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Find guides for breedings HERE, as well as all the forms you will need! https://drakiri.com/info/breeding-guide

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1302 Posts

04/05/2022 Edited 04/05/2022

Full to Fluffynerd
Item(s) Used:
Rolled By PSB

Breeding Claim: https://drakiri.com/admin/submissions/edit/2671

I-2064: Levi x I-731: Alexis

1.) Sprite-Kainu Female, Healthy (8Dw/1dD/3tb/4QA/4ZF/7qr)
Phenotype: Fawn with Collar, Crescents, Fleabitten, Flecks, Hood, Mask, Pangare, Sable, Split, Zag, Mane Tips, Python, Gilded and Snowflake
Genotype: cC/Gg/bB/cSph/nCol/nCre/cDpl/cFde/nFb/nFlek/HdHd/nMsk/cPan/nPgr/nSbl/nSpi/cStr/cTik/nZag/cBar/cIri/nMt/nPtn/cSia/cSwr/nGld/nSnf/mPol/mRnd/mFlw/aSwf/aRec
Carries: Sapphire, Dapples, Fade, Panda, Striped, Ticked, Barring, Iridescent Scales, Siamese, Swirl
Mane Type: Common
Ears Type: Common
Tail Type: Common
Horns Type: Branched
[Mutations] Polycaudal, Reindeer, Flower
[Abilities] Swift, Recoil

2.) Sprite-Kainu Male, Healthy (1Vr/8Dw/3tb/4QA/4ZF/6sZ)
Phenotype: Cream with Bleached, Crescents, Fade, Flecks, Hood, Sable, Socks, Split, Striped, Underbelly, Barring and Rings
Genotype: CC/Gg/bB/cTop/nBlc/cCol/nCre/nFde/nFlek/nHd/cPan/cPgr/nSbl/nSok/nSpi/nStr/cTik/nUn/nBar/cIri/cJp/nRng/cTby/mcMnx/mFbs/mEys/mAge/aSwf/aFer/aPrd/acRrb
Carries: Topaz, Collar, Panda, Pangare, Ticked, Iridescent Scales, Jasper, Tabby, Manx, Rare Blood
Mane Type: Common
Ears Type: Deer
Tail Type: Unicorn
Horns Type: Branched
[Mutations] Fireburst, Extra Eyes, Angellic
[Abilities] Swift, Fertile, Pride

3.) Bantam Kainu Male, Healthy (7Jh/8Dw/3tb/4QA/3TH/6sZ)
Phenotype: Black with Dorsal, Mask, Panda, Sable, Striped, Underbelly, Iridescent Scales and Zebra
Genotype: cc/gg/bB/cBlc/cCol/nDor/cHd/nMsk/nPan/nSbl/cSpi/nStr/cTik/nUn/nIri/cOce/nZeb/mcExt/mcPol/mcAge
Carries: Bleached, Collar, Hood, Split, Ticked, Ocelli, Extended Scales, Polycaudal, Angellic
Mane Type: Common
Ears Type: Common
Tail Type: Common
Horns Type: Branched

The following abilities from I-2064: Levi were applied: Pride, Fertile, Legendary Blood, Anomalous, Rare Blood

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1302 Posts

04/03/2022 Edited 04/03/2022

Breeding rolled for Sketchies-ARPG
Rolled By Artha-Demon
Claim Link: None, did it myself upon purchase to make it easier on the staff!

