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PeachmintTea Staff Member

Split breeding Hellcatstrut & Sketchies-ARPG | Breeding Item Used: Roller Breaker
Breeding Claim:

I-1528: Icarus x I-2150: Spessy

1.) Kainu Intersex, Healthy (0Ck/6oK/1dD/9bm/4QA/0BK)
Phenotype: Dilute Magenta Gold with Dipped, Frosted, Gradient, Flow, Mane Tips, Roan, Siamese, Embossed, Glimmer, Koi, Pigeon, Shimmer, Tricolor and Galactic
Genotype: cc/GG/bb/nDil/nEry/nJde/cSph/nDip/nFr/nGra/cPgr/cSbl/cSpt/nFlo/cGaz/cIri/nMt/nRon/nSia/nEmb/nGlim/nKoi/cLeo/cOce/nPge/cQua/nShim/nTri/cSnf/nGal/mInt/mSm/mcWhsk/mFbs/mNrs/mcRud/mcDrp/mWtr/LCos/aApx/aCur/aSwf/aSwm/aWld/aDks/aHan/aOcn/aRnd1/aDaz/aHsn/acHih/aLdr/aRnd2
Carries: Sapphire, Pangare, Sable, Spots, Gazelle, Iridescent Scales, Leopard, Ocelli, Quagga, Snowflake, Whiskerless, Rudolph, Droplets, High Roller
Mane Type: Rebel
Ears Type: Long Tufted
Tail Type: Silken
Horns Type: Elk
[Mutations] Intersex, Smooth, Fireburst, North Star, Waterfalls, Cosmic
[Abilities] Apex Predator, Curious, Swift, Swimmer, Wild Heart, Darksight, Handy, Oceanborn, Randomizer 1, Dazzle, Heightened Senses, Leadership, Randomizer 2

2.) Kainu Male, Healthy (0Ck/6oK/1dD/9bm/3KQ/4QA)
Phenotype: Gold with Dipped, Fade, Flecks, Frosted, Sable, Underbelly, Siamese, Stroke, Embossed, Koi, Leopard, Tricolor, Gilded, Galactic and Lacework
Genotype: cc/GG/bB/cTop/nDip/nFde/nFlek/nFr/cGra/nSbl/nUn/nSia/nSrk/cVm/nEmb/nKoi/nLeo/cPge/nTri/nGld/cTns/nGal/nLcw/mcInt/mcSm/mcWhsk/mcNrs/mDrp/mFsh/mcWtr/LFlm/aCur/aGrn/aSwm/aWld/aDks/aDex/aHan/acLuk/aOcn/aRnd1/aClf/aHpf/aRnd2/acUsnl
Carries: Topaz, Gradient, Vibrant Mane, Pigeon, Tinsel, Intersex, Smooth, Whiskerless, North Star, Waterfalls, Lucky, Unseasonal
Mane Type: Rebel
Ears Type: Long Tufted
Tail Type: Silken
Horns Type: Fae
[Mutations] Droplets, Fish Bowl, Flames
[Abilities] Curious, Green Thumb, Swimmer, Wild Heart, Darksight, Dexterous, Handy, Oceanborn, Randomizer 1, Colorful, Hyperfocus, Randomizer 2

3.) Kelpie Male, Healthy (0Ck/3AS/5AH/4QA/8gK/0BK)
Phenotype: Gold with Fade, Frosted, Mask, Sable, Underbelly, Iridescent Scales, Embossed, Koi, Piebald, Pigeon, Quagga and Tricolor
Genotype: cc/GG/bb/cSph/cDip/nFde/nFr/nMsk/nSbl/nUn/cGaz/nIri/cRon/cSia/cSrk/nEmb/nKoi/nPie/nPge/nQua/cShim/TriTri/cSnf/mSm/mWhsk/mNrs/mRnd/mRud/mDrp/mcFsh/aApx/aCur/aSwf/aSwm/aDks/aDex/aOcn/aRnd1/acClf/aPrd/aSrn/aUsnl/aHyf
Carries: Sapphire, Dipped, Gazelle, Roan, Siamese, Stroke, Shimmer, Snowflake, Fish Bowl, Colorful
Mane Type: Rebel
Ears Type: Sleek
Tail Type: Unicorn
Horns Type: Fae
[Mutations] Smooth, Whiskerless, North Star, Reindeer, Rudolph, Droplets
[Abilities] Apex Predator, Curious, Swift, Swimmer, Darksight, Dexterous, Oceanborn, Randomizer 1, Pride, Siren Song, Unseasonal, Hyper Fertile

