Comments on Summer 2023 Breeding Thread in Breeding

Drakiri-Archives Avatar
Drakiri-Archives Staff Member

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2023-05-23 01:29:40

Drakiri-Archives Avatar
Drakiri-Archives Staff Member

Breeding for IceDragonQueen22 rolled by Hellcatstrut
Breeding Claim:

I-259: R'lythothc'thunm'ell, the Desolate One x I-731: Alexis

Base Litter:
1) Primal-Zarkanta Female, Healthy (2vZ/4xK/2fm/7qr/4ZF/6sZ)
Magic Skills: Entropy Skill 16, 18 Corruption
Phenotype: Ruby Chestnut with Fade and Painted Egg
Genotype: cc/gG/bB/cSbl/cSpt/cLeo/nFde/nEry/nTop/nEgg/mBrn/mDec/mWrp/aBnt/acMix/aTnt/aSwf/aTrr/aThr/aStb
Carries: Sable, Spots, Leopard, Mixed Up
Mane Type: Silken
Ears Type: Sleek
Tail Type: Fluffed
Horns Type: Common
[Mutations] Burning Eyes, Decay, Warped
[Abilities] Bantam, Tainted, Swift, Thunderous Roar, Threatening Presence, Stubborn

2) Sprite Male, Healthy (2vZ/4xK/2fm/1sl/7qr/3TH)
Magic Skills: Entropy Skill 16, 23 Corruption
Phenotype: Sapphire Chestnut with Bleached, Hood, Pangare, Sable and Spots
Genotype: cc/GG/BB/nPgr/nSbl/nSpt/cGlim/cEmb/nSph/cTby/nBlc/nHd/cPny/mEys/mcBrn/mcUnd/mRad/mGna/mMlt/mWrp/acShk/aLuk/acShdb/aDks/aBnt/aRnd1/aObs/aSwf
Carries: Glimmer, Embossed, Tabby, Pinata, Burning Eyes, Undead, Shockwave, Shadeborn
Mane Type: Silken
Ears Type: Folded
Tail Type: Fluffed
Horns Type: Common
[Mutations] Extra Eyes, Radioactive, Gnarled, Melt, Warped
[Abilities] Lucky, Darksight, Bantam, Randomizer 1, Obscure, Swift

3) Sprite-Zarkanta Female, Healthy (2vZ/4xK/2fm/6sZ/4ZF/7qr)
Magic Skills: Entropy Skill 22, 23 Corruption
Phenotype: Jade Cream with Bleached, Fade, Hood, Pangare, Siamese, Vibrant Mane and Glimmer
Genotype: cC/gg/Bb/nPgr/nGlim/nVm/cLeo/nSia/nFde/nJde/nBlc/nHd/mcEys/mcMel/mLon/mcGna/mPrs/mRad/aShdb/aBnt/acMix/acBard/aHyf/acFer/aRnd1/acPrm/aSwf/aThr/aStb
Carries: Leopard, Extra Eyes, Melanism, Gnarled, Mixed Up, Bard, Fertile, Promiscuous
Mane Type: Common
Ears Type: Sleek
Tail Type: Fluffed
Horns Type: Common
[Mutations] Longhair, Prism, Radioactive
[Abilities] Shadeborn, Bantam, Hyper Fertile, Randomizer 1, Swift, Threatening Presence, Stubborn

4) Kainu-Sprite Male, Healthy (2vZ/4xK/2fm/3TH/7qr/6sZ)
Magic Skills: Entropy Skill 21, 19 Corruption
Phenotype: Jade Cream with Bleached, Pangare and Sable
Genotype: Cc/gg/bB/nPgr/SblSbl/cSpt/cCin/cFde/cEry/nJde/cSph/nBlc/cHd/mFth/mcLpt/mDec/acRnd1/aPrm/aShdb/aSwf/aFer/acTnt/aBard
Carries: Spots, Cinder, Fade, Erythrism, Sapphire, Hood, Leprechaun's Treasure, Randomizer 1, Tainted
Mane Type: Common
Ears Type: Sleek
Tail Type: Fluffed
Horns Type: Ram
[Mutations] Feathering, Decay
[Abilities] Promiscuous, Shadeborn, Swift, Fertile, Bard

