I-680: Aitoriel

Owned by Rílaméth

Personality: Highly energetic, cheerful, and carefree, Aitoriel is a pest to others for his own amusement, and enjoys making off-beat commentary on farts and innuendo purely for others' reactions. He'll also say extremely stupid or Captain Obvious statements for the same purpose, not caring that it gives others the impression that he's far less intelligent than he actually is. He's up for anything if he thinks it'll be funny or entertaining, and has a darker, crueller side to him that most don't expect.

Aitoriel loves writing, reading, games, and art, and when not harassing someone for laughs, he's usually found at his desk, creating worlds and designing lives with pen or keyboard. Often enough, he sleeps there too. Capable of Author Tier 'magic,' he's nigh impossible to really kill, just wear out, and can do things few others can. He does not, however, always use this to get himself out of trouble, as he cares more for a good story - even if it's himself at stake - than he does for an easy ride.

  • Gift art is allowed
  • Gift writing is allowed