Error-404: Drakiri not Found x Error-404: Drakiri not Found

1.) Primal Male, Healthy (2fb/5Rm/6tJ/7XK/7vx/0qg)
Magic Skills: Fire Skill 23, Order Skill 12
Phenotype: Fawn with Bleached, Crescents, Dorsal, Frosted, Strata, Sunkissed, Cinder and Leopard//Fawn with Blanket, Bleached, Ticked, Eyemarks, Smoke, Embossed, Leopard, Okapi, Piebald, Rings and Aquatic
Genotype: cC/gG/bB/nBlc/nCre/nDor/nFr/cHd/cMot/cSok/nStt/cSrk/nSuk/nCin/cDdw/nLeo/cOki/mWhsk/mSts/mRts/mcFog/mTch/mAug/mShm/LGlc/aFart/aFrb/acIrn/acKil/acSwm/aLuk/aRec/acTnt/aAno/aHsn/aLdr/acMar/aObs/aTrr//cC/gG/BB/nBln/nBlc/cCre/nTik/nEym/nSmk/cTdr/cAu/cDdw/nEmb/cGlim/nLeo/nOki/nPie/nRng/nAqa/mClg/mHly/mSts/mThde/mFog/mcFsh/LGlc/aFrb/aIrn/aSwm/aBom/acLuk/acMfr/aRec/acDaz/acHsn/aHpf/aMar/aTrr
Carries: Hood, Mottled, Socks, Stroke, Deadwood, Okapi, Fogwisp, Iron Wall, Killer Instinct, Swimmer, Tainted, Magical Reflex//Crescents, Teardrop, Aurora, Deadwood, Glimmer, Fish Bowl, Lucky, Magic Farts, Dazzle, Heightened Senses
Mane Type: Common
Ears Type: Silken
Tail Type: Fluffed
Horns Type: Royal
[Mutations] Chimerism, Whiskerless, Stardust, Roots, Torch, Augmented, Shimmerstep, Celestial Gaze, Holy Hide, Third Eye, Fogwisp, Glitch
[Abilities] Farts, Fireborn, Lucky, Recoil, Anomalous, Heightened Senses, Leadership, Obscure, Thunderous Roar, Iron Wall, Swimmer, Boom, Hyperfocus, Magical Reflex

2.) Primal Female, Healthy (2fb/6tJ/2lg/0qg/7vx/6WW)
Magic Skills: Fire Skill 11, Order Skill 11
Phenotype: Dilute Fawn with Blanket, Dorsal, Hood, Paint, Striped, Eyemarks, Tapir and Glimmer
Genotype: cC/gG/bb/nDil/nBln/cBlc/cCre/nDor/nHd/nPnt/nStr/cBi/nEym/cSmk/nTpr/cCin/nGlim/mAng/mSpk/mHly/mRts/mFtr/mcFog/mFrw/mSml/mcShm/LGlc/acFrb/aKil/aLuk/acMfr/aOcn/aTnt/acClf/aHpf/aMar/aTrr
Carries: Bleached, Crescents, Bicolor, Smoke, Cinder, Fogwisp, Shimmerstep, Fireborn, Magic Farts, Colorful
Mane Type: Elk
Ears Type: Silken
Tail Type: Fluffed
Horns Type: Aspis
[Mutations] Angora, Spikes, Holy Hide, Roots, Feathermane, Firewisp, Smoldering Gaze, Glitch
[Abilities] Killer Instinct, Lucky, Oceanborn, Tainted, Hyperfocus, Magical Reflex, Thunderous Roar

3.) Primal Male, Healthy (2fb/5Rm/5pZ/9bm/7vx/8aI)
Magic Skills: Fire Skill 20, Order Skill 22
Phenotype: Topaz Chestnut with Blanket, Bleached, Frosted, Mottled, Paint, Socks, Striped, Stroke, Cinder, Leopard, Piebald, Comet and Falsewing
Genotype: cc/gG/BB/nTop/nBln/nBlc/nFr/nMot/nPnt/nSok/nStr/nSrk/nCin/cGlim/nLeo/nPie/nCmt/nFls/mAng/mWhsk/mSpk/mHly/mThde/mFtr/mcFog/mMga/mKey/LGlc/aFart/aIrn/aKil/aSwm/aDpf/aDex/acMfr/acOcn/aRec/acTnt/aTrr
Carries: Glimmer, Fogwisp, Magic Farts, Oceanborn, Tainted
Mane Type: Elk
Ears Type: Silken
Tail Type: Common
Horns Type: Aspis
[Mutations] Angora, Whiskerless, Spikes, Holy Hide, Third Eye, Feathermane, Magma, Master Key, Glitch
[Abilities] Farts, Iron Wall, Killer Instinct, Swimmer, Deep Focus, Dexterous, Recoil, Thunderous Roar

