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1302 Posts
Breeding Claim: https://drakiri.com/admin/submissions/edit/5144
Rolled by PSB For a full for Unicorn-Panda
I-1911: Corpse x I-259: R'lythothc'thunm'ell, the Desolate One
Base Litter:
1) Primal-Nightmare Female, Healthy (3Jb/4em/0kB/2vZ/4xK/2fm)
Magic Skills: Entropy Skill 24, 12 Corruption
Phenotype: Black with Fade, Fleabitten, Gradient, Mask, Pangare, Stained, Teardrop, Cinder and Glimmer
Genotype: cc/gg/Bb/cDip/nFb/cFr/nGra/nMsk/cPnt/cPan/nPgr/nSta/nTdr/cSke/nGlim/cVm/nCin/nFde/mcSpk/mcFbw/mInt/mcUnd/LGlc/aTrr/aSwf/aObs/aDks
Carries: Dipped, Frosted, Paint, Panda, Skeleton, Vibrant Mane, Spikes, Fiber Wire, Undead
Mane Type: Silken
Ears Type: Sleek
Tail Type: Vulpine
Horns Type: Ram
[Mutations] Intersex, Glitch
[Abilities] Thunderous Roar, Swift, Obscure, Darksight
Double Uterus:
2) Q'lin Male, Healthy (7ki/3Jb/4em/2vZ/4xK/2fm)
Magic Skills: Entropy Skill 20, 17 Corruption
Phenotype: Black with Dipped, Fade, Frosted, Gradient, Mask, Sable, Stained and Siamese
Genotype: cc/gg/BB/nDip/nFr/GraGra/nMsk/nSta/nSbl/nSia/nFde/mFbw/LGlc/mWrp/mcEys/mBrn/mOoz/mMlt/aSwf/aShk
Carries: Extra Eyes
Mane Type: Silken
Ears Type: Sleek
Tail Type: Fluffed
Horns Type: Common
[Mutations] Fiber Wire, Glitch, Warped, Burning Eyes, Ooze, Melt
[Abilities] Swift, Shockwave
3) Q'lin Female, Healthy (0bG/7ki/3Jb/2vZ/4xK/2fm)
Magic Skills: Entropy Skill 20, 19 Corruption
Phenotype: Black with Dipped, Fade, Fleabitten, Frosted, Gradient, Paint, Panda, Spots, Jasper, Leopard and Tricolor
Genotype: cc/gg/BB/nDip/nFb/nFr/nGra/cMsk/nPnt/nPan/nSpt/nJp/nLeo/nTri/nFde/mcChl/mWrp/mcFth/mOoz/mDec/aFer/acTnt/aObs/aDdz/aSwf/aShk
Carries: Mask, Charcoal, Feathering, Tainted
Mane Type: Common
Ears Type: Lapine
Tail Type: Equine
Horns Type: Ram
[Mutations] Warped, Ooze, Decay
[Abilities] Fertile, Obscure, Deadzone, Swift, Shockwave
4) Q'lin Female, Healthy (0bG/4em/3Jb/2vZ/4xK/2fm)
Magic Skills: Entropy Skill 25, 25 Corruption
Phenotype: Black with Gradient, Pangare, Sable, Spots, Vibrant Mane and Zebra
Genotype: cc/gg/bB/nGra/cMsk/cPnt/nPgr/nSpt/cSta/nZeb/nSbl/cGlim/nVm/cLeo/cFde/mcFbw/mcWrp/mcUnd/mcMel/mDead/aFer/aTnt/acSwf/aShk
Carries: Mask, Paint, Stained, Glimmer, Leopard, Fade, Fiber Wire, Warped, Undead, Melanism, Swift
Mane Type: Common
Ears Type: Bat
Tail Type: Fluffed
Horns Type: Ram
[Mutations] Dead Eyes
[Abilities] Fertile, Tainted, Shockwave
5) Mystic-Q'lin Female, Healthy (3Jb/4em/7XK/2vZ/4xK/2fm)
Magic Skills: Entropy Skill 17, 17 Corruption
Phenotype: Black with Fade, Fleabitten, Paint, Panda, Pangare and Sable
Genotype: cc/gg/Bb/nFb/nPnt/nPan/nPgr/cSpt/cSta/nSbl/cGlim/cLeo/nFde/cSat/mChl/mWrp/mcOoz/mChm/aSwf/aDaz/aShk
Carries: Spots, Stained, Glimmer, Leopard, Satin, Ooze
Mane Type: Common
Ears Type: Sleek
Tail Type: Serpentine
Horns Type: Ram
[Mutations] Charcoal, Warped, Chomp
[Abilities] Swift, Dazzle, Shockwave
The following abilities from I-259: R'lythothc'thunm'ell, the Desolate One were applied: Hyper Fertile, Mixed Up, Shadeborn, Double Trouble, Fertile, Cosmopolitan
The following items were used: Level-Match Ticket, Legendary Marking Booster, Advanced Mutation Serum
The following items were selected but not used:
1302 Posts
Breeding Claim: https://drakiri.com/admin/submissions/edit/5124