Double Uterus:
5) Zarkanta Male, Healthy (2vZ/4xK/2fm/3TH/7qr/6sZ)
Magic Skills: Entropy Skill 12, 14 Corruption
Phenotype: Erythrism Fawn with Fade, Sable, Embossed, Tabby, Hearts and Pinata
Genotype: CC/GG/BB/nSbl/cSpt/cVm/nEmb/nFde/nEry/nTby/nHrt/nPny/mcBrn/mcDec/mCrm/acBard/acMix/aSwf/aBnt/acShk/aShdb/aThr/aStb
Carries: Spots, Vibrant Mane, Burning Eyes, Decay, Bard, Mixed Up, Shockwave
Mane Type: Common
Ears Type: Sleek
Tail Type: Common
Horns Type: Common
[Mutations] Crumbling
[Abilities] Swift, Bantam, Shadeborn, Threatening Presence, Stubborn

6) Nightmare-Kelpie Male, Healthy (2vZ/4xK/2fm/1sl/4ZF/3TH)
Magic Skills: Entropy Skill 25, 15 Corruption
Phenotype: Cream with Hood and Sable
Genotype: cC/gg/BB/nSbl/cSpt/cVm/cFde/cSat/cBlc/nHd/mLpt/mWtr/mRad/mDec/aFer/acPrm/aBard/aSwf/aObs/aDks/aOcn/aSrn
Carries: Spots, Vibrant Mane, Fade, Satin, Bleached, Promiscuous
Mane Type: Common
Ears Type: Sleek
Tail Type: Fluffed
Horns Type: Ram
[Mutations] Leprechaun's Treasure, Waterfalls, Radioactive, Decay
[Abilities] Fertile, Bard, Swift, Obscure, Darksight, Oceanborn, Siren Song

The following abilities from I-259: R'lythothc'thunm'ell, the Desolate One were applied: Shadeborn, Double Trouble, Fertile, Cosmopolitan, Mixed Up, Hyper Fertile
The following abilities from I-731: Alexis were applied: Randomizer 1

2023-11-19 21:58:01 (Edited 2023-12-01 02:42:22)

Drakiri-Archives Avatar
Drakiri-Archives Staff Member

Breeding for Sketchies-ARPG rolled by Hellcatstrut
Breeding Claim:

I-2862: R̴͇̬̼̠̒̽͒̕a̴̙̋i̶̙̞͆͊̅n̸̩̦̒ḇ̸̭̲͆̽̋ͅỏ̴͍͛̀̊w̶̳͗͠ Not Found x I-2862: R̴͇̬̼̠̒̽͒̕a̴̙̋i̶̙̞͆͊̅n̸̩̦̒ḇ̸̭̲͆̽̋ͅỏ̴͍͛̀̊w̶̳͗͠ Not Found

Base Litter:
1) Zarkanta Female, Healthy (2ux/4Cl/9Nh/9Nh/4Cl/3Gs)
Phenotype: Epistatic White with Bleached, Collar, Crescents, Dapples, Diamond, Dipped, Fade, Flare, Gradient, Mask, Sable, Split, Striped, Underbelly, Zag, Dun, Mane Tips, Strata, Traced, Satin and Skyline
Genotype: cc/gg/bb/cEry/cSph/cBln/nBlc/ColCol/nCre/nDpl/DiaDia/nDip/cDor/nFde/FlrFlr/cFlek/nGra/cHd/nMsk/cPgr/nSbl/cSdl/cSok/nSpi/nStr/cTik/UnUn/nZag/nDun/cGup/nMt/cSia/nStt/cTdr/nTrc/cHrt/nSat/nSky/mcZph/LGlc/aFluf/aSwm/aFrn/acSrn/aGrn/acDpf/aHanHan/aSwf/aOcn/acWld/aFrbFrb/aThr/aStb
Carries: Erythrism, Sapphire, Blanket, Dorsal, Flecks, Hood, Pangare, Saddle, Socks, Ticked, Guppy, Siamese, Teardrop, Hearts, Zephyr, Siren Song, Deep Focus, Wild Heart
Mane Type: Fringe
Ears Type: Elegant
Tail Type: Silken
Horns Type: Elk
[Mutations] Glitch
[Abilities] Fluffy, Swimmer, Friendly, Green Thumb, Handy, Swift, Oceanborn, Fireborn, Threatening Presence, Stubborn

