I-259: R'lythothc'thunm'ell, the Desolate One

Owned by Artha-Demon
  • Nicknames
    The Ruin, The Desolate One, Ruin

"The Desolate One's name should never be spoken. It is from a language beyond human understanding. The Desolate One is very malignant cosmic entity known to drive anyone who witnesses it completely mad. Anyone it targets, it will stalk for their entire life. It will drive their friends and family away, breaking its prey down until nothing but a husk remains. It then goes in for the kill, devouring their tortured soul to turn them into one of its many spawn. Even ancient sigils like the Elder Sign are ineffective against it, but it has a strong dislike for anything pine related and pine incense or pine trees will keep it, and its spawn, somewhat at bay. At least, for a time...."

At least.. that was the being that once inhabited the avatar that took the form of a Q'lin Drakiri. The Avatar, however, had limits. The Desolate One couldn't destroy things like it wanted. Even slipping through the cracks with an avatar didn't release it from its ancient chains, so it abandoned its avatar and gave up. It expected it to just melt away, maybe spread some corruption, and die.

But it didn't. You can't give something life, and expect it not to grow...

Ruin, as it is often called, is not evil. At least... not intentionally. It has power it can not control, though it is learning, and often accidentally corrupts what it touches. 

Its daughter, Ahna, is able to translate for it and has taught it a lot in the time since it was abandoned by its creator.

Ruin has since learned the meaning of love and family, and now seeks out the company of other Drakiri in an attempt to form some sort of connection. Thus far, Ahna is the only one that isn't afraid of it, even among its own offspring.

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