Comments on Rite of Endurance fungi forest in RP Threads

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The creature's mouth stretched impossibly wide as the sisters came to Solpor's aid, a hissing clicking sound rattling deep in its throat. The kicks drew forth greenish-blackish liquid that seeped from the gashes Maddy's hooves opened and it clung to her hooves, creeping farther up into the fur around them.

The tail that Mckenzie grabbed pulled away from the body with a wet squelching sound, the same greenish-blackish liquid exploded from where the primal's teeth sank into the flesh. Far more than seemed logical gushed into her mouth, flowing between her teeth and down her throat, soaking into the fur on her chest and dripping down her forelegs.

Solpor was also not spared, for as the hands were ripped from the body, the fluid flowed up the remainder of the fingers and along his forearm, soaking through his short, dense fur and onto his skin. His skin tingled where it touched and then went numb, that feeling spreading deeper into the tissues beneath his skin. His right leg was entirely numb by the time he stumbled away, teeth gritted and growling low in his throat.

"Get away from it!" he snapped. "It is paralyzing us." He eyed the rifter as he felt muscles in his chest beginning to spasm before they too fell prey to the effect. But he managed to see the skin of the nightmare writhing on the body, beginning to separate from the creature beneath.

2021-07-19 03:01:43

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Maddy back away feeling numb in her back legs as she move away as quickly as she could but the numbing feel crawl up her legs as she fall from her back end and drag herself away as much as she could but stop to look over at her sister. "Sis get away fast."

Mckenzie raer up and spin and bolt as fast as she could away from it but she too fall to the ground feeling the numbness of it. She growls stubbornly as she could not feel her front legs but she try to fight herself to get up but it was not working. She let out a growl before she could not feel her mouth and throat. With mighty snorted she glare at the creature with anger in her eyes.

2021-07-19 03:16:55