rolled by PSB for a split with Ravygmoon and with FidgetFrenzy
I-2754: Stray x I-2696: Serafina
Base Litter:
1) Sprite-Q'lin Male, Healthy (6Db/3Gs/4ZF/4Ab/1WF/3Km)
Phenotype: Fawn with Dorsal, Hood, Sable, Socks, Stone, Zag and Python
Genotype: cC/gG/bB/nHd/cMsk/nSok/cSlv/cBan/nDor/nSbl/nStn/nZag/nPtn/mcAge/aGrn/aSwf/aShk
Carries: Mask, Silver, Banding, Angellic
Mane Type: Common
Ears Type: Sleek
Tail Type: Cervine
Horns Type: Common
[Abilities] Green Thumb, Swift, Shockwave
2) Sprite-Q'lin Female, Healthy (0BS/4DJ/6Db/5Pg/3Km/1WF)
Phenotype: Silver Fawn with Banding, Dorsal, Hood, Mask, Pangare, Sable, Underbelly, Zag and Okapi
Genotype: Cc/GG/bB/nHd/nMsk/nPgr/cSok/nSlv/nBan/cBln/nDor/nSbl/nUn/nZag/cSpl/nOki/mcSm/mcAlb/mLon/mWhsk/aGho/aFart/aLuk/aOcn/aSwf/acFli/acGrn/aShk
Carries: Socks, Blanket, Splash, Smooth, Albinism, Flight, Green Thumb
Mane Type: Fringe
Ears Type: Folded
Tail Type: Feline
Horns Type: Antlers
[Mutations] Longhair, Whiskerless
[Abilities] Ghostly, Farts, Lucky, Oceanborn, Swift, Shockwave
3) Sprite-Q'lin Male, Healthy (4DJ/4ZF/3Gs/3uM/9uz/1WF)
Phenotype: Silver Cream with Banding, Blanket, Dorsal, Mask, Sable and Smoke
Genotype: CC/Gg/bb/cHd/nMsk/cSok/nSlv/nBan/nBln/nDor/nSbl/cZag/cFox/cPtn/nSmk/cTrc/mcSm/aFart/acStw/aShk/aGrn/acDpf/aSwf
Carries: Hood, Socks, Zag, Fox, Python, Traced, Smooth, Strong Willed, Deep Focus
Mane Type: Regal
Ears Type: Sleek
Tail Type: Equine
Horns Type: Common
[Abilities] Farts, Shockwave, Green Thumb, Swift
4) Sprite-Q'lin Female, Healthy (6Db/3Gs/4DJ/5Pg/4Ab/9uz)
Phenotype: Fawn with Blanket, Dorsal, Pangare, Sable, Socks, Underbelly, Python and Splash
Genotype: CC/GG/bB/nPgr/nSok/cSlv/nBln/nDor/nSbl/cStn/nUn/cZag/nPtn/nSpl/mcAlb/aFli/aDpf/aSwf/aLuk/acStu/aGrn/aShk
Carries: Silver, Stone, Zag, Albinism, Studious
Mane Type: Rebel
Ears Type: Common
Tail Type: Cervine
Horns Type: Antlers
[Abilities] Flight, Deep Focus, Swift, Lucky, Green Thumb, Shockwave
The following abilities from I-2696: Serafina were applied: Fertile, Ghostly
1302 Posts
Breeding Claim: https://drakiri.com/admin/submissions/edit/5123
rolled by PSB for Ravygmoon
I-2522: Unnamed x I-2624: Apatite
Base Litter:
1) Dracus Male, Healthy (0Ck/4em/1dD/1sl/4nL/3uM)
Phenotype: Darken Chestnut with Blanket, Paint, Socks and Split
Genotype: cc/Gg/BB/nSok/cUn/nDar/cSph/nBln/cBlc/cDip/cDor/cHd/nPnt/nSpi/cSky/aGrn/acFer/acDaz/aSwf/aFli
Carries: Underbelly, Sapphire, Bleached, Dipped, Dorsal, Hood, Skyline, Fertile, Dazzle
Mane Type: Common
Ears Type: Fancy
Tail Type: Common
Horns Type: Common
[Abilities] Green Thumb, Swift, Flight
2) Mystic-Dracus Female, Healthy (4em/7Rz/9ty/4nL/3uM/1sl)
Phenotype: Black with Dipped, Dorsal, Fleabitten and Frosted
Genotype: cc/gg/BB/nFr/cPgr/cBln/cBlc/nDip/nDor/nFb/cHd/cSpi/cJp/aFer/aEna/aGrn/aFli/aDaz
Carries: Pangare, Blanket, Bleached, Hood, Split, Jasper
Mane Type: Poof
Ears Type: Common
Tail Type: Common
Horns Type: Common
[Abilities] Fertile, Enfeebling Aura, Green Thumb, Flight, Dazzle
3) Dracus Female, Healthy (1re/9ty/4em/4nL/3uM/0ju)
Phenotype: Darken Chestnut with Bleached and Gilded
Genotype: cc/GG/BB/cFr/cSok/nGld/nDar/nBlc/cDor/cHd/cSpi/mThn/acIrn/aSwf/aFliFli/acGrn
Carries: Frosted, Socks, Dorsal, Hood, Split, Iron Wall, Green Thumb
Mane Type: Common
