nKc/mInt/mSpx/acFrb/aSwf/aFrn/aObs/aHsn/aMix/acLgb/acWld/aFcs/aIrn
Carries: Jade, Skyline, Barring, Guppy, Siamese, Iridescent Scales, Fireborn, Legendary Blood, Wild Heart
Mane Type: Regal
Ears Type: Long Tufted
Tail Type: Equine
Horns Type: Fae
[Mutations] Intersex, Sphinx
[Abilities] Swift, Friendly, Obscure, Heightened Senses, Mixed Up, Focus, Iron Wall
2) Komakha-Zarkanta Male, Healthy (7Eo/1EO/4Yr/0Vb/1dj/7XK)
Phenotype: Darken Turquoise Black with Frosted, Paint, Panda, Gazelle, Guppy, Iridescent Scales, Jasper, Siamese, King Cheetah and Quilted
Genotype: cc/gg/Bb/nSph/cTop/nJde/nQui/nJp/nGaz/cMot/nPan/cUn/nPnt/nGup/nSia/nFr/nIri/nKc/nDar/LPhn/mExt/aOcn/aIrn/aBom/aApx/aFrn/aSwf/acMix/aHsn/aThr/aStb/aFli
Carries: Topaz, Mottled, Underbelly, Mixed Up
Mane Type: Elk
Ears Type: Curled
Tail Type: Unicorn
Horns Type: Fae
[Mutations] Phoenix, Extended Scales
[Abilities] Oceanborn, Iron Wall, Boom, Apex Predator, Friendly, Swift, Heightened Senses, Threatening Presence, Stubborn, Flight
3) Komakha Male, Healthy (4zo/4aK/4Yr/3Pl/3uB/4em)
Phenotype: Lilac Chestnut with Frosted, Underbelly and Quagga
Genotype: cc/Gg/BB/nSph/cTop/cJde/nEry/cQui/nQua/nUn/cPnt/cGup/cSia/nFr/cGlim/cKc/mPol/mInt/aIrn/acRnd1/acApx/acSwf/acFrb/aWld/aRrbRrb/aPrd/aHsn
Carries: Topaz, Jade, Quilted, Paint, Guppy, Siamese, Glimmer, King Cheetah, Randomizer 1, Apex Predator, Swift, Fireborn
Mane Type: Regal
Ears Type: Long Tufted
Tail Type: Unicorn
Horns Type: Fae
[Mutations] Polycaudal, Intersex
[Abilities] Iron Wall, Wild Heart, Rare Blood, Pride, Heightened Senses
4) Komakha Female, Healthy (4zo/4aK/1EO/0Vb/4em/7XK)
Phenotype: Copper Chestnut with Frosted, Mottled, Panda, Barring, Bicolor, Gazelle, Guppy, Jasper, Siamese, King Cheetah and Quilted
Genotype: cc/Gg/BB/nTop/JdeJde/nEry/nQui/cQua/nJp/nBar/nGaz/nMot/nPan/nGup/nSia/nFr/cGlim/nKc/nBi/aFer/acOcn/aIrn/acApx/aWld/aFrn/aFrb/acSwf/aHsn
Carries: Quagga, Glimmer, Oceanborn, Apex Predator, Swift
Mane Type: Elk
Ears Type: Curled
Tail Type: Unicorn
Horns Type: Fae
[Abilities] Fertile, Iron Wall, Wild Heart, Friendly, Fireborn, Heightened Senses
Double Uterus:
5) Zarkanta Male, Healthy (7Eo/1EO/4Yr/7XK/4em/0Vb)
Phenotype: Ocean Chestnut with Frosted, Tapir and Splash
Genotype: cc/Gg/BB/nSph/nTop/nJde/nTpr/cJp/cPan/cGup/nFr/cIri/nSpl/mPol/LcPhn/mExt/aIrn/aRrbRrb/acApx/aLgbLgb/acRnd1/aThr/aStb
Carries: Jasper, Panda, Guppy, Iridescent Scales, Phoenix, Apex Predator, Randomizer 1
Mane Type: Regal
Ears Type: Curled
Tail Type: Unicorn
Horns Type: Ram
[Mutations] Polycaudal, Extended Scales
[Abilities] Iron Wall, Rare Blood, Legendary Blood, Threatening Presence, Stubborn