4.) Kainu Female, Healthy (2fb/6tJ/5pZ/7vx/0qg/7XK)
Magic Skills: Fire Skill 14, Order Skill 19
Phenotype: Chestnut with Blanket, Crescents, Dorsal, Paint, Striped, Bicolor, Stroke and Piebald
Genotype: cc/gG/Bb/nBln/nCre/nDor/cHd/nPnt/nStr/nBi/nSrk/cAu/cCin/nPie/mcAng/mcSts/mThde/mFsh/mTch/mBor/LGlc/aFart/aFrb/aIrn/aKil/aSwm/aDpf/aDaz/aHpf/aMar/aMys
Carries: Hood, Aurora, Cinder, Angora, Stardust
Mane Type: Regal
Ears Type: Fancy
Tail Type: Fluffed
Horns Type: Antlers
[Mutations] Third Eye, Fish Bowl, Torch, Borealis, Glitch
[Abilities] Farts, Fireborn, Iron Wall, Killer Instinct, Swimmer, Deep Focus, Dazzle, Hyperfocus, Magical Reflex, Mystchakken

The following abilities from Error-404: Drakiri not Found were applied: Colorful

The Roller Breaker was used in this breeding!

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1302 Posts

04/03/2022 Edited 04/03/2022

Full Breeding to Hellcatstrut
Breeding Item: Roller Breaker
Rolled by PeachmintTea

Breeding Claim: https://drakiri.com/admin/submissions/edit/2678

I-2354: Rebenon Sinbad x I-2340: Evangeline Sinbad

1.) Kainu Female, Healthy (4zo/3uM/3Km/0Ck/5YW/8xk)
Magic Skills: Air Skill 23, Fire Skill 23
Phenotype: Sapphire Fawn with Frosted, Sable, Gazelle, Stroke, Aurora and Tricolor
Genotype: cC/GG/Bb/cEry/nSph/cTop/cDor/nFr/nSbl/nGaz/nSrk/nAu/nTri/mExt/mFrg/aElm/aLdr
Carries: Erythristic, Topaz, Dorsal
Mane Type: Common
Ears Type: Common
Tail Type: Unicorn
Horns Type: Common
[Mutations] Extended Scales, Fireglow
[Abilities] Elemental, Leadership
Geno: https://drakiri.com/geno/5042

2.) Kainu Female, Healthy (1Nj/3uM/4Yr/8xk/5YW/2oG)
Magic Skills: Air Skill 20, Fire Skill 21
Phenotype: Fawn with Blanket, Fade, Frosted, Sable, Stroke, Vibrant Mane and Satin
Genotype: cC/GG/Bb/nBln/nFde/nFr/nSbl/nSrk/nVm/SatSat/mExt/mSml/acElm/aWld
Carries: Elemental
Mane Type: Rebel
Ears Type: Vulpine
Tail Type: Common
Horns Type: Spiral
[Mutations] Extended Scales, Smoldering Gaze
[Abilities] Wild Heart
Geno: https://drakiri.com/geno/5043

3.) Kainu Male, Healthy (1Nj/4Yr/3uM/0Ck/5YW/8xk)
Magic Skills: Air Skill 14, Fire Skill 17
Phenotype: Darken Cream with Blanket, Stroke and Tricolor
Genotype: CC/gG/bb/nDar/cEry/cTop/nBln/cDor/cFr/nSrk/cSuk/cVm/cAu/cQua/nTri/mFth/mFlu/mSprk/LPhn/aWld/aFli/aLdr/acLiv
Carries: Erythristic, Topaz, Dorsal, Frosted, Sunkissed, Vibrant Mane, Aurora, Quagga, Living Library
Mane Type: Friesian
Ears Type: Bat
Tail Type: Whip
Horns Type: Spiral
[Mutations] Feathering, Flute, Spark, Phoenix
[Abilities] Wild Heart, Flight, Leadership
Geno: https://drakiri.com/geno/5044

