1302 Posts
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1302 Posts
Breeding Claim: No Claim, Testing
I-1553: S̶̻͒a̴̮͛l̶̛͕͎a̷̡̻͑n̵̤͌̿á̸̻̈ͅ x I-259: R'lythothc'thunm'ell, the Desolate One
Base Litter:
1) Nightmare Female, Healthy (0kB/7nI/3Jb/2vZ/4xK/2fm)
Magic Skills: Fire Skill 17, Entropy Skill 10, 21 Corruption
Phenotype: Black with Dipped, Fade, Fleabitten, Gradient, Pangare, Spots, Stained, Underbelly, Cutout, Teardrop, Vibrant Mane, Tabby and Zebra
Genotype: cc/gg/BB/nUn/nTby/nDip/nTdr/nPgr/nZeb/cSpl/nSta/SptSpt/nFb/nCut/nGra/cGup/nVm/cCin/nFde/mSpk/mEbr/mMelMel/mcInt/mcFth/mcEys/mDem/LGlc/aTnt/acDdz/aMix/aSwm/acUfa/acSwf/acShdb/acChr/aObs/aDks/fDrd
Carries: Splash, Guppy, Cinder, Intersex, Feathering, Extra Eyes, Deadzone, Unfazed, Swift, Shadeborn, Charismatic
Mane Type: Common
Ears Type: Common
Tail Type: Vulpine
Horns Type: Common
[Mutations] Spikes, Embers, Melanism, Demon, Glitch
[Abilities] Tainted, Mixed Up, Swimmer, Obscure, Darksight
[Faults] Distracted
Double Uterus:
2) Nightmare Female, Healthy (3UZ/0kB/7XK/2vZ/4xK/2fm)
Magic Skills: Fire Skill 11, Entropy Skill 13, 13 Corruption
Phenotype: Black with Banding, Gradient, Mask, Pangare, Stained, Cutout, Guppy and Glimmer
Genotype: cc/gg/bB/cRon/nMsk/nBan/PgrPgr/nSta/cFb/nCut/cQui/nGra/nGup/nGlim/mDvl/mcMel/mcFth/mFrg/mWrp/aTnt/acUfa/acFer/aSwm/aApx/aObs/aDks
Carries: Roan, Fleabitten, Quilted, Melanism, Feathering, Unfazed, Fertile
Mane Type: Rebel
Ears Type: Bat
Tail Type: Fluffed
Horns Type: Common
[Mutations] Devil Eyes, Fireglow, Warped
[Abilities] Tainted, Swimmer, Apex Predator, Obscure, Darksight
3) Nightmare Male, Healthy (0kB/3UZ/3Jb/2vZ/4xK/2fm)
Magic Skills: Fire Skill 12, Entropy Skill 20, 13 Corruption
Phenotype: Silver Darken Black with Dipped, Fade, Gradient, Mask, Spots, Stained, Roan, Embossed and Quilted
Genotype: cc/gg/Bb/cUn/nRon/nDip/nMsk/cTdr/cPgr/cSpl/nSta/nSpt/cFb/nEmb/cCut/nQui/nGra/cGup/cSbl/nFde/nDar/nSlv/mcSpk/mBlz/mcFth/mEys/mOrb/mAge/mMrbl/aShk/aApx/aSwf/aSwm/aUfa/acMix/aObs/aDks
Carries: Underbelly, Teardrop, Pangare, Splash, Fleabitten, Cutout, Guppy, Sable, Spikes, Feathering, Mixed Up
Mane Type: Common
Ears Type: Common
Tail Type: Fluffed
Horns Type: Common
[Mutations] Blaze, Extra Eyes, Orbs, Angellic, Marbled
[Abilities] Shockwave, Apex Predator, Swift, Swimmer, Unfazed, Obscure, Darksight
4) Nightmare Male, Healthy (7XK/7nI/0kB/2vZ/4xK/2fm)
Magic Skills: Fire Skill 14, Entropy Skill 11, 14 Corruption
Phenotype: Black with Gradient, Spots, Stained, Roan, Splash, Cinder, Quilted, Satin and Zebra
Genotype: cc/gg/Bb/cUn/nRon/cDip/cPgr/cPnt/nZeb/nSpl/nSta/nSpt/nQui/nGra/cJp/nCin/cSia/cFde/nSat/mcDvl/mcChl/mcMel/mcBrn/mMol/mCrm/mMos/LGlc/acUfa/aApx/aObs/aSwm/aSwf/acTnt/aDks/aDpb
Carries: Underbelly, Dipped, Pangare, Paint, Jasper, Siamese, Fade, Devil Eyes, Charcoal, Melanism, Burning Eyes, Unfazed, Tainted