The following abilities from I-2862: R̴͇̬̼̠̒̽͒̕a̴̙̋i̶̙̞͆͊̅n̸̩̦̒ḇ̸̭̲͆̽̋ͅỏ̴͍͛̀̊w̶̳͗͠ Not Found were applied: Fluffy, Legendary Randomizer, Randomizer 2, Rainbow Sparkle Magic, Legendary Blood
The following abilities from I-2862: R̴͇̬̼̠̒̽͒̕a̴̙̋i̶̙̞͆͊̅n̸̩̦̒ḇ̸̭̲͆̽̋ͅỏ̴͍͛̀̊w̶̳͗͠ Not Found were applied: Randomizer 2, Legendary Blood, Fluffy, Rainbow Sparkle Magic, Legendary Randomizer

The following items were used: Equal Opportunity Potion
The following items were selected but not used:

2023-11-18 00:41:31 (Edited 2023-12-01 02:41:51)

Drakiri-Archives Avatar
Drakiri-Archives Staff Member

Rolled for Sly by Hellcatstrut
Breeding Claim:

I-2031: Meriadoc x I-1528: Icarus Sinbad

Base Litter:
1) Sprite Male, Healthy (4aK/2ux/1ri/0Ck/3UZ/8Uj)
Magic Skills: Fire Skill 13
Phenotype: Aquamarine Chestnut with Blanket, Bleached, Collar, Sable, Saddle, Stained, Striped, Ticked, Underbelly, Bicolor, Python, Bismuth, Cinder, King Cheetah and Quilted
Genotype: cc/gG/bB/nSph/nCol/BiBi/nQui/cSky/nTop/nBln/nBlc/cFlek/nSbl/nSdl/nSta/nStr/nTik/cJp/nPtn/nBsm/nCin/nKc/nUn/aShc/aAdv/aRec/aSwf/acCur/aGrn/aHsn/aFcs
Carries: Skyline, Flecks, Jasper, Curious
Mane Type: Regal
Ears Type: Fae
Tail Type: Silken
Horns Type: Elk
[Abilities] Shock, Adventurer, Recoil, Swift, Green Thumb, Heightened Senses, Focus

2) Kainu Male, Healthy (4aK/2ux/4iK/0Ck/8Uj/6oK)
Magic Skills: Fire Skill 6
Phenotype: Magenta Chestnut with Blanket, Collar, Frosted, Saddle, Scale Stripes, Stained, Ticked, Guppy, Iridescent Scales, Smoke, Tapir, Bismuth, Ocelli and Quilted
Genotype: cc/gG/bB/nJde/nCol/cBi/nSmk/nQui/nEry/nBln/cFlek/nFr/cPgr/nSdl/nScs/nSta/cStr/nTik/cGaz/nGup/nIri/cSrk/nTpr/cVit/nBsm/cCin/nOce/cPan/acGye/aAgl/aBom/aFrb/aIrn/acMag/aSwm/acStu/aCur/aDks/aPrm
Carries: Bicolor, Flecks, Pangare, Striped, Gazelle, Stroke, Vitiligo, Cinder, Panda, Good Eye, Magically Inclined, Studious
Mane Type: Rebel
Ears Type: Long Tufted
Tail Type: Silken
Horns Type: Elk
[Abilities] Agile, Boom, Fireborn, Iron Wall, Swimmer, Curious, Darksight, Promiscuous

