I-898: Skye

Owned by Moonwolf

General Information:

  • Pansexual
  • Intersex
  • Breedings - dam or sire is fine!
  • Gift art/writing - it's fine to include Skye in any art or writing.


Background Information:

Skye is a kind and friendly drakiri who defines herself by her love of being a mother and her dedication to creating her magical creature field guide. T’lee-nava and Amethystiel are her best friends and constant companions, They can almost always be found together as they adventure across Galabastria. It is not unusual for Skye or one of her friends to have a young drakling in tow or safely tucked into a sling, Although they may not be biologically related, they are very much all family.

Skye is a devoted mother who loves all her children equally, and shows unconditional love and support to them. She is caring, compassionate and nurturing, always ready to listen to her children’s problems and offer a shoulder to lean on. She is patient and understanding, and encourages each child on their own journey through life. She will gladly put her adventure on hold to help one of them out. Her selfless love is something that her children will always cherish and remember. This motherly instinct extends to just about any young drakiri who needs love and support, not just her own kids.

Skye is a small sprite and very skittish! When adventuring with her friends, she is often found clinging to Amethystiel’s back as they travel, especially when she’s scared. She will definitely run or hide instead of facing danger, but her friends are often able to help her overcome her fears. 

Skye’s field guide to magical creatures is her personal effort to sketch and categorize as many of galabastria’s magical beasts as she can. Her friends have chosen to embrace this goal as the focal point of their adventure, and are always looking for tips and leads to new creatures!

  • Gift art is allowed
  • Gift writing is allowed