Mane Type: Lion
Ears Type: Common
Tail Type: Vulpine
Horns Type: Common
[Mutations] Molten, Crumbling, Moss, Glitch
[Abilities] Apex Predator, Obscure, Swimmer, Swift, Darksight, Deep Bond
The following abilities from I-259: R'lythothc'thunm'ell, the Desolate One were applied: Double Trouble, Cosmopolitan, Hyper Fertile, Mixed Up, Fertile, Shadeborn
The following items were used: Level-Match Ticket, Legendary Marking Booster, Rare Marking Booster
The following items were selected but not used:
1302 Posts
Breeding Claim: No Claim, Testing
I-1553: S̶̻͒a̴̮͛l̶̛͕͎a̷̡̻͑n̵̤͌̿á̸̻̈ͅ x I-259: R'lythothc'thunm'ell, the Desolate One
Base Litter:
1) Nightmare Male, Healthy (7XK/0kB/3Jb/2vZ/4xK/2fm)
Magic Skills: Fire Skill 11, Entropy Skill 20, 15 Corruption
Phenotype: Black with Fleabitten, Gradient, Mask, Pangare, Sable, Python and Teardrop
Genotype: cc/gg/Bb/nMsk/nTdr/PgrPgr/cSpt/nFb/nGra/nSbl/cSia/cFde/nPtn/mcInt/mFth/mOoz/mMga/mMlt/mOrb/aSwf/aMix/aSwm/aObs/aDdz/acUfa/aShdb/aDks/fDrd
Carries: Spots, Siamese, Fade, Intersex, Unfazed
Mane Type: Lion
Ears Type: Bat
Tail Type: Fluffed
Horns Type: Common
[Mutations] Feathering, Ooze, Magma, Melt, Orbs
[Abilities] Swift, Mixed Up, Swimmer, Obscure, Deadzone, Shadeborn, Darksight
[Faults] Distracted
2) Nightmare Female, Healthy (3Jb/0kB/7nI/2vZ/4xK/2fm)
Magic Skills: Fire Skill 16, Entropy Skill 12, 23 Corruption
Phenotype: Black with Banding, Fade, Fleabitten, Gradient, Mask, Paint, Pangare, Stained, Cutout, Teardrop, Deadwood, Leopard, Quilted, Satin and Sugar Skull
Genotype: cc/gg/bB/cDip/cDun/nMsk/nBan/nTdr/nPgr/nPnt/nSta/nFb/nCut/nQui/nGra/cSbl/nLeo/nFde/nSat/nSgs/nDdw/mcMel/mOoz/mDem/mMos/mDrp/mFrb/LGlc/acShk/acFer/acTnt/aSwf/aApx/aSwm/aObs/aDks
Carries: Dipped, Dun, Sable, Melanism, Shockwave, Fertile, Tainted
Mane Type: Lion
Ears Type: Common
Tail Type: Cervine
Horns Type: Common
[Mutations] Ooze, Demon, Moss, Droplets, Frostbite, Glitch
[Abilities] Swift, Apex Predator, Swimmer, Obscure, Darksight
3) Nightmare Female, Healthy (7nI/7XK/0kB/2vZ/4xK/2fm)
Magic Skills: Fire Skill 16, Entropy Skill 14, 14 Corruption
Phenotype: Black with Banding, Mask, Pangare, Sable, Spots, Cutout, Jasper, Vibrant Mane, Leopard and Zebra
Genotype: cc/gg/Bb/cGup/cTby/cDip/nMsk/nBan/nPgr/cPnt/nZeb/SptSpt/cFb/nCut/cGra/nJp/nSbl/nVm/nLeo/cFde/mcSpk/mFlw/mBlz/mcMel/mcInt/mcOoz/mBrn/acDdz/aShdb/aSwf/aSwm/aMix/aObs/aDks
Carries: Guppy, Tabby, Dipped, Paint, Fleabitten, Gradient, Fade, Spikes, Melanism, Intersex, Ooze, Deadzone
Mane Type: Lion
Ears Type: Common
Tail Type: Vulpine
Horns Type: Common
[Mutations] Flower, Blaze, Burning Eyes
[Abilities] Shadeborn, Swift, Swimmer, Mixed Up, Obscure, Darksight
Double Uterus:
4) Nightmare Female, Healthy (0kB/3UZ/7nI/2vZ/4xK/2fm)
Magic Skills: Fire Skill 23, Entropy Skill 10, 11 Corruption