Double Uterus:
3) Kainu Male, Healthy (4iK/7Eo/1ri/0Ck/3UZ/6oK)
Magic Skills: Fire Skill 8
Phenotype: Chestnut with Blanket, Bleached, Sable, Saddle, Stained, Bicolor, Python, Tapir, Vitiligo and Ocelli
Genotype: cc/gG/bB/nBi/cEry/nBln/nBlc/cFlek/cFr/nSbl/nSdl/nSta/cStr/cTik/cGup/cJp/nPtn/cSrk/nTpr/nVit/cQua/nOce/aCur/aIrn/acEna/aRec/acAdv/aLuk/aSwf/aFrb/acStu/acFcs/aHel
Carries: Erythrism, Flecks, Frosted, Striped, Ticked, Guppy, Jasper, Stroke, Quagga, Enfeebling Aura, Adventurer, Studious, Focus
Mane Type: Rebel
Ears Type: Long Tufted
Tail Type: Silken
Horns Type: Royal
[Abilities] Curious, Iron Wall, Recoil, Lucky, Swift, Fireborn, Healer's Gift

4) Sprite Intersex, Healthy (4aK/4iK/1ri/0Ck/8Uj/6oK)
Magic Skills: Fire Skill 13
Phenotype: Gold with Bleached, Collar, Flecks, Frosted, Pangare, Sable, Scale Stripes, Stained, Gazelle, Smoke and Tricolor
Genotype: cc/GG/bB/nCol/nSmk/nBlc/nFlek/nFr/nPgr/nSbl/nScs/nSta/cTik/nGaz/cIri/nTri/mcInt/aDtr/aBom/aAdv/acFrn/aIrn/aLiv/aSwf/aElm/aFrb/acStu/aFcs
Carries: Ticked, Iridescent Scales, Intersex, Friendly, Studious
Mane Type: Elk
Ears Type: Long Tufted
Tail Type: Silken
Horns Type: Royal
[Abilities] Determined, Boom, Adventurer, Iron Wall, Living Library, Swift, Elemental, Fireborn, Focus

5) Kainu Intersex, Healthy (2ux/4aK/4iK/0Ck/3UZ/6oK)
Magic Skills: Fire Skill 14
Phenotype: Chestnut with Bleached, Collar, Pangare, Sable, Scale Stripes, Stained, Ticked, Bicolor and Tricolor
Genotype: cc/gG/bB/nCol/BiBi/cBln/nBlc/cFlek/nPgr/nSbl/nScs/nSta/nTik/cIri/cAu/cCin/nTri/mInt/acDtr/acDen/aElm/aStu/aEna/acFrn/aHsn/aMag/acFcs/aAgl/acDks
Carries: Blanket, Flecks, Iridescent Scales, Aurora, Cinder, Determined, Den Mother, Friendly, Focus, Darksight
Mane Type: Silken
Ears Type: Fae
Tail Type: Dog
Horns Type: Elk
[Mutations] Intersex
[Abilities] Elemental, Studious, Enfeebling Aura, Heightened Senses, Magically Inclined, Agile

The following abilities from I-2031: Meriadoc were applied: Den Mother
The following abilities from I-1528: Icarus Sinbad were applied: Double Trouble

The following items were used: Rainbow Potion, Rare Marking Booster, Beacon
The following items were selected but not used: Equal Opportunity Potion

2023-11-15 10:33:51 (Edited 2023-11-15 10:36:23)

Drakiri-Archives Avatar
Drakiri-Archives Staff Member

Rolled for Sly by Hellcatstrut
Breeding Claim:

I-2031: Meriadoc x I-1528: Icarus Sinbad

Base Litter:
1) Kainu Female, Healthy (2ux/7Eo/1ri/0Ck/6oK/8Uj)
Magic Skills: Fire Skill 6
Phenotype: Gold with Bleached, Flecks, Striped, Python, Smoke, Cinder and Skyline
Genotype: cc/GG/bB/cJde/cSph/nSmk/nSky/nBlc/nFlek/cSbl/nStr/cTik/nPtn/cSrk/cTpr/nCin/mMol/aFrb/aHel/acDpf/aDrn/acShc/aGam/acSwf/aAgl/acIrn/aMagMag/aSwm
Carries: Jade, Sapphire, Sable, Ticked, Stroke, Tapir, Deep Focus, Shock, Swift, Iron Wall
Mane Type: Silken
Ears Type: Long Tufted
Tail Type: Silken
Horns Type: Antelope
[Mutations] Molten
[Abilities] Fireborn, Healer's Gift, Life Drain, Gambler, Agile, Magically Inclined, Swimmer

