Import (I)Drakiri--- ・ "Star Kid"

I-2949: Emerald Storm

Owned by Dany_Tiger_Heart

 Known as Emerald Storm this drakiri i s reagle like a Queen, her personality is stubborn with a chaos streak much like her rider Arther Konstantyne, a old friend of Xena's before she came to Galabastria. much like her rider she cares deeply for people and the ones she finds as friends. 

Arther Konstantyne: a powerful King and magician he is a close friend of Xena's and wont hesitate to protect and keep her safe, as her mentor he trained her as a witch, as her friend he trained her as his second in command. Chaotic and kind, arther is one of her most trusted friend from her days before the draks. 

"journal entry on Arther and Stormy" 

         arther is here is Galabastria!! can you belive it? i missed him so much... and now he's bonding with Stormy?? they will make a FANTASTIC pair, shes just what he needs to balance his ways. 


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