4.) Kainu Male, Healthy (0Ck/1dD/8Uj/4QA/0BK/8gK)
Phenotype: Darken Lilac Gold with Fade, Flecks, Frosted, Gradient, Spots, Siamese, Stroke, Glimmer, Koi, Ocelli, Pigeon, Quilted, Shimmer, Tricolor and Tinsel
Genotype: cc/GG/bB/nDar/nEry/nSph/cTop/nFde/nFlek/nFr/nGra/cSbl/nSpt/cGaz/nSia/nSrk/nGlim/nKoi/nOce/nPge/cQua/nQui/nShim/nTri/cFsv/cSnf/nTns/mcSm/mFbs/mNrs/aApx/aCur/aDks/acGye/acLuk/aOcn/acClf/aDen/aHih/aRnd2
Carries: Topaz, Sable, Gazelle, Quagga, Festive, Snowflake, Smooth, Good Eye, Lucky, Colorful
Mane Type: Rebel
Ears Type: Long Tufted
Tail Type: Silken
Horns Type: Fae
[Mutations] Fireburst, North Star
[Abilities] Apex Predator, Curious, Darksight, Oceanborn, Den Mother, High Roller, Randomizer 2

5.) Kainu Female, Healthy (1dD/6oK/8Uj/0BK/8gK/3KQ)
Phenotype: Aquamarine Gold with Dipped, Fade, Flecks, Pangare, Roan, Vibrant Mane, Piebald, Pigeon, Gilded, Tinsel and Stained Glass
Genotype: cc/GG/bB/nSph/nTop/nDip/nFde/nFlek/cFr/cGra/nPgr/cSbl/cSpt/cUn/cFlo/cIri/nRon/nVm/nPie/nPge/GldGld/nTns/nStg/mcInt/mcSm/mNrs/mRnd/mRud/mcWtr/LPhn/acCur/aGrn/aSwf/aSwm/aDks/aDex/acHan/acLuk/aOcn/aDen/aFer/aFli/aLdr/acSrn/aLgb
Carries: Frosted, Gradient, Sable, Spots, Underbelly, Flow, Iridescent Scales, Intersex, Smooth, Waterfalls, Curious, Handy, Lucky, Siren Song
Mane Type: Rebel
Ears Type: Sleek
Tail Type: Unicorn
Horns Type: Elk
[Mutations] North Star, Reindeer, Rudolph, Phoenix
[Abilities] Green Thumb, Swift, Swimmer, Darksight, Dexterous, Oceanborn, Den Mother, Fertile, Flight, Leadership, Legendary Blood

Double Uterus:
6.) Kainu Male, Healthy (0Ck/1dD/3AS/8gK/4QA/0BK)
Phenotype: Sunglow Gold with Frosted, Gradient, Pangare, Underbelly, Gazelle, Iridescent Scales, Roan, Vibrant Mane, Leopard, Pigeon, Quagga, Shimmer, Tricolor, Snowflake and Galactic
Genotype: cc/gG/bb/nEry/cJde/nSph/TopTop/cDip/cFde/nFr/nGra/nPgr/cSbl/cSpt/nUn/nGaz/nIri/nRon/nVm/cKoi/nLeo/nPge/nQua/nShim/TriTri/cGld/nSnf/nGal/mSm/mWhsk/mNrs/mcDrp/mWtr/LPhnPhn/acApx/acCur/acGrn/aSwf/aSwm/aWld/acDks/aDex/acRnd1/acDen/aFli/acPrm/aSrn/aUsnl
Carries: Jade, Dipped, Fade, Sable, Spots, Koi, Gilded, Droplets, Apex Predator, Curious, Green Thumb, Darksight, Randomizer 1, Den Mother, Promiscuous
Mane Type: Rebel
Ears Type: Long Tufted
Tail Type: Silken
Horns Type: Elk
[Mutations] Smooth, Whiskerless, North Star, Waterfalls, Phoenix
[Abilities] Swift, Swimmer, Wild Heart, Dexterous, Flight, Siren Song, Unseasonal