2) Sprite Intersex, Healthy (2ux/4iK/1ri/0Ck/3UZ/8Uj)
Magic Skills: Fire Skill 14
Phenotype: Chestnut with Collar, Frosted, Pangare, Scale Stripes, Stained, Striped, Bicolor, Smoke and Stroke
Genotype: cc/gG/bB/nCol/nBi/nSmk/cEry/cTop/cBlc/nFr/nPgr/nScs/nSta/nStr/cGaz/cGup/cIri/cJp/cPtn/nSrk/cTpr/cBsm/cCin/mInt/acFrb/aDpf/acLdr/aAgl/aFrn/aRec/acDks/aAdv/aIrn/acGye/aElmElm/aSwf
Carries: Erythrism, Topaz, Bleached, Gazelle, Guppy, Iridescent Scales, Jasper, Python, Tapir, Bismuth, Cinder, Fireborn, Leadership, Darksight, Good Eye
Mane Type: Silken
Ears Type: Fae
Tail Type: Silken
Horns Type: Elk
[Mutations] Intersex
[Abilities] Deep Focus, Agile, Friendly, Recoil, Adventurer, Iron Wall, Elemental, Swift

3) Sprite Male, Healthy (2ux/4aK/1ri/0Ck/6oK/3UZ)
Magic Skills: Fire Skill 7
Phenotype: Jade Chestnut with Blanket, Bleached, Collar, Flecks, Frosted, Saddle, Stained, Striped, Ticked, Jasper, Patches, Python, Skyline and Tricolor
Genotype: cc/gG/bB/nJde/nCol/cBi/nSky/cEry/nBln/nBlc/nFlek/nFr/cSbl/nSdl/nSta/nStr/nTik/cGup/cIri/nJp/nPch/nPtn/cTpr/cQua/nTri/cKc/aMagMag/aAgl/aBom/aAdv/aSwf/acHel/acGrn/acEna/aElmElm/aCur/acIrn
Carries: Bicolor, Erythrism, Sable, Guppy, Iridescent Scales, Tapir, Quagga, King Cheetah, Healer's Gift, Green Thumb, Enfeebling Aura, Iron Wall
Mane Type: Rebel
Ears Type: Fae
Tail Type: Silken
Horns Type: Elk
[Abilities] Magically Inclined, Agile, Boom, Adventurer, Swift, Elemental, Curious

4) Sprite Female, Healthy (4aK/2ux/4iK/0Ck/8Uj/6oK)
Magic Skills: Fire Skill 11
Phenotype: Jade Gold with Blanket, Pangare, Sable, Saddle, Stained, Striped, Guppy, Stroke, Aurora, Ocelli and Skyline
Genotype: cc/GG/bB/nJde/cCol/cBi/nSky/cTop/nBln/cFr/nPgr/nSbl/nSdl/cScs/nSta/nStr/cTik/nGup/nSrk/nAu/cBsm/nOce/mCdl/acSwm/aSwf/aHih/aGye/aFrb/aFcs/acDpf
Carries: Collar, Bicolor, Topaz, Frosted, Scale Stripes, Ticked, Bismuth, Swimmer, Deep Focus
Mane Type: Common
Ears Type: Long Tufted
Tail Type: Silken
Horns Type: Royal
[Mutations] Candles
[Abilities] Swift, High Roller, Good Eye, Fireborn, Focus

Double Uterus:
5) Sprite Male, Healthy (4aK/2ux/1ri/0Ck/3UZ/6oK)
Magic Skills: Fire Skill 8
Phenotype: Sapphire Gold with Bleached, Frosted, Sable, Striped, Guppy, Python, King Cheetah and Tricolor
Genotype: cc/GG/bb/nSph/cSmk/cSky/cEry/nBlc/cFlek/nFr/nSbl/nStr/nGup/nPtn/cCin/nTri/nKc/LPhn/acSrn/acRec/aStu/acFrn/aGrn/acElm/acDks/aShc/aDtr/acAdv/aAgl/aSwf/aFli
Carries: Smoke, Skyline, Erythrism, Flecks, Cinder, Siren Song, Recoil, Friendly, Elemental, Darksight, Adventurer
Mane Type: Rebel
Ears Type: Fae
Tail Type: Silken
Horns Type: Elk
[Mutations] Phoenix
[Abilities] Studious, Green Thumb, Shock, Determined, Agile, Swift, Flight

