I-378: Ashra

Owned by Rílaméth

Personality: A lady of steel and iron, Ashra has no tolerance for idiocy, incompetence, or hesitation on the field. She's more lenient when lives are not at stake, but barely, and will expect you to work on cleaning up your act, else she strand you on the mainland. An ex-admiral from a long-destroyed navy, her tiny fleet of pirates is all that remains of a once proud and strong military, most of her crew being war veterans or the direct children of veterans. She runs a tight-knit, seafaring community that depends on piracy, smuggling, and trade to survive, and has recently taken to selecting promising young Drakiri to cautiously welcome into the fold, to bring in some new blood. Only willing Drakiri who show potential are taken in, very carefully screened for potential faults in character (lack of trustworthiness being an instant strike against you).

Show promise and follow her lessons, and she'll treat you as a valuable member of the large family she heads, fail to do so, and it's death or the mainland for you (depending on how badly you've performed and what you did to earn her ire). Impress her, and she may finally choose her heir.

Amongst the most promising candidates is Davie Jay, whom Ashra has allowed herself to have some hope for - given time, she intends to teach Davie how to lead, command, and to rein in her temper and violent tendencies in favour of calculating a situation. Davie's loyalty is a treasure, but Ashra wants her able to keep a cool head during difficult times, as that is what's required to make the hard decisions count.

"When the world burns and the seas turn black, be sure you and yours do not burn down with it."

Extras: If ever betrayed, Ashra's vengeance will know no bounds, and will be dealt out by a cold hand. She's in no rush, and betrayal of trust is the ultimate crime in her eyes, and thusly betrayers shall suffer.

She avoids attacking areas under Auranae's protection, as he is her closest sibling and she respects his choices and loyalty to his people. She extends this courtesy to virtually no-one else, however, not even their parents, though she also does not go out of her way to antagonize them. (Note: Unlike Auranae, Ashra does not originate from Etherium, they know each other in Drakiri only as Drakiri-specific personal lore.)

Her personal vessel that she commands is a modified destroyer, with her tiny fleet's sole cruiser usually commanded by her Vice Admiral (second-in-command) - this is arranged both because she personally works better with a destroyer and also because it misleads potential attackers as to where the top of the command chain actually is.

Ashra's actual rank from before her navy was destroyed in some long-forgotten war was Fleet Admiral (effectively the sea version of a five-star general), but she has long since done away with super specific formalities due to the very low number of the remnants.

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