Phenotype: Black with Dipped, Fleabitten, Gradient, Mask, Pangare, Spots, Underbelly, Smoke, Cinder, Embossed, Tricolor, Zebra and Firefly
Genotype: cc/gg/bB/nUn/cRon/nDip/nMsk/nPgr/cPnt/nZeb/cSpl/nSpt/nFb/nEmb/nGra/cJp/cVm/nCin/nTri/cSat/nFfl/nSmk/mcFlw/mMel/mcOoz/mcBrn/mcUnd/mTch/mChl/mAng/mRad/aUfa/acSwf/acSwm/aApx/aObs/aDks/aAno
Carries: Roan, Paint, Splash, Jasper, Vibrant Mane, Satin, Flower, Ooze, Burning Eyes, Undead, Swift, Swimmer
Mane Type: Lion
Ears Type: Common
Tail Type: Regal
Horns Type: Common
[Mutations] Melanism, Torch, Charcoal, Angora, Radioactive
[Abilities] Unfazed, Apex Predator, Obscure, Darksight, Anomalous
5) Nightmare Female, Healthy (7XK/0kB/3Jb/2vZ/4xK/2fm)
Magic Skills: Fire Skill 20, Entropy Skill 13, 16 Corruption
Phenotype: Black with Banding, Fleabitten, Gradient, Paint, Spots, Stained, Cutout, Guppy, Splash, Vibrant Mane, Embossed, Quilted, Tabby and Zebra
Genotype: cc/gg/BB/cRon/nGup/nTby/cMsk/nBan/cPgr/nPnt/nZeb/nSpl/nSta/nSpt/nFb/nEmb/nCut/nQui/nGra/cSbl/nVm/cCin/cSia/mcFlw/mChl/mOoz/mUnd/mEbr/mCrm/mGna/mGst/LGlc/acShdb/acSwf/aSwm/aObs/aApx/aDks
Carries: Roan, Mask, Pangare, Sable, Cinder, Siamese, Flower, Shadeborn, Swift
Mane Type: Rebel
Ears Type: Bat
Tail Type: Vulpine
Horns Type: Common
[Mutations] Charcoal, Ooze, Undead, Embers, Crumbling, Gnarled, Ghost, Glitch
[Abilities] Swimmer, Obscure, Apex Predator, Darksight
The following abilities from I-259: R'lythothc'thunm'ell, the Desolate One were applied: Shadeborn, Mixed Up, Cosmopolitan, Fertile, Double Trouble, Hyper Fertile
The following items were used: Level-Match Ticket, Legendary Marking Booster, Rare Marking Booster
The following items were selected but not used:
1302 Posts
Breeding Claim: No Claim, Testing
I-1553: S̶̻͒a̴̮͛l̶̛͕͎a̷̡̻͑n̵̤͌̿á̸̻̈ͅ x I-259: R'lythothc'thunm'ell, the Desolate One
Base Litter:
1) Nightmare Male, Healthy (7XK/7nI/3Jb/2vZ/4xK/2fm)
Phenotype: Black with Banding, Dipped, Fade, Fleabitten, Paint, Sable, Stained, Jasper, Siamese, Embossed, Leopard, Satin, Tricolor and Zebra
Genotype: cc/gg/BB/cGup/nDip/nBan/nPnt/nZeb/nSta/cSpt/nFb/EmbEmb/cQui/nJp/nSbl/cGlim/nLeo/nTri/nFde/nSat/nSia/LCos/LGlc/acMix/aSwf/acShk/acSwm/aApx/acFer/aObs/aDks/aPrm/aUdy/aTrr
Carries: Guppy, Spots, Quilted, Glimmer, Mixed Up, Shockwave, Swimmer, Fertile
Mane Type: Common
Ears Type: Common
Tail Type: Common
Horns Type: Common
[Mutations] Cosmic, Glitch
[Abilities] Swift, Apex Predator, Obscure, Darksight, Promiscuous, Undying, Thunderous Roar
2) Nightmare Female, Healthy (0kB/3UZ/7XK/2vZ/4xK/2fm)
Phenotype: Black with Dipped, Fade, Fleabitten, Gradient, Paint, Pangare, Sable, Spots, Stained, Underbelly, Cutout, Vibrant Mane, Zebra and Spectrum
Genotype: cc/gg/Bb/nUn/nDip/nPgr/nPnt/nSta/nSpt/nFb/nCut/nGra/nSbl/nVm/nFde/nSpe/nZeb/mcFbw/mMelMel/mStr/aApx/aSwm/aUfa/aSwf/aObs/aDks/aRnd2
Carries: Fiber Wire
Mane Type: Rebel
