Comments on Crossing Paths ( Kimahri and Neamhnaid ) in RP Threads

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He took a few bites of his fish in silence before answering her many questions. "My name is Kimahri. If thats to long, you can call me Kima." He happened to look over at her, his gaze meeting hers, "there are many things that trouble me, this place being one, " he gestured quickly with his free hand, towards the river in general. The man's gaze travelled to the direction where the river flowed from upstream. "I stay in my human form as much as I can. some days I can maintain it longer than others. there's.... nothing wrong with being in my drak form, but... this just feels more familiar." as he spoke about his forms, there was a sadness in his voice that eh hadn't realized had slipped in as he couldn't stop looking upstream.

2021-06-26 04:19:02