6) Kainu Intersex, Healthy (2ux/4aK/4iK/0Ck/3UZ/6oK)
Magic Skills: Fire Skill 9
Phenotype: Chestnut with Blanket, Frosted, Scale Stripes, Striped, Gazelle, Guppy, Patches, Smoke, Tapir, Vitiligo and Cinder
Genotype: cc/gG/bB/cCol/nSmk/cSky/nBln/nFr/cPgr/cSbl/nScs/cSta/nStr/cTik/nGaz/nGup/nPch/cPtn/nTpr/nVit/nCin/cQua/cTri/aGye/aDksDks/aFrb/aSwm/aDtr/acIrn/aLiv/aSwf/aStu/aCur/aAgl
Carries: Collar, Skyline, Pangare, Sable, Stained, Ticked, Python, Quagga, Tricolor, Iron Wall
Mane Type: Silken
Ears Type: Long Tufted
Tail Type: Silken
Horns Type: Ibex
[Abilities] Good Eye, Darksight, Fireborn, Swimmer, Determined, Living Library, Swift, Studious, Curious, Agile

The following abilities from I-2031: Meriadoc were applied: Den Mother
The following abilities from I-1528: Icarus Sinbad were applied: Double Trouble

The following items were used: Stone of Might, Rainbow Potion
The following items were selected but not used: Equal Opportunity Potion, Lucky Rabbit's Foot

2023-11-15 10:28:57 (Edited 2023-11-15 10:31:25)

Drakiri-Archives Avatar
Drakiri-Archives Staff Member

Rolled for PeachmintTea by Hellcatstrut
Breeding Claim:

I-1594: Sumo x I-2696: Serafina

Base Litter:
1) Mystic Male, Healthy (7LO/4Jq/0ou/9uz/5Pg/1WF)
Phenotype: Silver Erythrism Chestnut with Banding, Dipped, Dorsal, Mask, Sable, Stone, Zag, Flow and Fox
Genotype: cc/gG/bB/nDip/nMsk/cGaz/nEry/nSlv/nBan/nDor/cSok/nStn/nZag/nFlo/nFox/cTrc/cTri/nSbl/mBrc/mChm/mHly/LFlm/mFae/acFer/aStw/acGrn/aGye/aCur/acSwf/acFart/aDaz
Carries: Gazelle, Socks, Traced, Tricolor, Fertile, Green Thumb, Swift, Farts
Mane Type: Common
Ears Type: Common
Tail Type: Equine
Horns Type: Antlers
[Mutations] Brachycephallic, Chomp, Holy Hide, Flames, Faery Fire
[Abilities] Strong Willed, Good Eye, Curious, Dazzle

2) Mystic Male, Healthy (9hh/4Jq/2HX/1WF/9uz/3uM)
Phenotype: Fawn with Dipped, Flow, Fox and Python
Genotype: cC/gG/bB/nDip/cDor/cSok/cStn/cUn/cZag/nFlo/nFox/nPtn/LGlc/aCur/aDpf/acSwf/aGyeGye/aDaz
Carries: Dorsal, Socks, Stone, Underbelly, Zag, Swift
Mane Type: Common
Ears Type: Lapine
Tail Type: Equine
Horns Type: Common
[Mutations] Glitch
[Abilities] Curious, Deep Focus, Good Eye, Dazzle

The following abilities from I-1594: Sumo were applied: Anomalous
The following abilities from I-2696: Serafina were applied: Ghostly, Fertile

The following items were used: Mutation Serum
The following items were selected but not used:

2023-11-15 10:01:44 (Edited 2023-11-15 10:02:46)