I-300: Malthus

Owned by Rílaméth

Personality: Calm, but positive-minded, Malthus takes after his mother in kindness, but takes after his father's cunning and cleverness. Proud and vain, he nonetheless tries to be modest, not wanting to annoy those around him. Malthus desires to fit in, which is often not very easy with his tiefling nature, having to war with instinct whenever someone insults or confronts him. Altruistic to a point, there's very few things he wouldn't do for someone who needed his help.

Malthus is also a teacher, sometimes also serving as a tutor to special-needs younglings when time permits, and tries his best to make his lessons fun and interesting as well as informative. He refuses to fill his lessons with pointless cruft, and works towards teaching students things they'll either need, or which will help them get further in life.

But when his back his pressed to the wall, and others are at stake, Malthus can become cold and downright ruthless in defence of those he cares about, be they family, friends, or his students. He absolutely will not tolerate threats to those he considers under his care.

Extras: Malthus Right SideMalthus' Palette.

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