4.) Kainu Male, Healthy (1Nj/3uM/3Km/0BS/8xk/5YW)
Magic Skills: Air Skill 25, Fire Skill 13
Phenotype: Dilute Fawn with Dorsal, Fade, Frosted and Tricolor
Genotype: cC/GG/Bb/nDil/cEry/nDor/nFde/nFr/cQua/nTri/mPol/mFog/LCos/acElm/aDaz
Carries: Erythristic, Quagga, Elemental
Mane Type: Friesian
Ears Type: Papillon
Tail Type: Equine
Horns Type: Aspis
[Mutations] Polycaudal, Fogwisp, Cosmic
[Abilities] Dazzle
Geno: https://drakiri.com/geno/5045

5.) Bantam Kainu Female, Healthy (4zo/3uM/3Km/2oG/5YW/8xk)
Magic Skills: Air Skill 16, Fire Skill 21
Phenotype: Erythristic Cream with Blanket and Quagga
Genotype: Cc/gg/bb/nEry/nBln/cFr/cSrk/nQua/mcExt/mFlry/mSml/LPhn/acElm/aFli/aLdr
Carries: Frosted, Stroke, Extended Scales, Elemental
Mane Type: Barbary
Ears Type: Fae
Tail Type: Unicorn
Horns Type: Ram
[Mutations] Flurry, Smoldering Gaze, Phoenix
[Abilities] Flight, Leadership
Geno: https://drakiri.com/geno/5046

6.) Kainu Male, Healthy (4zo/3uM/4Yr/8xk/2oG/5YW)
Magic Skills: Air Skill 22, Fire Skill 13
Phenotype: Topaz Gold with Blanket, Dorsal and Sunkissed
Genotype: cc/GG/Bb/cEry/nTop/nBln/nDor/cFr/cGaz/nSuk/cQua/mFog/acWld/aLdr
Carries: Erythristic, Frosted, Gazelle, Quagga, Wild Heart
Mane Type: Friesian
Ears Type: Long Tufted
Tail Type: Regal
Horns Type: Royal
[Mutations] Fogwisp
[Abilities] Leadership
Geno: https://drakiri.com/geno/5047

The Roller Breaker was used in this breeding!

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1302 Posts

04/02/2022 Edited 04/02/2022

Full Breeding to QueenAlpha
No breeding items used
Rolled by PeachmintTea

Breeding Claim: https://drakiri.com/admin/submissions/edit/2644

I-2212: Kinera x I-1926: Toxic

1.) Sprite-Kelpie Female, Healthy (3Ra/7XK/3uB/7qr/5Ou/8xS)
Phenotype: Sapphire Fawn with Pangare, Sable, Striped, Python and Satin
Genotype: cC/Gg/Bb/nSph/cBlc/nPgr/nSbl/nStr/cIri/nPtn/nSat/mcExt/mcInt/aSwf/aOcn/aSrn
Carries: Bleached, Iridescent Scales, Extended Scales, Intersex
Mane Type: Silken
Ears Type: Common
Tail Type: Common
Horns Type: Antlers
[Abilities] Swift, Oceanborn, Siren Song
Geno: https://drakiri.com/geno/5041

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1302 Posts

04/01/2022 Edited 04/01/2022

Full Breeding for JadedSnow
No breeding items used
Rolled by Sketchies-ARPG

Breeding Claim: https://drakiri.com/admin/submissions/edit/2649

I-2213: Drexin x I-2079: M̴̧̬̲̬̩̂́̄̈̽͑̀̋̇͂͝o̶̢͉̮͚͎̫̜̜͓͂̐͋͆͋͜r̶̭͔̤̣̺͎͍̞̼̗̩͎̓̈̾̕͝ṟ̸̢̘̱̦̲͕̲̖̈́͊̌͜ǐ̸͇̈́̅̓͛̒͗͝g̵̢̰̞͖̜̒͊̓̑̇̈͝ͅȃ̵̡̻̟̺͔̖̣͈̤͂́̋̓̂͐͑̊̋̕͝n̴̫͙̞͙͌̔̇̈̚͘