7.) Kainu Female, Healthy (0Ck/8Uj/5AH/8gK/4QA/0BK)
Phenotype: Gold with Fade, Frosted, Gradient, Mask, Sable, Underbelly, Roan, Siamese, Aurora, Glimmer, Leopard, Quagga, Shimmer, Festive, Gilded and Galactic
Genotype: cc/GG/bB/cEry/cDip/nFde/nFr/nGra/nMsk/nSbl/nUn/nRon/nSia/cVm/nAu/cEmb/nGlim/nLeo/cPie/nQua/nShim/nFsv/GldGld/nGal/mWhsk/mFbs/mcRud/mcDrp/LTmp/aApx/aGrn/aSwf/aSwm/acWld/acDex/aLuk/aOcn/aRnd1/aLdr/acRnd2/acRrb/aShc/acUsnl
Carries: Erythristic, Dipped, Vibrant Mane, Embossed, Piebald, Rudolph, Droplets, Wild Heart, Dexterous, Randomizer 2, Rare Blood, Unseasonal
Mane Type: Rebel
Ears Type: Sleek
Tail Type: Unicorn
Horns Type: Fae
[Mutations] Whiskerless, Fireburst, Tempest
[Abilities] Apex Predator, Green Thumb, Swift, Swimmer, Lucky, Oceanborn, Randomizer 1, Leadership, Shock

8.) Kelpie Female, Healthy (0Ck/8Uj/3AS/9bm/0BK/4QA)
Phenotype: Gold with Dipped, Fade, Frosted, Pangare, Underbelly, Stroke, Vibrant Mane, Aurora, Koi, Leopard, Piebald, Pigeon and Tricolor
Genotype: cc/Gg/bb/nDip/nFde/nFr/cGra/nPgr/nUn/cRon/nSrk/nVm/nAu/nKoi/nLeo/nPie/nPge/cShim/nTri/cLcw/mcWhsk/mcNrs/mRnd/mcRud/mcDrp/mFsh/LBio/aApx/acCur/aGrn/aSwf/aSwm/aWld/aDks/acGye/acHan/aOcn/acLdr/aPrm/aSrn/acUsnl
Carries: Gradient, Roan, Shimmer, Lacework, Whiskerless, North Star, Rudolph, Droplets, Curious, Good Eye, Handy, Leadership, Unseasonal
Mane Type: Rebel
Ears Type: Long Tufted
Tail Type: Silken
Horns Type: Elk
[Mutations] Reindeer, Fish Bowl, Biolume
[Abilities] Apex Predator, Green Thumb, Swift, Swimmer, Wild Heart, Darksight, Oceanborn, Promiscuous, Siren Song

9.) Kainu Female, Healthy (0Ck/6oK/8Uj/0BK/8gK/4QA)
Phenotype: Topaz Gold with Dipped, Fade, Frosted, Gradient, Mask, Panda, Pangare, Sable, Spots, Underbelly, Gazelle, Iridescent Scales, Siamese, Ocelli, Piebald, Pigeon, Tricolor and Gilded
Genotype: cc/GG/bB/cJde/nTop/nDip/nFde/cFlek/nFr/nGra/nMsk/nPan/nPgr/nSbl/nSpt/nUn/nGaz/nIri/cRon/nSia/cAu/cLeo/nOce/nPie/nPge/nTri/nGld/mSm/mWhsk/mNrs/aApx/acGrn/aSwf/acSwm/acWld/aGye/aHan/aLuk/acOcn/acClf/aDen/acFer/aHsn/acHih/aRrb
Carries: Jade, Flecks, Roan, Aurora, Leopard, Green Thumb, Swimmer, Wild Heart, Oceanborn, Colorful, Fertile, High Roller
Mane Type: Rebel
Ears Type: Long Tufted
Tail Type: Silken
Horns Type: Fae
[Mutations] Smooth, Whiskerless, North Star
[Abilities] Apex Predator, Swift, Good Eye, Handy, Lucky, Den Mother, Heightened Senses, Rare Blood

2022-01-27 03:10:51 (Edited 2022-01-27 03:36:12)