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Breeding Claim:
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I-329: Nyx x I-1528: Icarus Sinbad

Base Litter:
1) Kainu Female, Healthy (9Zc/6xz/4oM/0Ck/3UZ/6oK)
Magic Skills: Fire Skill 3
Phenotype: Turquoise Gold with Flecks, Pangare, Sable, Saddle, Striped, Gazelle, Iridescent Scales, Stroke, Aurora, Ocelli and Quagga
Genotype: cc/Gg/bB/nSph/cEry/nAu/nIri/cPtn/cFb/nPgr/SblSbl/cTop/cBlc/cCol/nFlek/nSdl/nStr/cTik/nGaz/nSrk/cTpr/cCin/nQua/cKc/nOce/nJde/mInt/acFrb/aMag/acLdr/aAgl/aDpf/aBom/aElm/aFcs/aMch
Carries: Erythrism, Python, Fleabitten, Topaz, Bleached, Collar, Ticked, Tapir, Cinder, King Cheetah, Fireborn, Leadership
Mane Type: Friesian
Ears Type: Fae
Tail Type: Common
Horns Type: Royal
[Mutations] Intersex
[Abilities] Magically Inclined, Agile, Deep Focus, Boom, Elemental, Focus, Mischief

2) Nightmare Female, Healthy (9Zc/4oM/1WF/0Ck/8Uj/3UZ)
Phenotype: Gold with Blanket, Bleached, Fleabitten, Frosted, Pangare, Scale Stripes, Ticked, Bicolor, Siamese, Stroke, Aurora and King Cheetah
Genotype: cc/GG/bB/cEry/nAu/nSia/nFb/nFr/nPgr/cTop/nBln/nBlc/cSdl/nScs/cStn/cStr/nTik/nBi/nSrk/cTpr/nKc/aDks/aFrb/aHel/acLiv/aShk/aFrn/acGrn/aAgl/aElm/aEna/aIrn/aObs
Carries: Erythrism, Topaz, Saddle, Stone, Striped, Tapir, Living Library, Green Thumb
Mane Type: Rebel
Ears Type: Fae
Tail Type: Silken
Horns Type: Fae
[Abilities] Darksight, Fireborn, Healer's Gift, Shockwave, Friendly, Agile, Elemental, Enfeebling Aura, Iron Wall, Obscure

3) Nightmare Male, Healthy (6xz/8no/1es/0Ck/6oK/8Uj)
Magic Skills: Fire Skill 5
Phenotype: Sunglow Gold with Bleached, Sable, Saddle, Stone, Ticked, Patches, Tapir, Cinder and King Cheetah
Genotype: cc/GG/bB/nSph/nEry/cIri/cPtn/cSia/cFb/cFr/cPgr/nSbl/nTop/nBlc/nSdl/cScs/nStn/nTik/cBi/cGup/nPch/cSrk/nTpr/nCin/nKc/LcCry/acElm/aFrb/aObs/acIrn/aDks
Carries: Iridescent Scales, Python, Siamese, Fleabitten, Frosted, Pangare, Scale Stripes, Bicolor, Guppy, Stroke, Crystalline, Elemental, Iron Wall
Mane Type: Fringe
Ears Type: Fae
Tail Type: Silken
Horns Type: Baphomet
[Abilities] Fireborn, Obscure, Darksight

4) Kainu Female, Healthy (8no/9Zc/1es/0Ck/8Uj/6oK)
Magic Skills: Fire Skill 4
Phenotype: Sunglow Gold with Blanket, Collar, Fleabitten, Flecks, Pangare, Sable, Scale Stripes, Stone, Striped, Ticked, Underbelly, Guppy and Tricolor
Genotype: cc/gG/bb/nSph/EryEry/cAu/nFb/nPgr/SblSbl/nUn/nTop/nBln/nCol/nFlek/nScs/nStn/nStr/nTik/nGup/cJp/cBsm/nTri/aAgl/aMch/aMag/aFcs/aLdr/acFrn/aGrn/aEna/aFrb/aShk
Carries: Aurora, Jasper, Bismuth, Friendly
Mane Type: Rebel
Ears Type: Long Tufted
Tail Type: Unicorn
Horns Type: Baphomet
[Abilities] Agile, Mischief, Magically Inclined, Focus, Leadership, Green Thumb, Enfeebling Aura, Fireborn, Shockwave

Double Uterus:
5) Nightmare Female, Healthy (4oM/1WF/1es/0Ck/8Uj/3UZ)
Phenotype: Gold with Blanket, Bleached, Collar, Fleabitten, Frosted, Sable, Saddle, Scale Stripes, Ticked, Iridescent Scales, Patches and Stroke
Genotype: cc/GG/bB/IriIri/cPtn/nFb/nFr/nSbl/nBln/nBlc/nCol/nSdl/nScs/cStn/nTik/cGaz/nPch/nSrk/cBsm/cCin/cOce/aGrn/acFcs/aFrn/aDpf/acAgl/acMch/aElm/acMag/aIrn/aDks/acHih/aObs
Carries: Python, Stone, Gazelle, Bismuth, Cinder, Ocelli, Focus, Agile, Mischief, Magically Inclined, High Roller
Mane Type: Fringe
Ears Type: Long Tufted
Tail Type: Curled
Horns Type: Elk
[Abilities] Green Thumb, Friendly, Deep Focus, Elemental, Iron Wall, Darksight, Obscure

6) Nightmare Male, Healthy (1WF/1es/4oM/6oK/8Uj/3UZ)
Magic Skills: Fire Skill 4
Phenotype: Jade Gold with Collar, Flecks, Frosted, Pangare, Saddle, Striped, Ticked, Bicolor, Iridescent Scales, Patches and Python
Genotype: cc/GG/bB/nIri/nPtn/nFr/nPgr/cBln/nCol/nFlek/nSdl/nStr/nTik/nBi/cGup/nPch/cSrk/cTri/nJde/acFrn/aGrn/aRec/acMch/acEna/acFrb/aElm/aAgl/acFcs/aObs/aDks
Carries: Blanket, Guppy, Stroke, Tricolor, Friendly, Mischief, Enfeebling Aura, Fireborn, Focus
Mane Type: Elk
Ears Type: Fae
Tail Type: Unicorn
Horns Type: Baphomet
[Abilities] Green Thumb, Recoil, Elemental, Agile, Obscure, Darksight

The following abilities from I-1528: Icarus Sinbad were applied: Double Trouble

The following items were used: Level-Match Ticket, Magic Cocktail, Advanced Rainbow Potion, Rarity Potion, Advanced Mutation Serum, Beacon
The following items were selected but not used:

2023-05-29 21:39:38 (Edited 2023-05-29 21:51:14)