Ears Type: Bat
Tail Type: Vulpine
Horns Type: Common
[Mutations] Melanism, Starstruck
[Abilities] Apex Predator, Swimmer, Unfazed, Swift, Obscure, Darksight, Randomizer 2
Double Uterus:
3) Nightmare Female, Healthy (0kB/7nI/7XK/2vZ/4xK/2fm)
Phenotype: Black with Dipped, Fleabitten, Gradient, Paint, Sable, Spots, Stained, Underbelly, Cutout, Dun, Roan, Vibrant Mane, Cinder, Embossed and Leopard
Genotype: cc/gg/BB/nUn/nRon/cGup/nDip/nDun/nPnt/nSta/nSpt/nFb/nEmb/nCut/nGra/nSbl/nVm/nCin/nLeo/mFbw/mcMel/mFth/mcOoz/LGlc/acApx/aSwm/aDdz/acSwf/acUfa/acShdb/aObs/aDks
Carries: Guppy, Melanism, Ooze, Apex Predator, Swift, Unfazed, Shadeborn
Mane Type: Common
Ears Type: Long Tufted
Tail Type: Common
Horns Type: Common
[Mutations] Fiber Wire, Feathering, Glitch
[Abilities] Swimmer, Deadzone, Obscure, Darksight
4) Nightmare Female, Healthy (0kB/7XK/3Jb/2vZ/4xK/2fm)
Phenotype: Black with Fleabitten, Paint, Pangare, Cutout, Guppy, Vibrant Mane, Glimmer, Leopard, Quilted and Tricolor
Genotype: cc/gg/BB/cRon/nGup/cMsk/cBan/nPgr/nPnt/cSpt/nFb/nCut/nQui/cSbl/nGlim/nVm/nLeo/nTri/mOoz/LGlc/acSwf/acApx/aTnt/aObs/aDks/aChr/aMar/fDrd
Carries: Roan, Mask, Banding, Spots, Sable, Swift, Apex Predator
Mane Type: Yun
Ears Type: Common
Tail Type: Vulpine
Horns Type: Common
[Mutations] Ooze, Glitch
[Abilities] Tainted, Obscure, Darksight, Charismatic, Magical Reflux
[Faults] Distracted
5) Nightmare Female, Healthy (7XK/0kB/7nI/2vZ/4xK/2fm)
Phenotype: Black with Dipped, Fade, Fleabitten, Mask, Stained, Dun, Roan, Siamese and Glimmer
Genotype: cc/gg/Bb/nRon/cTby/nDip/nDun/nMsk/cBan/cPnt/nSta/cSpt/nFb/cGra/cSbl/nGlim/nSia/nFde/mcEbr/mcFth/mcUnd/aDdz/aUfa/aObs/acApx/aDks
Carries: Tabby, Banding, Paint, Spots, Gradient, Sable, Embers, Feathering, Undead, Apex Predator
Mane Type: Lion
Ears Type: Bat
Tail Type: Common
Horns Type: Common
[Abilities] Deadzone, Unfazed, Obscure, Darksight
The following abilities from I-259: R'lythothc'thunm'ell, the Desolate One were applied: Hyper Fertile, Shadeborn, Fertile, Cosmopolitan, Mixed Up, Double Trouble
The following items were used: Level-Match Ticket, Legendary Marking Booster, Rare Marking Booster
The following items were selected but not used:
1302 Posts
Breeding Claim: No Claim, Testing
Rolled By: Artha-Demon
I-1553: S̶̻͒a̴̮͛l̶̛͕͎a̷̡̻͑n̵̤͌̿á̸̻̈ͅ x I-259: R'lythothc'thunm'ell, the Desolate One
Base Litter:
1) Nightmare Male, Healthy (0kB/3UZ/7XK/2vZ/4xK/2fm)
Phenotype: Black with Banding, Dipped, Pangare, Spots, Stained, Underbelly, Roan, Teardrop, Cinder, Embossed, King Cheetah, Leopard, Satin and Tinsel
Genotype: cc/gg/BB/nUn/nRon/nDip/nBan/nTdr/nPgr/cPnt/cSpl/nSta/nSpt/cFb/nEmb/cGra/nCin/nLeo/cFde/nSat/nTns/nKc/mcFlw/aShdb/aSwf/aDdz/aObs/aDks
Carries: Paint, Splash, Fleabitten, Gradient, Fade, Flower
Mane Type: Lion
Ears Type: Bat
Tail Type: Fluffed
Horns Type: Common
