I-2541: Peppermint Bark

Owned by Unicorn-Panda
  • Can Be Used In Group Images
    Yes, you can do any arts of Peppermint! She loves to make new friends <3

Drakiri Link 
ToyHouse Link

She is about 10 ft tall in drak form and 6 ft tall human form
Peppermint is a pan female. She is a cheerful and happy Dracus, always happy to make friends. She loves to make candy and owns a large candy shop. She's always bursting into song, and loves to dance.  She is incredibly extroverted and easy to get along with. Never a dull moment with her, as she's full of jokes. She's incredibly easy to get along with, and a joy to work for.

SO is Apple Fritter

Companion is Cotton Candy

  • Gift art is allowed
  • Please ask before gift writing