6) Komakha-Zarkanta Female, Healthy (0aq/4zo/4Yr/3uB/3Pl/7XK)
Phenotype: Ocean Chestnut with Mottled, Underbelly, Barring and Jasper
Genotype: cc/Gg/BB/nSph/nTop/nJde/cEry/cBug/cQui/cSky/cTpr/nJp/nBar/nMot/cPan/nUn/cPnt/cSia/aRnd1/aIrn/acSwf/aDks/acApx/aFli/acFrb/aLgb/aWld/aHsn/aThr/aStb
Carries: Erythrism, Bug, Quilted, Skyline, Tapir, Panda, Paint, Siamese, Swift, Apex Predator, Fireborn
Mane Type: Elk
Ears Type: Curled
Tail Type: Unicorn
Horns Type: Fae
[Abilities] Randomizer 1, Iron Wall, Darksight, Flight, Legendary Blood, Wild Heart, Heightened Senses, Threatening Presence, Stubborn
7) Komakha Female, Healthy (7Eo/1EO/4Yr/7XK/1dj/0Vb)
Phenotype: Dilute Magenta Gold with Tapir, Quagga and Splash
Genotype: cc/Gg/bB/nJde/nEry/nQua/nTpr/cJp/cMot/cPan/cPnt/cGup/nSpl/nDil/mExt/aSwf/aHsn/aWld/aPrd/aDks/aApx/aIrn/acRrb/aFrb/aFrn
Carries: Jasper, Mottled, Panda, Paint, Guppy, Rare Blood
Mane Type: Elk
Ears Type: Long Tufted
Tail Type: Unicorn
Horns Type: Ram
[Mutations] Extended Scales
[Abilities] Swift, Heightened Senses, Wild Heart, Pride, Darksight, Apex Predator, Iron Wall, Fireborn, Friendly
8) Zarkanta Male, Healthy (4aK/4zo/7Eo/3Pl/3uB/4em)
Phenotype: Lilac Chestnut with Mottled, Paint, Panda, Barring, Jasper and Quagga
Genotype: cc/Gg/BB/nSph/cTop/cJde/nEry/cQui/cSky/nQua/nJp/nBar/nMot/nPan/nPnt/cGup/cSia/cIri/cGlim/mcPol/mcSm/mInt/LBio/acWld/aFrb/aBom/aSwf/aApx/aPrd/acIrn/acFli/acRnd1/acFrn/aThr/aStb/aDks/aOcn
Carries: Topaz, Jade, Quilted, Skyline, Guppy, Siamese, Iridescent Scales, Glimmer, Polycaudal, Smooth, Wild Heart, Iron Wall, Flight, Randomizer 1, Friendly
Mane Type: Elk
Ears Type: Long Tufted
Tail Type: Unicorn
Horns Type: Fae
[Mutations] Intersex, Biolume
[Abilities] Fireborn, Boom, Swift, Apex Predator, Pride, Threatening Presence, Stubborn, Darksight, Oceanborn
The following abilities from I-1868: Diego were applied: Rainbow Sparkle Magic, Mixed Up, Legendary Blood, Fertile, Rare Blood
The following abilities from I-1645: NFS Titania the Fairy King were applied: Rare Blood, Randomizer 1, Legendary Blood, Pride
The Roller Breaker was used in this breeding. Titania was disguised into a Zarkanta
1302 Posts
Breeding Claim: https://drakiri.com/admin/submissions/edit/5657
Rolled by Artha-Demon for Artha-Demon
I-212: Loche x I-1913: Transfixed Consciousness
Base Litter:
1) Kainu-Kelpie Male, Healthy (0qg/9WP/2kg/4Rw/9Jg/3uM)
Phenotype: Silver Cream with Blanket, Dapples, Dorsal and Socks
Genotype: CC/gg/bb/nDpl/nSok/nSlv/nBln/cCre/nDor/cGup/aOcn/acFer/acDaz/aSrn
Carries: Crescents, Guppy, Fertile, Dazzle
Mane Type: Mohawk
Ears Type: Silken
Tail Type: Common
Horns Type: Ram