1.) Komakha Female, Healthy (0BK/7ED/0Cv/5Ce/1wj/9po)
Phenotype: Topaz Cream with Dapples, Dipped, Frosted, Ocelli and Satin
Genotype: CC/gg/Bb/cEry/nTop/nDpl/nDip/nFr/cGra/cMot/cTik/cTrc/nOce/nSat/mcRds/mcMyt/aAgl/aIrn/aHan/aHsn/aMch/aRnd2
Carries: Erythristic, Gradient, Mottled, Ticked, Traced, Reduced Scales, Mystical Eyes
Mane Type: Barbary
Ears Type: Lapine
Tail Type: Curled
Horns Type: Aspis
[Abilities] Agile, Iron Wall, Handy, Heightened Senses, Mischief, Randomizer 2

2.) Komakha Male, Healthy (6mP/7ED/0Cv/1wj/5Ce/9po)
Phenotype: Erythristic Fawn with Dipped, Ticked, Glimmer and Satin
Genotype: cC/gG/Bb/nEry/nDip/cGra/cPgr/cSbl/nTik/cSmk/cSrk/nGlim/nSat/aIrn/acFer/aHsn
Carries: Gradient, Pangare, Sable, Smoke, Stroke, Fertile
Mane Type: Barbary
Ears Type: Common
Tail Type: Yun
Horns Type: Aspis
[Abilities] Iron Wall, Heightened Senses

Double Uterus:
3.) Kelpie Female, Healthy (0BK/0Cv/7ED/5Ce/1wj/2oG)
Phenotype: Sapphire Cream with Gradient, Sable, Scale Stripes, Ticked, Smoke, Traced, King Cheetah and Shatter
Genotype: CC/gg/Bb/nSph/cCre/nGra/cMot/nSbl/nScs/nTik/nSmk/nTrc/nKc/nSha/mcDead/aAgl/aFart/aIrn/aHel/aOcn/aFer/aHsn/acMch/aShk/aSrn
Carries: Crescents, Mottled, Dead Eyes, Mischief
Mane Type: Barbary
Ears Type: Common
Tail Type: Yun
Horns Type: Common
[Abilities] Agile, Farts, Iron Wall, Healer's Gift, Oceanborn, Fertile, Heightened Senses, Shockwave, Siren Song

4.) Komakha-Kelpie Male, Healthy (0BK/0Cv/7ED/2oG/9po/2mq)
Phenotype: Cream with Dorsal, Frosted, Pangare, Scale Stripes, Ticked, Roan, Traced, Piebald and Satin
Genotype: CC/gG/Bb/cEry/nDor/nFr/cMot/PgrPgr/cSbl/nScs/nTik/nRon/nTrc/cAu/nPie/nSat/mWhsk/acAgl/acFart/aIrn/aOcn/acFer/aHsn/aRnd2/aShk/aSrn
Carries: Erythristic, Mottled, Sable, Aurora, Agile, Farts, Fertile
Mane Type: Rebel
Ears Type: Common
Tail Type: Curled
Horns Type: Aspis
[Mutations] Whiskerless
[Abilities] Iron Wall, Oceanborn, Heightened Senses, Randomizer 2, Shockwave, Siren Song

The following abilities from I-2213: Drexin were applied: Hyper Fertile, Randomizer 1, Fertile
The following abilities from I-2079: M̴̧̬̲̬̩̂́̄̈̽͑̀̋̇͂͝o̶̢͉̮͚͎̫̜̜͓͂̐͋͆͋͜r̶̭͔̤̣̺͎͍̞̼̗̩͎̓̈̾̕͝ṟ̸̢̘̱̦̲͕̲̖̈́͊̌͜ǐ̸͇̈́̅̓͛̒͗͝g̵̢̰̞͖̜̒͊̓̑̇̈͝ͅȃ̵̡̻̟̺͔̖̣͈̤͂́̋̓̂͐͑̊̋̕͝n̴̫͙̞͙͌̔̇̈̚͘ were applied: Fertile, Randomizer 2