Comments on Rite of Endurance fungi forest in RP Threads

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He saw the effect it was having on the sisters and knew he had to try to fix this quickly. If any of it had gotten down Mckenzie's throat it could begin to paralyze her from the inside.

The creature that emerged from the skin of the nightmare was almost painful to look at. Its skin was pink and furless, black and green veins throbbing under the pink and giving the creature a sickly palor. Strings of bloody mucous attached it to the skin as it pulled itself free, black-stained mouth open wide to reveal a toothless hole that seemed to expand as its maw opened wider. It had eyes, but they were too big for its skul, bulbous and green, the pupils swirling independently of one another as it looked at its soon-to-be victims.

It crawled forward on spindly legs, its too-large hands and too-long fingers sinking into the ground. Any fresh leaves that had fallen from the trees above curled and blackened, turning to liquid rot under the rifter's touch. The area around it turned black with death as it stood on four legs of mismatched length and sizes, letting out low clicks from that hole in its face.

Solpor swung at the rifter and caught it on the side of the head. His claws tore through its skin like it was made of sodden paper and he hissed as he felt the skin around his claws burning. He looked to see the black liquid bubbling as it burned away the fur on his toes and filled the air with the stench of burning hair.

He limped quickly back, grabbing a slender tree between his teeth and ripping it from the ground in one swift motion. He looked back to see the rifter moving slowly toward Maddy, its mouth opening wider and wider as if it was trying to gauge how big it needed to be before it could swallow her whole.

Solpor took the tree in his hand, fumbling with it slightly as he planted his back feet. One arm hung uselessly at his side, but that didn't stop him from lifting the tree and driving the thicker end of the trunk at the root bundle through the rifter's head. It collapsed to the ground, black icor flowing freely between fragments of skull and rotting flesh, burning the roots of the tree like bubbling acid. The rest of the rifter melted into more of the black goo and Solpor limped over to Maddy, taking her by the ruff of her neck in his mouth and dragging her carefully away from the spreading puddle.

He released her a safe distance away and sat down heavily, breathing heavily and wincing in pain. As the puddle began to soak into the ground, the numbness in his arm started to let up. At least it didn't seem to last long once the rifter was dead.

2021-07-19 04:51:42

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Maddy look and watch him fight it of as she then was pull away by her ruff. "That was close." she breath as she look to see her sister glaring angry at the dead rifter. "Thank you." she said to him. "Start to get feeling back now but we should wait until we can feel fully in are legs before going."

Mckenzie was getting her voice back. "Wwwh" She cough a bit and had annoyed look on her face as she lay on the ground and look to her sister seeing she was fine and the creature dead. Maybe she will study how to stop rifter from attacking others.

2021-07-19 20:17:11