[Abilities] Oceanborn, Siren Song
2) Kainu-Mystic Female, Healthy (9WP/6Db/9ez/9Jg/3uM/1es)
Phenotype: Epistatic White with Dapples, Sable, Socks, Bicolor and Guppy
Genotype: cc/gg/bb/cSph/nBi/nSbl/nDpl/nSok/cSlv/cDor/nGup/aFer/aStu/aDaz
Carries: Sapphire, Silver, Dorsal
Mane Type: Common
Ears Type: Deer
Tail Type: Curled
Horns Type: Branched
[Abilities] Fertile, Studious, Dazzle
Ancient Fertility Statue:
3) Kainu-Kelpie Male, Healthy (9ez/9WP/2kg/5Rm/3uM/4Rw)
Phenotype: Silver Sapphire Cream with Crescents, Dorsal, Pangare, Socks, Vibrant Mane and Skeleton
Genotype: Cc/gg/bb/nSph/nVm/cSbl/nSok/nSlv/nCre/nDor/nPgr/cSgs/nSke/cGup/aOcn/aSrn
Carries: Sable, Sugar Skull, Guppy
Mane Type: Mohawk
Ears Type: Elegant
Tail Type: Common
Horns Type: Ram
[Abilities] Oceanborn, Siren Song
4) Kainu-Mystic Male, Healthy (2kg/6Db/9WP/7bx/9Jg/5Rm)
Phenotype: Cream with Pangare and Sable
Genotype: cC/gg/bb/cSph/nSbl/cBln/cCre/nPgr/acSrn/aDaz
Carries: Sapphire, Blanket, Crescents, Siren Song
Mane Type: Common
Ears Type: Common
Tail Type: Common
Horns Type: Ram
[Abilities] Dazzle
5) Kelpie Female, Healthy (6Db/9ez/0qg/5Rm/3uM/1es)
Phenotype: Sapphire Cream with Dapples, Dorsal, Sable, Socks and Vibrant Mane
Genotype: cC/gg/Bb/SphSph/nVm/nSbl/nDpl/nSok/cSlv/nDor/cGup/aOcn/aSrn
Carries: Silver, Guppy
Mane Type: Mohawk
Ears Type: Common
Tail Type: Common
Horns Type: Antelope
[Abilities] Oceanborn, Siren Song
The following abilities from I-1913: Transfixed Consciousness were applied: Fertile
The following items were used: Ancient Fertility Statue, Uncommon Marking Booster, Rare Marking Booster
The following items were selected but not used:
1302 Posts
Breeding Claim: https://drakiri.com/admin/submissions/edit/5657
Rolled for Artha-Demon by Artha-Demon
I-154: Equinox x I-1939: Prince Boreas the North Wind
Base Litter:
1) Nightmare Female, Healthy (4Ry/8CP/7zs/6oK/0Vb/3uB)
Phenotype: Sapphire Chestnut with Flecks, Hood, Paint, Panda, Brindle, Okapi and Alebrije
Genotype: cc/gG/BB/nPnt/nBri/nHd/nPan/nFlek/nOki/nSph/nAle/mcRdt/LBio/mTen/aFli/aWld/aApx/acRec/aHel/aSwf/aOcn/aDks/aObs/aBtr/aEna
Carries: Radiant, Recoil
Mane Type: Regal
Ears Type: Sleek
Tail Type: Hanuman
Horns Type: Fae
[Mutations] Biolume, Tentacles
[Abilities] Flight, Wild Heart, Apex Predator, Healer's Gift, Swift, Oceanborn, Darksight, Obscure, Battle Ready, Enfeebling Aura
The following abilities from I-1939: Prince Boreas the North Wind were applied: Pride, Rare Blood, Ghostly
The following items were used: Rarity Booster, Rare Marking Booster, Rarity Potion
The following items were selected but not used:
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