Ears Type: Common
Tail Type: Common
Horns Type: Common
[Mutations] Thorns
[Abilities] Swift, Flight
4) Dracus Female, Healthy (0Ck/1re/9ty/4nL/3uM/0AH)
Phenotype: Chestnut with Bleached, Frosted, Hood, Paint, Socks and Split
Genotype: cc/gG/BB/nFr/nSok/cUn/cBln/nBlc/cDor/nHd/nPnt/nSpi/cSrk/cRev/aIrn/aFliFli/aSwf/aDaz
Carries: Underbelly, Blanket, Dorsal, Stroke, Reversal
Mane Type: Common
Ears Type: Common
Tail Type: Common
Horns Type: Antelope
[Abilities] Iron Wall, Flight, Swift, Dazzle
The following abilities from I-2624: Apatite were applied: Fertile
1302 Posts
Breeding Claim: https://drakiri.com/admin/submissions/edit/5125
Rolled by PeachmintTea for PSB
I-2779: Mirabelle x I-333: Elentári
Base Litter:
1) Sprite Female, Healthy (2SS/7ki/7qD/5YW/8Ug/4Ln)
Phenotype: Sapphire Cream with Frosted, Sable, Spots and Pigeon
Genotype: Cc/gg/BB/cTop/cBln/nSbl/cSdl/nPge/nSph/nFr/cMsk/nSpt/mcInt/acDks/aApx/aSwf
Carries: Topaz, Blanket, Saddle, Mask, Intersex, Darksight
Mane Type: Mohawk
Ears Type: Deer
Tail Type: Whip
Horns Type: Elder
[Abilities] Apex Predator, Swift
2) Sprite Male, Healthy (1Om/2SS/7qD/4Ln/8Ug/5va)
Phenotype: Ocean Black with Blanket, Frosted, Sable and Saddle
Genotype: cc/gg/Bb/nTop/nBln/nSbl/nSdl/nSph/nJde/cSia/nFr/cMsk/aRrb/aApx/aSwf
Carries: Siamese, Mask
Mane Type: Punk
Ears Type: Sleek
Tail Type: Common
Horns Type: Moose
[Abilities] Rare Blood, Apex Predator, Swift
The following abilities from I-333: Elentári were applied: Rare Blood, Rainbow Sparkle Magic, Legendary Blood
The following items were used: Carried Marking Booster, Advanced Rainbow Potion, Legendary Marking Booster, Rarity Potion, Advanced Mutation Serum, Legendary Mutation Serum, Magic Cocktail
The following items were selected but not used:
1302 Posts
Breeding Claim: https://drakiri.com/admin/submissions/edit/5158
Rolled by PSB for a split with PeachmintTea Artha-Demon
I-2115: F'naldir x I-1888: Bumble
Base Litter:
1) Mystic-Nightmare Female, Healthy (6yc/0zm/0bG/3wl/8QX/9ty)
Phenotype: Cream with Banding, Blanket, Crescents, Sable, Socks, Striped and Eyemarks
Genotype: Cc/gG/bb/nSbl/nCre/cPan/nBan/nSok/cGaz/nEym/nStr/nBln/cMsk/aCur/aDks/aDaz/aObs
Carries: Panda, Gazelle, Mask
Mane Type: Common
Ears Type: Common
Tail Type: Silken
Horns Type: Common
[Abilities] Curious, Darksight, Dazzle, Obscure
2) Mystic-Nightmare Female, Healthy (6yc/0zm/0bG/0Cv/7ga/3wl)
Phenotype: Silver Cream with Mask, Panda, Scale Stripes, Striped, Gazelle and Swirl
Genotype: Cc/gG/bb/nSlv/cCre/nPan/nGaz/nSwr/cDip/nScs/nStr/nMsk/aDks/aCur/aDaz/aObs
Carries: Crescents, Dipped
Mane Type: Poof
Ears Type: Common
Tail Type: Common
Horns Type: Baphomet
[Mutations] Melanism
[Abilities] Darksight, Curious, Dazzle, Obscure
3) Mystic Female, Healthy (6yc/0zm/6mP/3wl/7ga/0Cv)
Phenotype: Silver Cream with Mask, Sable, Striped and Eyemarks
Genotype: Cc/gg/bb/cDil/nSlv/nSbl/cSok/cDip/cGra/cGlim/nEym/nStr/nMsk/mcExt/acDks/aCur/aDaz
Carries: Dilute, Socks, Dipped, Gradient, Glimmer, Extended Scales, Darksight
Mane Type: Common
Ears Type: Common
Tail Type: Silken
Horns Type: Baphomet
[Abilities] Curious, Dazzle
The following abilities from I-2115: F'naldir were applied: Pride
The following abilities from I-1888: Bumble were applied: Shadeborn
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