[Abilities] Shadeborn, Swift, Deadzone, Obscure, Darksight
Double Uterus:
2) Q'lin Male, Healthy (3Jb/7nI/7XK/2vZ/4xK/2fm)
Phenotype: Black with Fade, Gradient, Mask, Pangare, Sable, Spots, Stained, Underbelly, Brindle, Guppy, Splash, Teardrop, Satin and Pride Flag
Genotype: cc/gg/BB/nUn/nGup/nMsk/cBan/nTdr/nPgr/nSpl/nSta/nSpt/cFb/cEmb/nGra/cJp/nSbl/cTri/nFde/nSat/nPrf/nBri/mBlz/mEys/mOoz/mFog/aShdb/aFer/aUfa/acDdz/aObs/aApx/aSwf/aShk/aFrb/fDrd
Carries: Banding, Fleabitten, Embossed, Jasper, Tricolor, Deadzone
Mane Type: Common
Ears Type: Bat
Tail Type: Vulpine
Horns Type: Common
[Mutations] Blaze, Extra Eyes, Ooze, Fogwisp
[Abilities] Shadeborn, Fertile, Unfazed, Obscure, Apex Predator, Swift, Shockwave, Fireborn
[Faults] Distracted
The following abilities from I-259: R'lythothc'thunm'ell, the Desolate One were applied: Hyper Fertile, Cosmopolitan, Mixed Up, Double Trouble, Fertile, Shadeborn
The following items were used: Level-Match Ticket, Legendary Marking Booster, Rare Marking Booster
The following items were selected but not used:
1302 Posts
Breeding Claim: Place Breeding Claim Here
Test Breeding for: Artha-Demon
Rolled By Artha-Demon
I-1947: Edgy McEdgerson x I-1718: That Goth Bitch
Base Litter:
1) Nightmare Female, Healthy (7ki/4nL/5YW/3wl/3Ra/0ou)
Phenotype: Black with Blanket, Frosted, Gradient, Mask, Pangare and Socks
Genotype: cc/gg/BB/nGra/nBln/nFr/nMsk/nPgr/nSok/mWhsk/aObs/aDks/aFer
Mane Type: Common
Ears Type: Common
Tail Type: Common
Horns Type: Common
[Mutations] Whiskerless
[Abilities] Obscure, Darksight, Fertile
2) Nightmare Female, Healthy (4Rw/5YW/4em/0ou/0Vb/3wl)
Phenotype: Black with Blanket, Fleabitten, Frosted, Socks and Tribal
Genotype: cc/gg/BB/cSia/nBln/nFr/nTrb/cSpt/nFb/cMsk/cPgr/nSok/mInt/LTmp/aDks/aFer/aObs/aShc
Carries: Siamese, Spots, Mask, Pangare
Mane Type: Common
Ears Type: Common
Tail Type: Common
Horns Type: Ram
[Mutations] Intersex, Tempest
[Abilities] Darksight, Fertile, Obscure, Shock
3) Nightmare Female, Healthy (4em/5YW/7ki/3wl/0ou/0Vb)
Phenotype: Black with Mask and Socks
Genotype: cc/gg/BB/cSia/cGra/cSpt/nMsk/nSok/mcWhsk/aObs/aDks
Carries: Siamese, Gradient, Spots, Whiskerless
Mane Type: Fjord
Ears Type: Long Tufted
Tail Type: Common
Horns Type: Common
[Abilities] Obscure, Darksight
4) Nightmare Male, Healthy (7ki/4em/4Rw/0ou/0Vb/3Ra)
Phenotype: Black with Fleabitten, Frosted, Gradient, Mask, Socks, Iridescent Scales and Siamese
Genotype: cc/gg/bB/nSia/nGra/nFr/nIri/cSpt/nFb/nMsk/nSok/mcWhsk/aDks/aObs
Carries: Spots, Whiskerless
Mane Type: Common
Ears Type: Long Tufted
Tail Type: Common
Horns Type: Common
[Abilities] Darksight, Obscure
The following abilities from I-1947: Edgy McEdgerson were applied: Legendary Blood, Fertile
The following items were used: Advanced Fertility Potion
The following items were selected but not used:
Feature Comment