I-237: Luxifer

Owned by Rílaméth

Personality: Vain, calm, confident, intelligent, manipulative, self-aware, realistic, somewhat arrogant, and occasionally annoying. Luxifer is also very loyal to those he cares about, has high self-esteem, and is very self-controlled, though he is far from passive.

Luxifer cares greatly about his appearance, but this does not make him shallow - he will prioritize things over his looks, such as the safety and well-being of his family or himself, and is not very vocal when something happens to sully his coat (though you can usually see his displeasure when it happens). He is very good at hiding his real feelings and motives, and it can be difficult to tell if he is being genuine or not - unless you are family, in which case he will move the world for you if necessary. Luxifer's grasp of morality is academic at the best of times, most things that bother other people leave him entirely unaffected, and so he relies on others' ideas of right and wrong to form a code of conduct of his own.

Extras: Has central heterochromia.

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