Comments on Summer 2023 Breeding Thread in Breeding

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Split - Sly, Hellcatstrut
Item: Equal Opportunity Potion, Level-Match Ticket, Beacon, Mutation Serum, Flickering Fire, Dravhokonus Scale, Lucky Rabbit's Foot, Advanced Mutation Serum, Advanced Rainbow Potion, Legendary Mutation Serum, Rare Marking Booster, Experimental Potion, Fertility Potion, Uncommon Marking Booster, Carried Marking Booster, Magical Cocktail, Rarity Potion
Breeding Claim:
Rolled by - PeachmintTea

I-2031: Meriadoc x I-1528: Icarus Sinbad

Base Litter:
1) Sprite Intersex, Healthy (2ux/4aK/4iK/6oK/8Uj/3UZ)
Magic Skills: Fire Skill 7
Phenotype: Ocean Gold with Bleached, Flecks, Frosted, Saddle, Stained, Striped, Guppy, Iridescent Scales, Jasper, Smoke, Vitiligo, Aurora and Quagga
Genotype: cc/GG/bB/nJde/nSph/nSmk/nTop/cBln/nBlc/nFlek/nFr/cPgr/nSdl/cScs/nSta/nStr/cTik/nGup/nIri/nJp/cPtn/cTpr/nVit/nAu/nQua/cTri/mInt/mSrm/aElm/acFrn/acCur/acHih/aPrm/aSrn/acFcs/acEna/aDpf/acShk/aIrn/aSwf
Carries: Blanket, Pangare, Scale Stripes, Ticked, Python, Tapir, Tricolor, Friendly, Curious, High Roller, Focus, Enfeebling Aura, Shockwave
Mane Type: Rebel
Ears Type: Common
Tail Type: Vulpine
Horns Type: Elk
[Mutations] Intersex, Shroom
[Abilities] Elemental, Promiscuous, Siren Song, Deep Focus, Iron Wall, Swift

2) Sprite Male, Healthy (2ux/4aK/7Eo/0Ck/8Uj/6oK)
Magic Skills: Fire Skill 8
Phenotype: Emerald Gold with Collar, Frosted, Panda, Pangare, Saddle, Ticked, Bicolor, Iridescent Scales, Jasper, Siamese, Tapir, Bismuth, Cinder, Ocelli and Quagga
Genotype: cc/GG/bb/nJde/cSph/ColCol/nBi/cEry/nTop/cBln/cBlc/nFr/nPgr/nSdl/cScs/nTik/nIri/nJp/cSrk/nTpr/nBsm/nCin/nQua/nOce/nPan/nSia/mShm/mAcl/aLiv/acGrn/aDksDks/aSwf/aFrb/acAdv/aHel/acElm/acCur/aIrn/aDen
Carries: Sapphire, Erythrism, Blanket, Bleached, Scale Stripes, Stroke, Green Thumb, Adventurer, Elemental, Curious
Mane Type: Rebel
Ears Type: Long Tufted
Tail Type: Silken
Horns Type: Fae
[Mutations] Shimmerstep, Aethyric Clarity
[Abilities] Living Library, Darksight, Swift, Fireborn, Healer's Gift, Iron Wall, Den Mother

Double Uterus:
3) Sprite Intersex, Healthy (4aK/2ux/4iK/0Ck/8Uj/3UZ)
Magic Skills: Fire Skill 7
Phenotype: Ruby Gold with Collar, Frosted, Pangare, Sable, Scale Stripes, Striped, Ticked, Stroke, Cinder and Quilted
Genotype: cc/GG/bB/cSph/nCol/cSmk/nQui/nEry/nTop/cBlc/cFlek/nFr/nPgr/nSbl/cSdl/nScs/cSta/nStr/nTik/cIri/cPtn/nSrk/cTpr/cVit/nCin/cKc/LPhn/LcCry/mcInt/mFog/acHel/acLdr/acGrn/aHihHih/aFrb/aSwf/acDpf/acIrn/acFrn/aAdv/aStu/aDbl/aFli
Carries: Sapphire, Smoke, Bleached, Flecks, Saddle, Stained, Iridescent Scales, Python, Tapir, Vitiligo, King Cheetah, Crystalline, Intersex, Healer's Gift, Leadership, Green Thumb, Deep Focus, Iron Wall, Friendly
Mane Type: Silken
Ears Type: Fancy
Tail Type: Silken
Horns Type: Elk
[Mutations] Phoenix, Fogwisp
[Abilities] High Roller, Fireborn, Swift, Adventurer, Studious, Double Trouble, Flight

4) Sprite Female, Healthy (2ux/4iK/1ri/0Ck/3UZ/6oK)
Magic Skills: Fire Skill 13
Phenotype: Silver Topaz Gold with Blanket, Collar, Saddle, Stained, Ticked, Gazelle, Jasper and Bismuth
Genotype: cc/GG/bB/cJde/nCol/cSky/cEry/nTop/nBln/cPgr/cSbl/nSdl/cScs/nSta/nTik/nGaz/nJp/nBsm/cPan/nSlv/mVdt/aHihHih/aGye/acDks/aFrb/aGrn/aLuk/acIrn/aFrn/aSwf/acDpf/aFcs
Carries: Jade, Skyline, Erythrism, Pangare, Sable, Scale Stripes, Panda, Darksight, Iron Wall, Deep Focus
Mane Type: Silken
Ears Type: Lapine
Tail Type: Vulpine
Horns Type: Royal
[Mutations] Verdant
[Abilities] High Roller, Good Eye, Fireborn, Green Thumb, Lucky, Friendly, Swift, Focus

The following abilities from I-2031: Meriadoc were applied: Den Mother
The following abilities from I-1528: Icarus Sinbad were applied: Double Trouble

The following items were used: Equal Opportunity Potion, Level-Match Ticket, Dravhokonus Blood, Magic Cocktail, Advanced Rainbow Potion, Uncommon Marking Booster, Rare Marking Booster, Carried Marking Booster, Rarity Potion, Advanced Mutation Serum, Legendary Mutation Serum, Beacon, Experimental Potion
The following items were selected but not used: Fertility Potion, Flickering Fire, Lucky Rabbit's Foot, Mutation Serum, Dhaebru Essence (discontinued)

2023-10-04 00:47:11 (Edited 2023-10-04 01:23:00)