I-339: Zyrda

Owned by Rílaméth

Personality: Calm, quiet, and caring, Zyrda dislikes conflict and only wants to offer aid and healing to the injured, infirm, and ill. A perpetual air of ancient sorrow and loneliness permeates him, what pride he has barely there at all. He has a difficult time sleeping when alone, and what sleep he does get is frequently plagued with nightmares. Though slowly beginning to recover from the ancient trauma with the aid of friends, Zyrda still lacks the heart to stand up for himself, and is easily bowed into submission.

To him, anything is better than the loneliness of death.


It was really the loneliness that had gotten to him in the end. Not the hate or hostility, efforts thrown in his face, or insults slung his way when all he wanted was to heal. No, it was the complete lack of interaction, the absolute silence, the sense of no one there... that was what got to him. Worry and fear became melancholy, became a listless sadness that seemed to encompass his consciousness. In the afterlife, he could not sleep, nor could he go dormant unless the god who claimed his soul decided to allow him to. Such was his punishment, an eternity of nothing, for not having the heart to let others suffer.

Even the aching of aging bones was better than this.

Extras: As a hellrime tiefling, Zyrda's body temperature is as cold as snow or ice. Because of this, he often keeps himself heavily clothed - both to insulate himself against heat, and to protect others from his chill if they touch him. His blood freezes most things on contact, but never freezes itself - it is instant frostburn to anyone unprotected. Frost often condenses on Zyrda and his clothes because of this supernatural chill.

Food almost always makes Zyrda sleepy, because his body has to redirect his energy towards warming him enough for digestion to take place. After a meal is about the only time Zyrda is unbothered by extensive warmth.

Containing a small fragment of another world's ice god within his soul, Zyrda is capable of extensive healing, 'buffing,' and cold magic, but has little in his repertoire for other kinds of spells.

In this lifetime, he's friends with Eloise and Medusa, and is brother to Malthus.

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