I-658: Izdrath

Owned by Artha-Demon

This Drakiri is not, in fact, a Drakiri at all. He is, in fact, a Voidborn (The Boys) who has built himself a physical body because he is fond of mortal beings and wants to protect Galabastarin. His previous physical body was Elven looking, though he decided to try something else after it was killed.  Izdrath is outgoing, friendly, and despite his dark looks and intense Void powers, he's actually got a very good heart. He can have a bit of a temper, but is generally quite good at keeping his true nature blanketed in his physical form. Due to his demands in keeping his true form within, he has a very high metabolism and must eat a lot.  He and his brother are self proclaimed Guardians, and do their best to keep the Balance within Galabastarin. They are legendary beings, and can be summoned with a proper spell. Izdrath is loyal to a fault, and while he argues with his brother all the time, the two are inseparable. 

Extras: He's a bit... promiscuous. His physical body can sire offspring, though only a tiny bit of his Void goes through. They are not part Voidborn, and are normal Drakiri. When injured, some of his true form leaks through. If killed, his true form erupts out of his physical body, and he has to make himself a new one. It annoys him very much, and you aren't likely to escape. The Void consumes, after all.